Master of Fist

Chapter 170: broken city

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"What exactly is going on?"

With the help of the maidservant, Jiang Fuzun hurried out of the room, staring towards the north of the city with wide-eyed eyes. And there are countless voices from the government office, which are the clamor of many people in an instant.

"This...this...crazy...crazy!" Jiang Fuzun hurriedly put on his clothes under the service of the maidservant, and rushed out, cursing incessantly: "Lu Zhi that Old man! This is crazy! If you want to make a move, you can't be quiet! Disaster! Disaster!"

And on the fifth floor of the Zhenfu Division, he didn't even go home last night. Lu Zhi, who hadn't slept all night in the Zhenfu Division, opened the doors and windows and looked towards the north of the city in astonishment.

At this time, there was a piece of gravel flying over the city wall, dust filled the air, Ka Ka! The sound like a mountain cracking continued to sound, and that explosion seemed to have caused a chain reaction. Cracks began to spread on the wall, many places began to disintegrate, and the soldiers on the top of the city began to exclaim.


In the end, a chain reaction broke out in an all-round way, and the city wall began to collapse, and a section of the wall about 50 meters away slowly collapsed.

Boom! ~

The wall collapsed suddenly, and more violent dust and air waves were raised. The smoke and dust rose to the sky all at once, and now half of the prefecture can look up and see the changes over there. Everyone looked up inexplicably, a little at a loss.

The salesman put down the goods on his shoulders and stopped to stare blankly at the dust rising in the north of the city. He only heard faint roars one after another, and then saw the smoke and dust rising to the sky.

The customers of the tea stall and the owner of the tea stall opened their mouths wide and looked at the changes in the distance. At this moment, the windows of the Chunyuan Building were already full of delicate and beautiful brothel women, all of them curious like the sky in the north of the city. looking around.

"What a good general, is this going to be forced?"

Lu Ting only felt that his hands and feet were cold for a while. After the banquet last night, he asked Zheng Shisan carefully about his experiences last night. The more he listened, the more frightened he became. The general of this chapter is simply crossing the river!

What is the concept of a high-level guard? Looking at the situation last night, this high-level woman almost followed the lead of the general. Now he is completely uncertain about the origin of the general of this chapter.

As for the fact that Zhang Jiangzhu was only at the sixth rank of the Pulse Refining Realm a few years ago, he doesn't believe a word now.

"A fart for the sixth grade! Can the sixth grade subdue a master who is equivalent to the level of a martial arts master as a follower?"

Lu Jin kept cursing, paced back and forth in the room, didn't delay for long, went out and went downstairs, and called all the guards of the township department along the way, and there were not many people who could be mobilized in a short time, only twenty or thirty The number of people is mostly Xuanyiwei and Blackyiwei.

We must join Fatty Jiang as soon as possible!

Lu Xun didn't know if the other party had already begun to directly break through the city and bring an army. Now he can only gather as many people as possible to fight for a certain right to speak in the turmoil that may come back.

If the other party led a large army to break into the city, it would be hard to say whether they could keep their one-third of an acre of land. Not to mention occupying a dominant position in Cangzhou and competing with this general.

General Zhang and the others stood in the ruins at this moment, looking at the dilapidated city where the dust was gradually fading.

"General... this was done by someone, with one blow!"

The tall and strong man on the side looked at this scene and muttered.

"Well, but how do you think this is done?"

General Zhang looked a little ugly, his eyes kept scanning the broken wall, wanting to see some clues.

Both the red silk and the tall and strong man are silent at the moment. If they really want to say it, they don't know how to say it, because let alone breaking the city in an instant, it doesn't take long for the two of them to give them a stick of incense together. enough!

Not to mention that the mysterious man smashed through the wall with a blow from afar!

"General, a master of martial arts condenses the energy of the whole body and the sharp blade, and cuts out with a single knife. If it is a great master who has accumulated for a long time, his condensed and solid sword can cut through the city wall. If you want to create such an effect, just let one side like this The walls of the state capital have collapsed, and there are... only demons..."

The tall and strong man cupped his hands, showing embarrassment for the first time on his face, and said bitterly: "Even if it is a monster, ordinary monsters in the heyday can't do it so neatly! Monsters are strong in many aspects, such as strength, speed, and different extraordinary abilities. Its own corrosive power.

This kind of pure power, the subordinates... don't know..."

Master Zhang took a breath when he heard the words, waved his big hand, and a surging air wave swept away, blowing away all the dust here, revealing the clear wreckage of the wall.

Looking around, after a while, the Lord closed his beautiful phoenix eyes, and murmured: "If it's right, it should be an arrow!"


Both Hongsi and the tall and strong man were a little surprised, but also a little confused.

"That's right, it should be as expected, Tiebi, hurry up and look outside the city, use those soldiers to find me the arrow and come back, I want to see what kind of arrow it is!"

Commander Zhang commanded with a gloomy The tall and strong man nodded and accepted the order, and went directly from the ruins to the military camp several miles outside the city without delay.

Looking at the iron wall leaving, Hongsi looked at the handsome man in front of him and said worriedly: "General, this reminds me of something..."


Zhang Jiang said directly with a cold face.

Hongsi nodded, and lightly parted her vermilion lips and said in a soft voice: "Just a breath or two before the accident happened, I felt that there was a strong and extremely strong qi and blood fluctuation in the city!"

"Huh? Did you really feel it?" Wen Yanzhang stared at the charming woman in front of him, as if he would tear her to pieces as soon as she spoke!

"Yes... yes!" Hongsi timidly said, General Zhang, who was a little afraid at this time.

"General, you know that the concubine is extremely sensitive to the perception of qi and blood, and the perception of qi and blood in the Qi-level realm is no different from that of a monster, but it is not as precise as a monster. But it is true that there is an astonishing sense of qi and blood at that moment." The burst of strength, although it is only for a moment, but there will be no mistakes!"

Fearing that the majestic and handsome man in front of him would not believe it, Hong Si hurriedly added.

"Is it possible that the perception is there?" General Zhang asked without any doubt, nodding his head.

"I don't know!" Hongsi shook her head helplessly, "The distance is too far, I can't feel where it is, I can only roughly tell that the power of blood is in the south..."

"South..." Zhang Jiangzhu narrowed his long and narrow Danfeng eyes when he heard the words, revealing a look of thought.

"General, won't this affect our plan?"

"Don't worry, I saw everything that should be seen yesterday. A group of native chickens and dogs. I am a little interested in this mysterious master who suddenly appeared in the city. Let's find out this person first!"

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