Master of Fist

Chapter 144: my master please

"Master, please tell!" Su Yu can be said to be very excited now.

"First of all, even if you are now a teacher, you can only be regarded as a registered disciple!"

"Naturally! Master!"

"In addition, I will teach you what I can teach you, but my martial arts may not be suitable for you, I will only give you some tips, and I will talk about more later, how about it?" Jiang Heng thought for a while.

"Of course! Disciple Su Yu kowtows to Master!"

Su Yu nodded repeatedly, and at the same time knelt down to Jiang Heng again. This time, Jiang Heng didn't obstruct him, but accepted the gift silently.

It's nothing to accept Su Yu, but it is true that there is a more trustworthy confidant. However, this also needs to be tested a little bit.

"Okay, it's getting late, you should retreat first. Recently, the city has been busy with trivial matters and the situation is unstable. Let's talk about it after the apprenticeship ceremony!" Jiang Heng waved his hand to signal him to retreat.

Su Yu nodded, his head was now full of excitement about his success in apprenticeship, and he backed out with a smile.

Looking at Su Yu leaving, Jiang Heng slightly shook his head.

I didn't expect that one day I would become someone else's backer!

In the past, I still wanted to find a backer! As a result, Jiang Ting's matter told him that the backing will fall, and everyone will be unstable!

You still have to rely on yourself!

As for Su Yu, he actually has to rely on himself from now on. If he works harder after today, he will naturally live up to his expectations of him. If he thinks that he can sit back and relax by being a teacher, and use tiger skin as a banner, then Jiang Heng doesn't mind Be tough.

"Hope everything will go well!"

The next day, Jiang Heng, who was still asleep, was woken up by Xi Xiranran's voice from outside, and he frowned slightly, feeling displeased.

"what happened?"

"Master, are you awake?"

Hearing the movement, Xiao Rou pushed the door and entered, seeing this, she quickly explained: "Young Master, Fifth Master Dou came from Qing County, and I heard that he came to seek refuge with Master."

"Oh!" Jiang Heng was surprised when he heard this, and nodded immediately.

Dou Wuye is also the grandfather of his own body and the father of his mother, Dou Shi. However, this grandfather was very prosperous in Qing County, and it is said that he was still a gang, and he was the number one figure in the gray industry in Qingshui County.

Could it be because something happened in Qing County?

After washing up, Jiang Heng went straight to Father Jiang and Mother Jiang. The two houses were not far apart, and they were next door. As soon as he entered the yard, he could see that the yard was very lively with people coming and going.

Looking at the young and strong men walking around from time to time along the way, many of these are unfamiliar faces. It seems that these should be gang members brought by my grandfather from Qing County.

Each of them is just stronger than ordinary people, and there is no trace of training at all, but this is normal, Qing County is more remote than Hengjiang County, and the quality of small gangs in such poor rural areas can be imagined.

Entering the inner courtyard, before entering the inner hall, I saw a group of people sitting in a pavilion in the outer courtyard, with maidservants waiting beside them. In the pavilion, besides Jiang's father, Jiang's mother and third uncle, there was also a gray-haired, but burly and energetic old man, besides that, there were two middle-aged couples and three young men who looked like seven or eight years old. childish.

"Haha, Brother Heng is here! He's grown so tall!"

The white-haired and white-bearded old man caught sight of Jiang Heng and immediately laughed, his voice was like a bell, and he was full of energy.

"The grandson met the grandfather!"

Jiang Heng didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of this old man, he seemed very respectful and sensible.

"Haha! Good! Here are some small gifts from grandpa! Come and accept them!"

The old man smiled and took out a book from his arms and handed it to Jiang Heng.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng glanced at the book. It seemed that it was a martial arts secret book and he didn't pay much attention to it, so he took it with a smile. The elder dare not say goodbye!

Jiang Heng is also seated, and the group is also warm and harmonious. The three middle-aged couples next to the old man are the old man's three sons and three daughters-in-law. His mother, Dou, is the eldest in the Dou family. The three uncles are now thirty. The youngest uncle is now twenty-five years old.

Of the three, only the eldest uncle has stepped into the ranks of the first rank, but he is also thirty-five years old, and his blood has begun to decline. But the grandfather's strength made Jiang Heng look a little sideways, it turned out to be the second-rank strength.

At this age, the qi and blood have not yet fallen below the first rank, which can be said to be very powerful. It seems that grandpa definitely had the third-rank strength when he was young.

"Grandpa, what happened to Qing County when you came to Cangzhou this time?" Seeing that the topic had begun, Jiang Heng also asked.


Grandpa waved his hand and looked a little silent, and glanced at Jiang Heng: "There are not many living people over there now, and everyone who can run has run away!"

"If it wasn't for my old brothers this time, I'm afraid my whole family wouldn't be able to get out!"

During the period, he listened carefully to the old man's narration, and Jiang Heng also had a general understanding of the situation there.

The situation in Qing County was similar to that in Hengjiang County, but more serious. The evil spirits in Fucheng have largely subsided, but there are still signs of evil spirits in Qing County. In addition, many zombies have been born by the evil spirits. It can be said that strangers should not enter Qing County now.

Many people who could escape escaped, and those who could not escape died in the city long ago!

Jiang Heng is a little strange, it seems that this red-sleeved dancer is active in the whole Cangzhou and even and the Yun Pavilion Master in Fucheng is just the leader of a region.

"My lord Yuezhang, since you are here, please stay here. It just so happens that there are still a few houses here, and a few siblings and nephews can live here with peace of mind. Just tell me what you want!"

Jiang Erhai said at this time that there is not much he can do at this time, he can only make everyone feel at ease.

Jiang Heng also patted the heads of a few little guys, these little guys are really thick-headed and tiger-headed, two men and one woman, the little girl with this little ponytail, the watery eyes are very cute.

After having a meal together, Jiang Heng left for the time being. He is busy now and has very little free time.

Back in his own courtyard, Jiang Heng continued to experiment with the poisonous properties, and continued to try the second tank of water, but just like the beginning, the corrosion rate of the entire palm suddenly increased several times at the beginning of the second tank of water.

Jiang Heng, who had been mentally prepared for this, still silently took a mouthful of the medicinal material, and then continued to put his hands into it.

Time passed by just like this, and another two days passed. I originally planned to go to the Black Tiger Hall to see the situation, after all, I haven't been there for a while.

But as soon as he stepped out of the gate, he paused slightly, and a strange carriage slowly stopped at the gate of Jiangfu.

The middle-aged groom on the carriage was tall and tall, with a long beard. He looked a little refined but also very rough, and his eyes were like torches, with a faint gleam in his eyes.

This person is actually a third-rank martial artist!

"Master Jiang! My master is here to invite you!"

The person looked at Jiang Heng and said respectfully, Jiang Heng glanced at this person lightly, his face was not strange, as if he was not surprised that the other party knew his identity.

"Okay! Lead the way!"

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