Master of Fist

Chapter 203: 1 gas long song no live mouth

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Seeing the familiar figure, Zhou Yan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"My lord!" Zhou Yan got up and hurriedly bowed her hands.

Jiang Heng nodded, without any scruples, and sat on the main seat on his own.

Today he intends to just tell Zhou Yan what to do next. The situation in Cangzhou is changing rapidly, and even next he will bring Fu Yuehong to secretly settle in the Black Tiger Hall.

It is because they are afraid that something similar to the Canglang Gang will happen.

It is not a good thing that one's own power is wiped out in an instant.

He even asked the Yang family brothers to secretly move the people under him to the west of the city.

And break up all the subordinates, and only call them together when they need to act. They are equivalent to ordinary people on weekdays.

Since the general in this chapter intends to take action against the gang, it will definitely not only happen once.

"A certain person came here today..."

Just as he opened his mouth, Jiang Heng paused for a while, and Zhou Yan, who was on the side, couldn't help but look up when he saw that his lord hadn't responded for a long time.

But he saw that his own adults were looking at the outside of the hall with great interest.

Following her gaze, Zhou Yan also moved her gaze away.

But at some point, a figure stood in the middle of the lobby door.

Seeing this person for the first time, Zhou Yan's pupils shrank suddenly.

This... is this... Practicing Qi Huagang? Grandmaster!

At this moment Zhou Yan felt like falling into an ice cave. Out of the corner of his eye, he quickly glanced at Jiang Heng next to him, and then at the mysterious man at the gate, thinking about it.

Soon he came to a conclusion, play by ear!

Although he is very afraid of his master's strength, he doesn't think his master can match the rumored grand master!

"Once the limelight is wrong, you must fight back quickly!"

I secretly made up my mind, and at this time the mysterious master had already come slowly.

This is a middle-aged man wearing some shabby clothes, with a messy beard on his face, giving people a very vicissitudes of life.

The long hair on the top of the head was **** casually with a thick cloth, and a sword was wrapped around his hands.

However, what was out of place with this attire was that the scabbard and hilt of this sword were brand new, even the bandage wrapped around the hilt.

The middle-aged swordsman looked around, and finally locked his eyes on Jiang Heng and Zhou Yan.

"You are Zhou Yan, the head of the Black Tiger Hall?" the middle-aged swordsman stared at Jiang Heng who was seated on the first seat and said indifferently. The demeanor is haughty, with a condescending attitude.

"Interesting, you are..."

"Surrender or be the ghost of my sword?"

Liu Shizong is too lazy to spend much time talking with such a waste, how can a mere third-rank martial artist become the leader of a gang?

If it wasn't for Mr. Jiang's urgent need for manpower, such a waste would be destroyed with a flick of his finger after his inner gas turned into a gang, and his sword energy turned into a sword gang.

Zhou Yan on the side was stunned, he stood aside blankly, looked at where Jiang Heng was sitting, and understood clearly.

"I don't want to say it a second time, dead or alive?"

Seeing the young man in front of him as if he didn't understand, Liu Shizong suppressed the killing intent in his heart and said word by word.

Jiang Heng was also taken aback when he heard that, who is this fool who popped out suddenly?

There was a burst of laughter in my heart, but also a little unsure.

Chapter sent by the Lord?

But from the previous behavior style, it doesn't seem like it. This general who holds military power is a tight guy who likes to kill.

When did you talk so easily? Why would the forces who want to take down the Black Tiger Hall and the entire west of the city need to send people here to make a fuss?

With the prestige of the army, Heihutang, who can't even match a finger of the Canglang Gang on the surface, shouldn't let a grandmaster come here, right?

For a while, Jiang Heng was a little uncertain about the identity of the weird master of swordsmanship in front of him.

But Jiang Heng's hesitation made the fiery and impatient Liu Shizong couldn't bear it anymore.

"If you don't speak, then go to hell! It's the same for mere powers in the rivers and lakes to change the situation!"

The next moment, he saw Liu Shizong's right **** bent, and suddenly flicked towards Jiang Heng.

This is the flicking sword that all disciples of the Jiange will use to exercise their fingertips on the blade when they are at the third rank.

The pulse-refining state relies on this trick to condense the sword qi, referring to the sword, so that the inner qi will continue to like to gather qi as a characteristic.

Master Hua Gang, this move can be used in actual combat, and it is faster to use this move in close quarters than to draw a sword out of its scabbard!

Although the power is average, it is enough to behead anyone below the master!

With a flick of the sword finger, an invisible and fierce sword gang shot away.

Liu Shizong was calm and relaxed, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

He could already see the scene of the head throwing blood and splashing on the spot.

A man learns to kill with a sword!

Kill people in the pulse refining state!

Grandmaster Hua Gang wants to kill even more!

When he was a state military officer in Liuzhou, he killed a lot. Whether it was suppressing bandits or suppressing rebellion, his subordinates never took prisoners, only dead people!

A breath of time is fleeting, and there is silence in the lobby.

"Brother, who are you?" Jiang Heng said slowly at this time, without any other expression on his face, only asking.


Looking at the young man who should have died in front of him, Liu Shizong was suspicious.

"Could it be that he just made a breakthrough and didn't have enough grasp of the stellar energy, so he missed it?"

Without answering Jiang Heng, Liu Shizong sneered coldly. In order to facilitate the more precise ejection of his sword fingers, he turned his body slightly and flicked his fingers again.

The invisible sword gang shot away again, and even a subtle and pleasant sword sound could be faintly heard in the air.

"You don't have to answer me But... you seem to be a little too contemptuous of me, don't you?"

Jiang Heng waved his hands, his eyes gradually became sharper, and he said in a deep voice.

Liu Shizong didn't bother to respond at all at this time, he frowned and thought hard.

"There's no reason, two consecutive deviations? That's all!"

After thinking about it, Liu Shizong shook his head helplessly and sighed, his expression was solemn, and the whole vicissitudes of life suddenly changed.

The whole person is like a sword drawn out of its scabbard with a sharp sword intent.

"You are just a third-rank martial artist, you are lucky! To be lucky enough to see the style of the master's sword is enough to smile at Jiuquan!"

Liu Shizong was full of pride and contempt, looking at Jiang Heng as if he were looking at a chicken or a dog.

But seeing that Jiang Heng didn't move for a long time, his face remained unchanged as before.

"Are you scared stupid? Also..."

Liu Shizong drew his sword slowly, thinking that the young man in front of him had already been sentenced to death.

The momentum gradually rose, and the fierce sword gang condensed in the black sword body, as if it was real.

Zhou Yan on the side looked terrified. The good guy could feel his skin being cut by a sword from a long distance.

Obviously it hasn't been completely cut out yet.

"Singing sword gang with one breath! Slash!"

The blade was out of the sheath, and as soon as it was out of the sheath, the blade had already been cut out.

The sword was drawn slowly, but in the end it was like a swipe of silver and white horses thrown out in an instant.

The silver and white horse is only ten feet long, but it is extremely narrow and long, and the sword is not scattered at all, and it can make the skin feel a creepy cutting sensation from a long distance.

In less than a blink of an eye, Liu Shizong had put his sword into its sheath, turned his body slightly, and didn't even look at the scene in front of him.


With the crisp sound of the blade being sheathed, Liu Shizong turned his head and patted his sleeves, then walked out with steady steps.

"Singing in one breath, there is no one to live!"

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