Master of Fist

Chapter 155: Rank 6 Warrior

"Senior Fu, this is..." Jiang Heng turned his head and glanced at Fu Changsheng, signaling him how to decide.

"This old boy used to be the big boss of the rivers and lakes gang in the Central Plains. Ten years ago, he was very greedy for my Canglang Gang's foundation. When he saw my old man passed away, he wanted to take my Fu's foundation. The old man also thought he was good. Didn't directly kill him. I didn't expect that after so many years, this old boy still has such a serious intention to kill. I leave it to you, whether to kill or keep it up to you!"

Fu Changsheng's tone was flat, and he didn't seem to care much about the withered old man in front of him who had severely injured several dead men in the Pulse Refining Realm in a short time.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded, and immediately fell his eyes on the haggard old man in front of him. This old man's internal energy is strong. Although the energy and blood are not decayed, the internal energy in his body seems to be far better than the fourth-grade pulse refinement. He is also inferior to this ancestor of the Fu family.

"Oh! Old ghost Fu, after all these years, you are still as defiant as ever! Alright! Then I will kill this young man first and then kill you!"

Before the words fell, the haggard old man was the first to move, and a wave of air rose from the ground, and his internal energy rose. He was already thin and light, and his figure was moving like a ghost in the courtyard at one moment, and he was as flexible as an ape at the next moment. The shape has reached the top of Jiang Heng's head.

Opening his hands in the posture of eagle claws, coupled with his unique hooked nose, he looks like a bird of prey pouncing on food. If this claw falls on the top of his head, it may easily pierce through the cap of others!

"Boy, if you want to blame, blame Fu Old Ghost! Die..."

The next moment, the haggard old man only felt a pain in his ankle, which was really painful, because his ankle was directly crushed by a huge force. Immediately afterwards, he felt a huge force pulling at his ankle, causing his haggard and emaciated figure to fall suddenly.


There was a muffled sound from the Bieyuan, and a large part of the ground was sunken, and a haggard figure was lying on the ground with its face upright, and did not respond for a long time.

"This... so weak?"

Jiang Heng let go of the opponent's ankle with some doubts, looked at the dirt left by his palm touching the opponent, and frowned.

The moment I pinched the other party, I felt something was wrong. It was not like pinching the ankle of a pulse refiner at all, but more like pinching the ankle of an ordinary person.

His own strength has not improved again, and it is impossible for such a sudden excessive force to occur.

"Hehe, this old boy has been imprisoned for too long. I'm afraid his body is not as good as this old man's bones! And seeing that this old boy has been imprisoned for so long, his internal energy has broken through. I think this guy is still alive. Secretly doing penance in the dungeon, stupid!"

Fu Changsheng shook his head and chuckled.

Jiang Heng also suddenly realized that this old man is also a ruthless person. You must know that whether it is external training or internal training, it needs to consume energy. Where does energy come from, of course, is to eat and eat. And this old man was imprisoned in the dungeon, and he was already malnourished. The ghost knows how much food the Fu family only gave him for each meal. Still wanting to continue to maintain his skills without regressing, it's a bit unbelievable to be able to live until now.

"Let's go! Little friend Jiang has nothing to see here."

Fu Changsheng shook his head, and didn't intend to stay here any longer. Wen Yan Jiang Heng also nodded.

"Help...Bang Master...Then this..." At this moment, one of the wounded pulse-refinement-level dead men asked.

Fu Changsheng stomped his feet slightly, he glanced at Jiang Heng, pondered for a moment and said softly: "Little friend Jiang, do you want this person? Don't worry, this old man can find a way to make him more docile. Now it's time for employing people, don't look at this old man. The boy's current strength doesn't look very good. But when he recuperates well, he will be a real sixth-rank martial artist."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng frowned slightly, and looked at Fu Changsheng, who also showed a timely smile.

This old fox!

He cursed secretly in his heart, but he had one thing to say, it's not impossible, this old man is really weak right now, maybe he is not as good as the fifth rank in terms of hard power, but just like this is enough to beat this group of fourth ranks. But if you can really recover to the sixth-rank strength, it will definitely be a big help!

And with his own strength, even if the opponent recovers to the sixth rank, it doesn't seem to be too much trouble, and Jiang Heng is still confident when he explodes with all his strength.

Of course, the premise is that the opponent does not have the strength of Fu Changsheng's sword before...

"Well, since senior Fu said so, then this junior will come and see how strong this senior is!"

Jiang Heng nodded, neither directly accepting nor directly rejecting.

Fu Changsheng didn't say much about this, he waved his hand, and several dead soldiers began to clean up the mess. And he took Jiang Heng out of the other garden to another inner courtyard.

The Fu family's house is very large, and there are many buildings around here and there. If an outsider who is not familiar with the terrain here breaks in, he will definitely get lost.

In the end, the two stopped at a secluded courtyard that was unguarded. Fu Changsheng took the lead and knocked on the door. After a while, someone opened the and entered the hall of the back room. Inside, Jiang Heng looked sideways slightly, and there were two pulse-refining warriors standing on both sides of the door waiting quietly.

Other than that, the layout of the hall looks the same as the hall used for discussion outside. Fu Changsheng didn't mean to let Jiang Heng avoid it. He came to a corner of the hall and waved his hand. He trotted and squatted down to turn the potted plants in front of him.

And as the person turned, the entire wall directly opposite the hall was sunken and moved away, revealing a dim corridor illuminated by candlelight.

"Let's go!"

Fu Changsheng's tone was flat, and he didn't seem to treat Jiang Heng as an outsider at all, and he took the lead in going in first.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng didn't say anything on the surface, but he secretly remembered it in his heart.

Entering the aisle, there is a staircase leading to the bottom at the corner, all the way down, and then enter another straight aisle, as you go deeper, you can see some underground warehouses passing by from time to time, some of these warehouses are gold and silver , some are antique calligraphy and painting, some are some dazzling array of weapons, and there are all kinds of rare playthings.

Jiang Heng also discovered that the layout of this courtyard is obviously loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Although there are no guards patrolling inside, it doesn't take much thinking to know that there must be many organs here.

If Fu Changsheng hadn't led the way, I'm afraid I would have to face endless traps!

However, while walking, Jiang Heng took the lead in stamping his feet, and stopped in front of a warehouse with a solemn expression, and did not continue to move.

"What?" Fu Changsheng followed Jiang Heng's gaze suspiciously.

Immediately the old man stroked his beard and smiled, and said, "Why is little friend Jiang still interested in this thing? At that time, in order to get such a small amount, I almost killed my father!"

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