Master of Fist

Chapter 161: army

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Clang, clang!

The ear-piercing sound of the gong resounded through every street as an officer galloped down the street. Some neighbors who had just started watching this scene were surprised, and they all whispered about something.

Jiang Heng felt the turbulent Qi and blood in his body, silently began to feel more subtle and manipulate the Qi and blood according to the breathing method.

Qi and blood are swimming all the time, as if uncatchable insects are surging wantonly. If it's just a small-scale control and use that night, it's actually not difficult to do.

But it is very troublesome if you want to seize the large stocks or even use every single strand without reservation to use them to exert their maximum and extreme power.

Jiang Heng could only wait for the opportunity to search patiently.

Time passed by bit by bit, and when the first ray of sunlight fell on Jiang Heng's forehead in the morning, the almost fleeting feeling came quickly!

"It's now!"

With a thought in Jiang Heng's mind, he made a quick move, and quickly released the energy and blood that had been drawn to the extreme in accordance with the way of overcoming the sea that he had practiced no less than a hundred times in the past two days.

With five fingers spread out and the palm facing outward, the arm muscles suddenly swelled several times in a short period of time, as if a large piece of gas was suddenly bloated, and every vein was raised as if it was about to burst.

The strange thing is that the flattened part began to move slowly towards the palm, the speed was not fast, and it seemed extremely difficult!

Kaka! ~

The bones of the right arm began to crack.

The blue veins on Jiang Heng's forehead appeared and disappeared from time to time, his complexion was not as red as before, but rather pale.

"It's still... just a little... call me!!"

Jiang Heng almost clenched his teeth, uttering every single word with great difficulty.

Sweat began to slip off continuously, and other parts of his body did not change as before.

There was no muscle swelling, no steaming, and no blood congestion.

Some of them just stand in place and push out a palm, but their whole body feels like a convulsion, trembling uncontrollably.

It's like being under a lot of pressure.

Only the balloon-like muscle of the right arm was still slowly moving towards the palm.

But after a few breaths, everything seemed to be stuck.

The swollen muscles did not move, and the palm that was pushed out did not push out at all.

Everything seemed to be still, but Jiang Heng trembled even more.

There was a more intensive sound of bone bursting from the right hand.

"It's over!"

With an unwilling hum, Jiang Heng's body trembled violently.

However, the swollen chicken piece that had originally moved near the forearm shrank rapidly at this moment, retreated, and finally vented thousands of miles like a torrent that burst a bank.


Two streams of blood sprayed out from Jiang Heng's mouth and nose fiercely, and his burly figure staggered back a few steps, and finally his figure became unstable and he slumped on the ground.

"Hoo hoo!"

Panting heavily, ignoring the profuse sweat, he touched his face and found that his seven orifices were bleeding.

There was only a buzzing in the ears, which lasted for a long time.

Shaking his dazed head, which was hit by the backlash of qi and blood, Jiang Heng couldn't help but gasped.

"This is a big loss!"

Jiang Heng was a little depressed. Originally, he wanted to formally try to use it, but the move was overwhelming.

As a result, the attempt failed, but the internal trauma caused by the backlash of his own qi and blood was serious.

Not daring to be negligent, he quickly started using the breathing method and began to regulate the chaotic qi and blood in his body, combing it over and over again.

This time, I really underestimated the difficulty of Fuhai's martial art.

In fact, the simple move and movement method of Fu Hai is not difficult to learn, what is really difficult to master is how to use the breathing method to fully exert the power of this move!

If the move is just based on the way of exerting force, then for Jiang Heng, this move is no different from ordinary second- and third-rank martial arts.

But what Jiang Heng wants is to fully display the full power of this move.

This requires the precise cooperation of the breathing method, and there should be no big mistakes in timing and method.

But the breathing method is not easy and quick at all. It takes constant experience and application to make it perfect.

In this way, the qi and blood drawn will be more majestic and the speed of drawing will be greatly improved.

And just now, the qi and blood captured by the traction were already enough.

However, it was lost in the speed of capture, which made it impossible to use this palm at all.

However, Jiang Heng believes that as long as the traction is faster and the manipulation of Qi and blood is more subtle, then these problems will be solved.

There is another reason for the failure just now, and that is that the qi and blood of the operation is not subtle enough, which makes such a majestic qi and blood somewhat unstable.

This exacerbated the cracking of the hand bones, and I even destroyed several acupoints.

It's okay, thanks to Jiang Heng's physique is still strong, otherwise it would not be impossible for the arm to explode.

"It really didn't happen overnight."

Jiang Heng smiled wryly and shook his head, the difficulty in Fu Hai's martial arts lies in the connection of qi and blood, and the coordination of breathing techniques.

Wiping the blood on his face, Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief.

But just as he was about to call Laifu, Laifu came in a hurry with Su Yu.


Seeing the bloodstains on Jiang Heng's, Su Yu was a little surprised and said.

"No problem!" Jiang Heng waved his hands indifferently.

"But what are you doing here so early in the morning? But it just so happens that I just got a batch of elixir that is very good for lowering third-rank warriors. You can take some back later."

Jiang Heng smiled lightly and said, the Fu family sent a large number of high-quality pills early this morning.

However, for Jiang Heng, these pills are not as good as taking the medicinal materials directly, because it is found that the effect of the black ball converting the two is obviously greater than that of the former.

"Master, my disciple has something important to report!" Su Yu said hastily, with a clear face of anxiety.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng waved his hands and the two entered the side hall hand in hand.

"Is the army entering the city?"

But before Su Yu could speak, Jiang Heng spoke first.

"Master, you..." Su Yu was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

"I'm not deaf, and this matter has been expected, but this chapter's general is really in a hurry! It seems that I was scared by someone on the battlefield, and I want to come here to have some fun."

Jiang Heng mossed the armrest, his expression indifferent, his eyes deep in thought.

"Then what's the reaction from the Zhenfusi and the government office?"

Su Yu thought for a while and frowned, "This general Zhang came here in a hurry, as if he was on his way before dawn. We didn't hear the news until the army was in the city a few miles away.

Commander and Fu Zun were in a hurry and didn't have time to arrange anything, they just took their confidants out of the city to greet them. Now that I think about it, I have already hosted a banquet in the city. "

"Oh!" Jiang Heng was a little surprised, it seems that the general of this chapter still has some ideas. This is different from his successive defeats on the battlefield, and he still has some scheming.

I just don't know who is stronger and who is weaker among the next few old foxes.

"How many personal soldiers did the Lord bring into the city in that chapter?"

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