Master of Fist

Chapter 140: poison test

"You mean it's hard to deal with old gang leader Fu?"

Jiang Heng was now smiling, but he also calmed down a little, rubbing his chin and pondering for a while.

"Pay more attention to this matter, and report to me as soon as you have news."


"Then you go back first!"

After signaling Yang Dalang to back down, Jiang Heng curled his lips. The Fu family is indeed a prominent figure in the Cangzhou Jianghu. And I heard that this old guy is a hundred years old, this old monster is very smart.

"I'm afraid it won't make sense to reason with this kind of guy!" Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "If you can't be soft, let's have something hard!"

Of course, it wasn't about arm wrestling with the Canglang Gang. Even if Jiang Heng had the strength to kill that old gang leader Fu, Jiang Heng wouldn't do it for such a huge monster.

After all, if there is a glimmer of hope to draw it to his own warship, why bother?

"When necessary, you still have to show your muscles!"

For this matter, Jiang Heng already had a plan in mind, and Jiang Heng didn't want to give up this power. The situation in Cangzhou would inevitably be turbulent in the future, and only with more people under his command could he strive for a greater right to speak.

Whether it is hiding in secret, attacking forcefully, or seeking a way out, it is indeed easier to handle things with more people.

"But all of this depends on the strength of third uncle!"

As long as everything goes well with the third uncle and that Miss Fu is willing to be with the third uncle, then the time will be ripe.

But third uncle's current strength is still a problem!

Jiang Heng was a little distressed. This Fu family is not an ordinary family. The grandson-in-law of other families obviously pays more attention to martial arts strength. If he is not a martial arts hero, even if Miss Fu intercedes, the old guy will not let go.

Now the third uncle's martial arts cultivation base has entered the second-rank strength relying on the martial arts cheats and precious medicinal herbs that Jiang Heng obtained from the Dadaomen and Heihutang's connections, but this level of strength is obviously not enough, I have to think Find a way to let the third uncle step into the third-rank realm quickly.

Then give him a book of fourth-grade martial arts randomly to let him feel the energy as soon as possible, and step into the pulse refining state one step at a time.

Of course I think so, but the actual operation is more difficult. The third uncle was able to step into the second rank so quickly, relying on his previous accumulation. But it is different from the second to the third rank, and then to the third rank ultimate.

"We have to let Zhou Yan collect some pills that can quickly increase Qi and blood!"

"I'll have to talk to my third uncle about this later!"

Nodding his head, Jiang Heng did not continue to delve into this matter for the time being.

"We still have to figure this thing out!"

Looking at the jade bottle in his hand, Jiang Heng frowned.

Taking the small tray next to it, Jiang Heng poured it out, this time without much reaction.

"It seems that this thing needs a living thing to stimulate the toxin in it..."

After thinking about it, Laifu got a rabbit, and then gently scraped a little shredded meat with a dagger, and carefully fed it into the rabbit's mouth with chopsticks.

The rabbit has some silly and cute white fluff and is plump, and it looks like it has a lot of meat. When it saw the shredded meat on the chopsticks, it didn't refuse. It opened its mouth and gnawed, and the chopsticks were almost eaten by a section.

It was just put into the mouth, and before Jiang Heng observed carefully, the rabbit died at a speed visible to the naked eye. He didn't even have much time to struggle, he just lost his breath as soon as his legs kicked.

At the same time, the plump body quickly emitted a pungent stench, and with previous experience, Jiang Heng quickly let go of the rabbit's hand.

Sure enough, the rabbit quickly corroded from its intact body in just one or two breaths. First, the purple solution burst, then all the fur was corroded, and finally turned into a stream of purple-black poisonous matter, not only that, but also completely corroded the floor. It took nearly half a meter for the pit to stop.

Zizi! ~

Looking down at the corroded pothole, Jiang Heng's face was very ugly.

This level of poison is simply terrifying to the point of heinous.

The look in his eyes towards that small piece of meat became somewhat indescribable.

"Are demons really so terrifying? A piece of meat and a drop of blood are enough to poison the entire city to death!"

But does that mean that as long as it can withstand such a strong poison, does it mean that it is enough to ignore the black mist on the surface of the monster's body? But to resist such a terrifying poison, it seems like an impossible task!

The wrinkles between Jiang Heng's eyebrows became more and more obvious. If this matter is not resolved, there will always be a thorn in his heart.

After the battle in Hengjiang City, he had a faint feeling that he might have to fight against such fierce creatures in the future.

In particular, Master Liu who was still stranded in Cangzhou made Jiang Heng secretly vigilant. Those two masters were mysterious in themselves, and what they saw that day, even though they were not sure whether what they saw that day was true or not, But if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of the eventuality. There will be nothing wrong with making more preparations.

"But how to solve this highly toxic characteristic?"

Jiang Heng was in a bit of trouble, since that kind of vaccine doesn't exist in this world, Jiang Heng didn't even know how to use this thing.

Vaccines seem to need to be extracted from pathogens...


"I really can't make a But what if I keep adapting to this highly toxic? Constantly adapting to make myself produce antibodies?"

The more Jiang Heng thought about it, the more he felt that there was a trick. He remembered that it was also done in some martial arts novels.

Of course, this thing is a bit nonsense, but there is still a grain of truth in it.

Maybe I can try to keep fighting against this poison!


Looking at the pieces of meat in the tray, and then at the right hand with only joints left, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

It seems that this poison is a bit too much!

Jiang Heng couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and paced back and forth in the room.

After a while, Jiang Heng burst out laughing, and immediately asked Laifu to bring a few jars of water. Laifu moved very quickly, and after a while, several servants came over panting and carrying five large jars of water.

Signaling everyone to retreat, Jiang Heng scraped a little bit of purple solution from the pothole in the house and put it into the first tank. Soon the water in the first tank turned into It turned purple, and bubbles popped out from time to time. Without hesitation, it continued to glance at the dagger from this tank of water, and then quickly stretched into the second tank.

Similarly, the water in the second tank also turned purple, and there were still bubbles bubbling up, but if you look closely, you can clearly see that the poisonous water in it seems to have lightened a lot.

He glanced at all five tanks of water in turn, until the fifth tank of water had no more bubbles. But the water is still glowing with a rich purple color, which looks a little weird and permeating.

Looking at this big tank of water, Jiang Heng didn't try it immediately, after thinking about it, he asked Laifu to get a rabbit, and directly pressed the rabbit to lick the water in the fifth tank.

Then quickly put the rabbit down and watched its reaction quietly.

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