Master of Fist

Chapter 188: Blood Dragon

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After dispatching another group of prostitutes, Fu Qingshui rubbed his brows with some headaches.

These waves come and go, as if they are staggered from each other, it is simply annoying.

The point is that it is useless to thank guests behind closed doors. This group of **** are much more difficult to deal with than those green-skinned gangsters. You don't open the door, okay! Then we'll copy the guy and hit the door.

"Lawless! Absolutely lawless!"

Fu Qingshui cursed unceasingly, and told the steward at the side to wait here and deal with it carefully.

There is so much commotion here, I still have to make amends with Brother Jiang!

After thinking about it, Fu Qingshui headed towards the backyard.

I came to the backyard and looked around, but I didn't see Jiang Heng's figure. I glanced at the patrolling guard not far away and waved.

Liang Dan was in a good mood at the moment. When he greeted the passing colleagues just now, all of them were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out.

They all thought that Liang Dan was hiding something, and Liang Dan didn't go into details, so it's hard to tell.

After all, this world has never heard of someone who can help others to break through the realm so quickly.

Seeing Mr. Fu waving in the distance, Liang Dan rushed to meet him.


"Well, you saw in this courtyard..."

In the middle of speaking, Fu Qingshui paused, and looked carefully at Liang Dan, as if he was trying to identify this face carefully.

"Are you Liang Dan?" Fu Qingshui was a little uncertain.

"Yes, third master!"

Liang Dan nodded quickly.

"I remember that you were only at the second-rank level when I saw you yesterday, what's going on now?"

That night when Fu's family was in chaos, Fu Qingshui remembered clearly that the young man in front of him also followed him.

But it was obvious that he was only in the second rank at that time, and in just a few days, he not only broke through to the third rank, but also reached the peak of the third rank!

Fu Qingshui, who was at the fourth-rank pulse refining level, naturally had a clearer perception of qi and blood than Liang Dan's colleagues at the lower third-rank level.

"Back to the third master, this..." After thinking about it, since the third master Fu asked, Liang Dan still told everything that happened just now.

"What you said is true?!"

Fu Qingshui's eyes were wide open, he had doubted the authenticity of the other party's words, but the qi and blood fluctuations were indeed not deceiving.

The key is that one only needs to ask Jiang Heng, the person involved, to find out about this kind of thing.

"Haha! I didn't expect it! I didn't expect this guy to hide something. Where is he now, do you know?"

Fu Qingshui, who had already raised his head and laughed, couldn't help but wanted to find Jiang Heng as soon as possible to verify it.

Liang Dan was about to answer, at this moment, the whole small courtyard shook.


There was a groan, and under the violent tremor, the two of them swayed and almost fell to the ground.

"What's going on?!" Fu Qingshui was inexplicably shocked, looking around, everything seemed to be calm again. It seemed to be normal except for some sporadic debris falling.

But as soon as he stood firmly, there was another shock, and a hole suddenly cracked in the ground at this time, spreading out of the courtyard not far away.

Fu Qingshui saw that it was the small courtyard built on top of his own treasure house.

At this time, the small courtyard shook for a while, the most violent, and a heavy muffled sound came from the ground from time to time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were muffled noises as if there was a continuous earth dragon rolling in the ground.

Fu Qingshui and Liang Dan supported each other, and there was a look of shock in their eyes.

Intuition told Fu Qingshui that this might have something to do with Jiang Heng...

I don't know why, but I have such an intuition even though I haven't seen Jiang Heng's figure.

But following a wave of air, it spread out in waves from the small courtyard. A strong wave of air hit the two of them.

He tried his best not to be blown down, but the impact of the air wave was extremely strong. The key was that the shaking of the ground made him unable to stand firmly on his feet.

The two were thrown several meters away, and they managed to stand still by relying on the wooden pillars in the corridor next to them.

But before the two of them could catch their breath, they felt a majestic and terrifying air pressure momentarily pressing down.

The air pressure was so strong that Fu Qingshui and Liang Dan felt as if their hearts were pinched by a big hand, their heartbeats suddenly increased, and they were a little out of breath.

"What the **** is going on? It's Qi and blood! The power of massive Qi and blood that has never been seen before!"

At this time, Fu Qingshui was really suffocated by this blood pressure, and under this blood pressure, he only felt that the blood in his body was not his own.

The qi and blood that had been functioning normally seemed like a sticky paste at this moment.

However, a red flame with a length of three to four meters suddenly spewed out from the small courtyard in the distance!


Immediately afterwards, a more violent vibration sounded, and a burly figure with a height of four or five meters, which was almost a monster, was wrapped in layers of muscle blocks and suddenly jumped up, with an extremely fast speed, as if appearing in midair.

Fu Qingshui's eyes widened, and it was so fast that he didn't have time to see clearly who that person was in the distance.

His intuition told him that it must be Jiang Heng, even if this figure was more burly and crazy than Jiang Heng.

The figure in midair only stayed in midair for a moment before disappearing in midair again in a flash.

It feels like being stuck in mid-air for a while.

Everything was back to normal, the terrifying pressure was and the fiery flames also calmed down and subsided.

"what happened?"

Fu Changsheng, who was originally drinking tea in his small courtyard to calm down his inner qi, also felt a sudden burst of qi and blood from the backyard rushing towards him.

Seeing that Fu Qingshui didn't respond for a long time, Fu Changsheng took the lead to go to the small courtyard. Fu Qingshui also woke up suddenly at this moment, and hurriedly followed.

Entering the small courtyard, it was already a mess at this time, all kinds of flowers and plants and the floor had been thrown upside down, and the soil was mixed with them.

The wing room inside was also in a crumbling state, rubble fell all over the floor, and the carved doors and windows were even impacted into the courtyard.

At a glance, it is a scene of remnants of rocks and broken walls.

Is there another strong enemy?

Fu Changsheng's complexion changed suddenly, and he hastened to speed up his pace, but he paused slightly when he came near the threshold.

"do not come!"

A slightly hurried voice came from inside.

There was a person standing in the middle of the room at this time, it was Jiang Heng!

However, Jiang Heng at this time seemed to have changed greatly from before.

The clothes on the upper body have disappeared, revealing a lean body.

It is not as full and terrifying as before, but it shows a more solid feeling.

His body size seems to have shrunk a bit. He was two meters tall in a normal state, but now he is only 1.85 meters tall.

His black hair was disheveled, and his expression at this time could not be seen clearly. His chest rose and fell slightly, and he spewed out powerful waves of scorching air from time to time.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, what are you..." Fu Changsheng's eyes were venomous, but at this moment he was still a little uncertain, because Jiang Heng's aura was stronger and weaker at times.

When it is strong, it is more than ten times stronger than before, but when it is weak, it is insignificant.

"Don't come here, I still can't control the blood in my body!"

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