Master of Fist

Chapter 149: old fox

Jiang Heng looked a bit embarrassed at the moment, his steel-like muscle skin was already covered with dense knife marks, which looked **** and scary.

But to Jiang Heng, these were just superficial injuries. Only the last few knives broke through the muscle, saw the left shoulder directly, and cut into the bone by one centimeter! And the next knife continued to cut in another centimeter on the original basis, and the last knife almost cut the entire shoulder blade open!

"What a powerful knife!"

Spitting out the bruised blood from the viscera, Jiang Heng looked coldly at the blade that was still floating not far away.

And that majestic snow-bright knife light also subsided a lot, and more of it went back a lot and re-entered the knife body. If you look closely, you can see that the blade is obviously much darker than before.


The blood flowed out from his shoulder, Jiang Heng's expression remained unchanged, his muscles squirmed quickly, and he sealed the wound by himself, but the **** body still looked very miserable.

This is the strength of the sixth rank?

how is this possible?

Jiang Heng's face was gloomy and terrifying. He didn't look at the blade that was still floating in mid-air, but looked directly behind it, and said loudly, "Don't you dare to make a move, don't you dare to show your face?"

Although this knife was stunning, and was almost severely injured by this knife, but for Jiang Heng, as long as he couldn't cut off his head with one knife, he would not be afraid of such a knife even if he cut ten more times!

"Haha! Little brother is very capable!"

And the same hearty laughter came from a distance, and then the gate of the courtyard in the distance was slowly pushed open.


But he saw an old man with crutches trembling, white hair and white beard, wrinkled face, looking extremely old, looking at Jiang Heng with a smile.

"Old man...fufu...Fu Changsheng has met Mr. Jiang! Tsk tsk, Mr. Jiang's skills are really hidden deep enough, and such skills are more than enough for the position of the commander of the governor of Cangzhou Town! "

The old man smiled and cupped his hands towards the river, but he seemed to be struggling, and he had to pant a few times even to speak.

"Jiang can't be praised by Senior Fu! Senior Fu's move really shocked the juniors. This kind of strength is more than enough to dominate the entire Cangzhou Jianghu, even if it can reproduce the prestige of the old master of the Canglang Gang?"

Jiang Heng also bowed his hands in return with a smile, which seemed to be the sincere respect of the younger generation for the older generation, but the words were indeed sharp. But secretly, he was on alert all over his body, and he was really not familiar with the level of the Pulse Refining Realm.

I didn't expect this old ancestor of the Fu family to be so powerful. Is this really a sixth-rank strength?

"Hey! Old man, how can my old bones compare with those young boys!" The old man waved his hand with a smile, but with a gesture of his hand, the blade hanging in the air was immediately put into the knife he had been holding in the other hand in the sheath.

"Senior Fu, you are just joking. In the eyes of this junior, no one at the pulse refining level can do it? And the knife just now, if you do it like this, maybe you will do it again. My junior The body is decapitated!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing this, the old man Fuxu burst out laughing, and finally coughed after laughing, and it took him a while to recover.

Jiang Heng just watched this scene indifferently, if he really believed in this old man's evil, he wouldn't even know how he was cheated to death! The old man's beheading just now was very angry. After living a hundred years, this old guy is an old fox!

"Haha, to be honest, the old man didn't dare to take the credit for the knife just now. It was just the saber spirit left by the old man's father when he was dying. But you have seen it too, so why not Little Friend Jiang!"

The old man smiled wryly and shook his head, looking helpless.

"Old Grandmaster Fu's saber energy?" Jiang Heng was slightly surprised, but he didn't dare to believe it completely. The old man dared to speak out his cards. If he didn't have a second hand, who would believe it?

"That's right! The old man is worried about our descendants, but it's also thanks to him, otherwise, relying on our unsatisfactory descendants, Jiang Xiaoyou might have wiped out our Canglang Gang just now, right?"

The old man was still smiling, with a hint of ridicule in his words.

"Heh! Senior Fu really likes to beat people up. Jiang was invited by your house to be a guest, but he did not behave properly. First he spoke ill at each other, and then he did it. Helpless! Jiang is not a person who will be slaughtered, This person has been hit on the head, Jiang can't just stand and die, can he? In the end, everyone was settled, but your Fu family didn't give an explanation, and you still want to make Jiang look good?"

With helplessness on Jiang Heng's face, he spread his hands and looked at the old man, and said with a smile: "Senior, why don't you comment on this matter to the younger generation?"

Hearing this, the old man just nodded with a smile, but saw his hand tremble slightly, and the blade in his hand was unsheathed again.


Immediately afterwards, Fu Qingshui's shrill screams and four consecutive muffled groans were heard from the hall in the back room, but Jiang Heng didn't turn his head, still smiling and looking at the old man who looked half buried in front of him.

"Xiaosan was the one who started it, but considering that he is one of the few direct descendants of my Fu family, the old man cut off his two arms. Four dogs, as a dog, they don't know how to think about their a tiger's minion, Kill me! Four pulse-refining realm Keqing plus two arms from my Fu family's direct line, what does little friend Jiang think?"

The old man looked at Jiang Heng with a warm face again, his eyes seemed to be looking at his own junior, his hand shook, and the blade was sheathed again, but there was no trace of blood on it.


Gently clapping his hands, Jiang Heng laughed and said, "Senior Fu is so bold, but Senior Fu seems to have forgotten that you were almost slaughtered by the junior with a knife! The junior is still very scared now!"

The old man nodded slightly, stroked his beard and meditated for a moment, the scene was a little silent and scary for a while.

Jiang Heng stood in front of this old man who seemed to be a bit stooped and thin. At this time, he seemed to have a casual figure, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart. The continuous methods of this old man really made him a little confused.

With the one knife just now, if there are more than a dozen more blows, Jiang Heng really can't guarantee whether he can resist.

Could it be that what the old man said is true, this level of saber energy can't make multiple shots?

But is what the old fox said believable?

"This matter, I thought about it for a while, and I don't think it's difficult! Well, I don't think Xiao Wu is too young. It's not a problem to stop her like this all these years. Since Xiao Wu and your three Uncle is interested, then find a time to get things done!" The old man turned to look at Jiang Heng with a smile, raised his eyebrows and said warmly: "I wonder if little friend Jiang is satisfied with my statement?"

Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that this time he would actually help the third uncle get things done, so he couldn't continue pestering him after seeing this, after all, the old man gave him too much shock today. Although the old man looked weak and his blood was decaying, Jiang Heng didn't have much confidence in the internal energy hidden in the bottom.

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