Master of Fist

Chapter 181: save your life

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"When Cangzhou gets out of the predicament this time, I will introduce you into the Yiqi League so that the masters can take a good look at it!"

Fu Changsheng, who had recovered a little after a long time, was still a little excited.

Jiang Heng nodded, really wanting to say, can he get away?

But the words came to a halt.

I don't know if I can escape in the future, but it is indeed extremely difficult right now.

Before there is no strength comparable to that of a demon, these are all empty talk.

With the current means, there is still a long way to go to deal with the seriously injured monster before.

Pure hard power is far from enough, with the speed of seeing the opponent that day, it is more than twice as fast as today's super Yin Sha.

In addition, its pure power is several times stronger than Jiang Heng.

Of course, if this was put in the beginning, the gap would be more than several times.

Jiang Heng reckoned his trump cards. First of all, if the demon bow hits, the wounded monsters that day will be seriously injured, or even killed on the spot.

However, after thinking about his archery level, he felt helpless again. He probably couldn't hit the target even if the opponent stood still. What's more, the monsters are moving at high speed.

Their trajectories can't be seen clearly with the eyes, so there is no such thing as a hit.

It can be said that the demon bow is useless when fighting head-on one-on-one.

As for Covering the Sea... Although there is no fatal flaw that the demon bow cannot hit. But there are three points that cannot be bypassed.

First, sea cover is a palm technique, which itself is a means of close combat. This requires stepping forward to fight hand-to-hand with the monster, and the risk is really huge.

Jiang Heng felt his scalp go numb when he thought of the black gas all over the monster's body and the terrifying power that every punch was equivalent to half a sea cover.

Although the power of Fuhai's move is not comparable to the arrows shot by the demon bow. But the power of this move itself is extremely terrifying.

If you compare it, it is like Jiang Heng's fifty-six out of ten sea cover. It can be said that it is equivalent to more than double the strength of the monster's punch that day.

But Jiang Heng's lethality is one aspect. The problem is that his own physical strength is far away due to the appearance of Fu Hai.

This kind of physique is not bad for resisting the yin level, after all, the lethality of the yin is far inferior to that of ordinary masters.

Jiang Heng felt that his physique was not enough to face the master. Fu Changsheng's knife almost cut off his bones that day.

Although it is a little stronger now than before, but it has only been a few days, and relying on the black ball to hang, it is far from enough to resist the grandmaster.

Not to mention resisting the monster's punch, it can be said that the current Jiang Heng is more like a crispy assassin with high explosiveness.

Therefore, if you want to get closer and perform sea cover, the risk is self-evident. Not to mention some hidden means that demons may still exist.

For the analysis of demons, Jiang Heng can only rely on what he saw that day.

And the third, which is the most deadly, is that the move of Overturning the Sea can't be done instantly. The reason why he was able to slash out of the sea with one palm before.

The reason is to use the right fist to attract the opponent's attention first, while the left palm has been continuously accumulating power after the last throw.

Attract attention with a feint with the right fist, and kill with a single strike with the left palm!

Therefore, due to the above reasons, Jiang Heng did not have much hope for Fu Hai.

Not to mention that he might face the monsters in his heyday in the future, so Jiang Heng only feels heavy in his heart, which is almost a certain death situation.

"Hope I've been given enough time!"

Fortunately, there is now a clear way to improve, the continuous improvement of breathing method, and the further proficiency of Fu Hai to increase its release speed and power, as for the accuracy of archery...

Jiang Heng is definitely not a big problem, after all, he hit two of the three shots today, which shows that he still has talent.

Nodding his head, Jiang Heng felt a glimmer of hope.

After chatting with Fu Changsheng again, it was not until the middle of the night that Jiang Heng pulled away from Mr. Fu's still excited words.

He didn't go home either, but continued to go back to the small courtyard of the Fu family's treasure house. The spirit is a little tired.

I didn't have a dream all night, and I slept until noon on the second day before getting up. Just as there was a movement in the inner room, there was a knock on the door outside. Immediately afterwards, I saw a maid pushing the door and entering, followed by dozens of maids filing in. These maids were headed by carrying toiletries, some were holding a set of clothes, and those behind them were all holding clothes. Food boxes one by one.


Seeing this, Jiang Heng smiled wryly and did not refuse to let these maidservants be busy. He washed up under the service of the maidservants, and then put on the new clothes that Jiang Heng sent last night. The broken fabric was hanging, and it could be said that the top was not covering the body.

Then there was a hearty meal, which seemed to be specially prepared. Most of these meals were beef, and there were also some drinks, pastries and fruits. The taste was very good, much better than the cooks in Jiang's mansion.

After being full of wine and food, the maids packed up and all left, and at this time, Mr. Fu also seemed to come How did you sleep comfortably last night? "

Mr. Fu had a happy smile on his face, and he was in a good mood.

"For the old man's blessing, this junior is very comfortable." Jiang Heng responded with a smile, and then waited quietly for the old man to speak, knowing that the old man must have something to say.

Fu Changsheng randomly found a chair and sat down, looked at Jiang Heng, and immediately nodded in satisfaction.

"What happened last night, the old man has already let the people below silence you. The guests who were there when they saw you and the dead soldiers of my Fu family, except for those loyal ones, the rest of the old man has already been dealt with."

Mr. Fu wrote lightly that Jiang Heng was a little speechless when he heard the words. Mr. Fu is worthy of being an old Jianghu, and this method is really decisive. The meaning of the treatment is self-evident, so naturally it is silenced.

After all, the Fu's family has a great career, and there are probably many secret agents from other forces in the mansion, such as the government office, such as the Zhen Fusi.

And speaking of this, Mr. Fu changed the subject and looked at Jiang Heng with a serious expression.

"It doesn't matter if you have anything to say recently, what my Fu family can do, I will do my best to do it for you, and you just need to improve your strength as quickly as possible!"

"Besides, there is one thing I have to remind you. It is not common to speculate that demons are different from yin and evil. They are extremely sensitive to the energy and blood of our warriors. I don't know how far they can perceive, but at least this mere city of Cangzhou is enough cover!"

Jiang Heng was startled in his heart, this ability to perceive qi and blood was so keen, but thinking back on the battle of Hengjiang City, the monsters could directly find Hengjiang City when they were severely injured, could it be because of this unparalleled super strength? perception?

"But don't worry too much. I have only seen your martial arts talent in my life. Even if I use the entire Canglang Gang, I will try to save your life!"

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