Master of Fist

Chapter 159: general

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The sky tonight was extremely quiet, but from time to time in Jiang Heng's house, the sound of drums beating, like dull bells and drums.

Jiang Heng lay flat on the bed, only feeling that his breathing was extraordinarily powerful and free. According to the way of breathing, he tried again and again, and every time he tried, it seemed that every pore in his body was being stretched.

It seems that every drop of blood and every cell in the body is being stretched. At this moment, I feel extremely refreshed and refreshed, as if all the fatigue has disappeared.

In this state, I only feel that the control of qi and blood is much more subtle. I didn't try to temper the bones, but quietly felt this state. This is like a brand new experience.

What Jiang Heng didn't know was that this state was placed in the previous life, that is, the fetal breath of Taoism, the meditation of ancient India.

Especially in this state, the internal organs also feel different, as if they have become much more energetic than before, and can already finely control the influx of qi and blood to strengthen the internal organs.

He didn't sleep all night, and kept closing his eyes to experience this state, but the next day, Jiang Heng only felt more refreshed than usual when he slept, and his whole body seemed to be lighter.

At the same time, two hundred miles away from Cangzhou City, a mighty army that could not be seen at a glance was slowly advancing.

The banner played by the flag bearer is the word "Zhang".

This army is impressively the team of General Zhang. The army doesn't look very neat, and everyone is listless, and the flags carrying the flags are crooked. Those with long guns were even worse, and those cavalry masters on tall horses were a little better, but they still chatted with their colleagues next to each other.

Because the team was very loose and disorganized, the whole team was stretched too long, and some responsible small schools kept urging, shouting and cursing, but the soldiers below didn't have much reaction to this.

The main reason is that the general above is also acting like this. In the middle of the middle of the army, there is a carriage that is out of place with the surroundings. The decoration of the carriage is quite luxurious. There are four horses in front, and two rows of cavalry guards on both sides.

Inside, the space is quite substantial, with a soft table, a small square table and chairs, and a map of several major northern state capitals hanging behind it.

This is General Zhang's temporary camp, but there are laughter from time to time, which arouses the imagination of the cavalry guards on both sides.

Zhang Jiangzhu is a sturdy man who looks to be in the middle of his age, with a straight face, sharp edges and long beard. Just looking at this face is enough to make a group of scholars ashamed, the key is that he is also full of masculinity, definitely the type to kill men, women and children.

And he is quite tall and tall, with a height of 1.9 meters, and the arms exposed by the long sleeves also have strong tendons.

"General, how are you!"

The beautiful woman nestled in Zhang Jiangzhu's arms smiled coquettishly and pushed Zhang Jiangzhu's big hand that had already touched her breast.

"Hey, if this general is not bad, how can he make you happy every night?"

Zhang Jiangzhu's voice was magnetic and strong, and he had a smirk on his face, but this smile on his face would not disgust the beautiful woman, on the contrary, it made the beautiful woman feel very itchy.

"My lord~!"

But just when the two were about to have fun in the boudoir in broad daylight, the voices of soldiers came from outside.

"My lord! It's less than a hundred miles away from Cangzhou City. Would you like to send Qingqi to inform me?"

Wen Yanzhang took the initiative to take the initiative, touched his beard unconsciously, and said in a deep voice: "No need, tell the whole army to speed up entering the city, Ben will be staying in Cangzhou City within two days!"


The personal soldiers responded and quickly spread the Lord's order to the whole army.

When the deputy generals received the order from the general, they changed their laziness and laziness before, and conveyed it vigorously and resolutely.

But after receiving the orders from their respective superiors, the originally slow-moving army suddenly sped up a lot, and each of them raised their spirits, as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

At this time, Zhang Jiangzhu, who continued to caress the beautiful woman, did not continue to make further movements, but closed his eyes slightly and meditated.

After a while, he opened his Danfeng eyes and muttered to himself.

"Hehe, Cangzhou...a great place."

The third uncle who heard the news early in the morning almost narrowed his eyes with joy.

The entire Jiang family was also filled with joy, and the maids and servants were all busy.

Originally, I planned to find a matchmaker to book a date first.

However, Jiang Heng and Fu Changsheng had a discussion that day, considering the possible turmoil in Cangzhou City in the future. Decided to keep everything simple, and planned to get things done in a few days.

However, this decision caused a storm in the family. Mother Dou's and father were particularly enthusiastic about this matter. As the saying goes, an elder brother is like a father, and the elder brother passed away and the second elder brother also took responsibility.

After a lot of talking, I finally persuaded the two elders. Even the Dou family still has some resentment, and Jiang Heng is also a little helpless.

However, when the members of the Fu family and the Jiang family held a banquet in Zhenbao Pavilion, it was the first time that the two parties met formally.

Almost everyone from the Jiang family was present, even the grandfather's family came to support the But there were more people from the Fu family, although they were all direct descendants. But in recent years, the Fu family's direct descendants have also sat at a table full.

At the beginning, the Jiang family was quite reserved, but as the ancestor of the Fu family reconciled with Jiang Heng, the scene gradually heated up.

But I have to say that the third uncle has a good vision, and the fifth young lady of the Fu family is really not bad. If it is a ten-point system, the fifth lady can score eight points.

I don't know if it's because Mr. Fu mentioned something behind his back.

Miss Wu seemed very reasonable, and she didn't look down on the Jiang family. Moreover, he treated the elders of the Dou family and the Jiang family with great respect.

On the way, Fu Changsheng gave Jiang Heng a wink, and Jiang Heng understood that the two left their seats and went to the outer corridor.

"Senior?" Jiang Heng asked suspiciously.

"En!" Fu Changsheng nodded, and immediately took out a package and handed it over.

"You take this!"

"This is..." Jiang Heng was a little puzzled looking at the layers of wrapping in his hand, and was about to untie it, but Fu Changsheng hurriedly called out.

"Wait! The porcelain bottle inside contains the flesh and blood of demons. This thing is extremely poisonous. You must not touch it with your hands, otherwise the medicine stone will be useless!" Fu Changsheng said solemnly.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little dumbfounded in his heart.

"This thing is highly poisonous, I will give you a strong bow and some special arrows, and you can extract the toxin from it and use it as your trump card!

Although this thing is useless to monsters, it is deadly to warriors. Even if a grand master does not have a body shield, he will be poisoned and die if he is contaminated by this thing!

Remember, this thing is a last resort, don't take it lightly. This thing is really vicious! "

Fu Changsheng lowered his voice and explained to Jiang Heng the usefulness and key points of it in detail.

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