Master of Fist

Chapter 1329: good fortune

As the eyes were completely opened, countless stars came into view, and everyone's eyes widened suddenly. At this moment, they felt abundant energy, which was far more intense than the Saint Yuan universe group they were in before.

It seems that energy is everywhere here, and taking a deep breath is a breath of abundant energy that enters the whole body, lungs, meridians and bones. This feeling has deeply obsessed many people.

"The energy here is too strong. Here I feel that even a pig can grow into a pig of high-level martial artist!"

This is certainly a bit exaggerated, but it is undeniable that it is indeed very unusual. These energies are almost dozens of times that of the previous Saint Yuan Universe group.

The majestic energy is everywhere, and it begins to drill into everyone's body almost without reservation. This feeling makes everyone's exercises start to work unconsciously.

The strength of his cultivation began to skyrocket, which may not be visible in a short period of time, but as time goes by, this feeling will become more and more obvious.

At that time, when the same situation returns to the Shengyuan Universe group, you will find that you have opened a deep gap with your former peers.

The key point is that the laws here are brand new and belong to laws they have never seen before. Understanding here can increase the diversity of their understanding of their own laws, which is beneficial to the improvement of strength, and to a certain extent, it can speed up the development of the next realm. perception.

"Jiang Heng, you really gave me a big surprise. How did you find out this kind of good place?" Patriarch Xi Yuan opened his mouth wide. At this moment, he still couldn't believe that all this was actually true.

To come to another huge cosmic group like this, this is called traveling, this is called comprehension of the world, and comprehension here, they are equivalent to entering the vast sea without trace from a small pool, and they have a great understanding of the state of mind and cultivation base. The help is huge.

"Everyone is still good at cultivation, I also need to retreat here, I have prepared some retreat places for you, but because this is the place of foreigners after all, and the leader here is a strong man in the creation environment.

This entire cosmic group is nothing but a vassal group of others, and the ruling class here, there are only three strong people in the Good Fortune Realm, so we still have to be careful. "

Jiang Heng solemnly reminded that although he didn't care whether these companions brought from the other side would be noticed by the Zijin clan, he still needed to be reminded. Otherwise, if he accidentally clashed with the local aborigines, he would have to It would be a waste of a lot of time to come out to make a living, so it is better to make it clear in advance to avoid a series of unnecessary troubles in the future.

Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard the words and did not refute.

"Jiang Heng, you don't dare to say anything else, as long as you can practice here, even if you retreat for tens of millions of years or hundreds of millions of years, then I am happy." Patriarch Xi Yuan took the lead in expressing his opinion. He is very satisfied with this place and has insights. , How can there be any thought of going out and wandering around.

Seeing this, Taoist Wuwei smiled and nodded, "Yes, we are very satisfied here, not too satisfied, as long as we can practice here, even if we stay behind closed doors all day, we are happy."

"That's right! Senior Jiang Heng! We are willing to practice retreat here and not cause trouble."

"Yes, son-in-law, don't worry, we will definitely not cause trouble for you."

Everyone nodded one after another, the joke is that there is a great power in the Creation Realm here, even if they are asked to do something wrong, they dare not do something wrong.

Although I don't know the specific strength of Jiang Heng at the moment, but I also know that in the face of superpowers like the Good Fortune Realm who are almost rumored, they should keep a low profile as much as possible. Besides, isn't it just pretending to be a grandson? Will be like.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng also nodded in satisfaction. Those who can be drawn by him are all former friends and relatives. Except for Hongjun, he is very relieved about this.

He focused his eyes on Taoist Hongjun, and after thinking about it, he reminded, "Your Excellency, don't mess around. It's best not to do your little thoughts here, or if something happens, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

The reason why Jiang Heng reminded Taoist Hongjun is that this person likes to mess around too much. It is his nature to travel everywhere. Jiang Heng doubts whether the rules he masters are related to travel. The more experience he travels, the more powerful he is. stronger?

Hearing Jiang Heng's separate reminder, Taoist Hongjun just stroked his beard and nodded slightly, without saying anything.

In this regard, Jiang Heng just glanced at him lightly, and didn't say much. If this guy messes around and angered the three great fortune-telling powerhouses of the Zijin clan, he would be asking for trouble, and he would not help out if he died.

Bring everyone to one of the planets of life. This is actually the place where Jiang Heng greeted Lord Luo Sheng in advance. This planet will serve as a bridgehead for people from the human race to land here one after another in the future.

Therefore, Lord Luo Sheng was asked to remove the aborigines here. The empty planet of life now seems quite strange, but inside it is still green water and green mountains, and there are a large number of rare beasts in this world. The energy here is extremely rich and belongs to a place where energy gathers.

Retreating and practicing here, I think it is impossible for this group of people to spend the energy here in a short period of time with the cultivation base of this group of people who do not even exist in the peak wonderful life environment.

After arranging everyone properly, Jiang Heng disappeared in place in a blink of an eye, and returned to the side of the body to cooperate and merge the acupoints.

Right now Jiang Heng has merged as many as 200 acupuncture points, which means merging 200 to 100 points, but this first round of merger is not over yet. The first round of merger needs to merge 720 acupuncture points into 360. Only in this way can the first round of merger be completed.

Afterwards, the merger of 360 orifice points to one hundred and eighty is considered as the completion of the second round of merging of orifice points, and the third round is the merger of one hundred and eighty to ninety.

It can be said that merging acupoints is a very cumbersome matter, and the more acupoints there are, the slower the merging is for this reason. According to Jiang Heng's final merging of acupoints, it takes about ten rounds of merging.

Only when all the acupoints are merged into one, can Jiang Heng officially step into the Creation Realm.


"The elixir is almost used up, but my progress has not even made it to the first round. It seems that it is not easy for me to step into the Creation Realm!"

Jiang Heng sighed. In just 100,000 years, Jiang Heng completed the first round of merging of two hundred acupoints. It seems to have achieved great results, but his talent is too good to be troublesome. The rounds were not completed.

If it was an ordinary good luck realm expert who had completed the second round of coaptation, how could it be as troublesome as Jiang Heng.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Heng was about to continue to reconnect, when he felt the message from Lord Luo Sheng.

"Senior, I have asked people to collect and purchase the Juqiao Pills. There are a total of 321 Juqiao Pills. Please take a look. This junior has collected all the Juqiao Pills from all the vassal groups in the Zijin Clan's territory. .”

As he said that, Lord Luo Sheng respectfully offered the Orifice Gathering Pill in his hands with both hands.

The elixir was naturally stored by the storage ring. Jiang Heng's spiritual thoughts swept it away, and he was overjoyed. He was worried that the elixir was gone, and he might not have to slow down his practice later.

"It should be able to support me to complete the first round of joints, but if I want to complete the second round of joints in the future, I must either rely on water to grind my skills, or find a way to get more pills."

Jiang Heng sighed secretly, waved his hand casually, and immediately the storage ring appeared in his palm.

At the same time, he said lightly towards the door, "Go ahead, don't bother me if you have nothing else to do!"

Jiang Heng's words meant that he was preparing to continue retreating, which was also Jiang Heng's habit recently, and Lord Luo Sheng had long been accustomed to this.

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

Jiang Heng suddenly sensed that Lord Luo Sheng outside the door was still staying where he was. Jiang Heng couldn't help but speak suspiciously. He thought that Lord Luo Sheng had paid so much, so he really wanted to make a request. He was not surprised about this. As for the benefits, he is naturally not stingy with what he can satisfy. After all, it is very common for the other party to provide what he needs for his cultivation.

Lord Luo Sheng was very anxious outside the door. After hearing this, he thought about it for a while, his face was frowned, and he still gritted his teeth and said, "Senior, this junior does have something to ask for!"

"Say it! As long as you don't embarrass me too much, I can handle it for you." Jiang Heng smiled lightly.

Lord Luo Sheng heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, it is still useful to send so many good things to Senior Jiang Heng.

"Senior is like this. Recently, this junior has been a little confused about his practice. This junior has a family-passed exercise called Luohou Jue. Senior, if you have time, can you help this junior to take a look?"

This so-called Luohoujue is actually the Luotian clan's racial cultivation method, which can barely be regarded as a family-inherited cultivation method, but it is the foundation of the entire Luotian universe.

If the Luohou Jue can be optimized, then the practice efficiency and strength of the entire Luotian clan will be greatly improved.

"Take it out and show it to me!" Jiang Heng didn't say yes, and naturally he didn't say no, he just said he wanted to see it.

Hearing this, Lord Luo Sheng anxiously presented the jade slip in his hand, and held it high above his head.

The next moment, it had already appeared in Jiang Heng's hands. Jiang Heng used his divine sense to investigate a little bit, but he didn't care about it at first, but when he took a closer look, his expression suddenly became dignified.

This Luohoujue is actually very good. According to Jiang Heng's judgment on this exercise, it is completely a first-class exercise that can be cultivated to the level of good luck, which is better than most of the exercises in the human universe. Well done.

Seeing the jade slip, Jiang Heng began to carefully observe the jade slip back and forth, and put it down after a while, and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

He actually benefited a lot from watching this Luohou Jue. This is a killing technique that is somewhat similar to the early Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Kungfu, and it belongs to the core technique that is assisted by the physical body.

But there are many differences. Many of the characteristics of the exercises here are different from those in the human universe. It is almost an analysis of these profound understandings of killing one from another angle.

interesting! Really interesting!

Jiang Heng sighed again and again.

"It's not difficult to modify this exercise, but their idea of ​​exercise is quite interesting. They took another path from the extreme path. It is not difficult to see that the idea of ​​this Luotian universe's exercise is biased towards extremes.

With extreme combat power and extreme defense, the Luotian Universe clan is very strong.

However, in terms of functionality, the Luotian Universe family seems to be unsatisfactory, and even seems to be very stretched. "

Jiang Heng shook his head, some ideas he could learn from, and some ideas he couldn't. Temporarily suppressing his interest in this exercise is to start to transform and upgrade this exercise.

Because it is a combination of the extreme ideas of the human race universe and the Shengyuan system, and the extreme ideas of the Luotian universe here, it is equivalent to the collision and combination of the two extreme ideas, and the exercises modified in this way are actually very powerful.

After the modification, Jiang Heng couldn't help admiring.

The previous Monroe Jue was not bad, but it could only be regarded as mediocre.

But now the upper limit has not only been raised to the Creation Realm, but it can be cultivated directly to the Creation Realm. In terms of extreme combat power, this Luohou Jue has increased by nearly 50%. This kind of improvement is simply earth-shaking.

After checking it carefully again, checking for deficiencies and making up for omissions, Jiang Heng then threw the exercises to Lord Luo Sheng.

Lord Luo Sheng, who had been waiting outside for several days, was stunned when he saw the cultivation technique appearing in his hands, thinking that he would have to wait hundreds or even thousands of years.

After all, it is not so simple to deduce and upgrade this skill, and there are many complicated situations involved.

But when he thought that this senior Jiang Heng had finished leveling up so quickly, his heart skipped a beat for no reason.

"It's broken, didn't this senior Jiang Heng change it randomly and throw it to me?"

Thinking of this, Lord Luo Sheng hurriedly penetrated his spiritual thoughts into the jade slip. He didn't feel anything at first, but the more he looked at it, the more frightened his heart became, and the more he looked, the more his eyes lit up.

This seems to be more than a little bit stronger, and even the final upper limit of the kung fu has been directly raised to the Creation Realm.

It can be said that now, their Luotian clan has opened the door to the Good Fortune Realm.

The reason why Jiang Heng was asked to modify the exercises was also because the strongest exercises of the Luo Sheng universe could not allow them to cultivate to the realm of creation.

This was mainly done deliberately by the Zijin clan of the suzerain country, mainly to prevent the loss of control over the vassal clans below.

Controlling exercises is the most important Of course, the Zijin clan will not blindly suppress the vassal group, if someone in the vassal group has cultivated to the peak of Wonderful Life.

Then they will be led to the Zijin Universe for a long-term stay. On the one hand, they will be brainwashed and recruited. It was the crackling of abacus beads.

But you can't help it. They are the suzerain country, and they are the baron. Those who are vassals have to obey orders.

Besides, it is quite difficult for them to give birth to the peak of the Wonderful Life Realm, but Jiang Heng's help this time can be said to be a contribution to their Luotian universe, no less than the grace of regeneration.

It can almost be said that the collar that was held by the Zijin clan around Luo Shengyuu's neck was removed by Jiang Heng at this moment.

How could this not make Lord Luo Sheng excited.

"Thank you, senior! On behalf of all the Luo Sheng clan, this junior would like to thank senior for his kindness in rebuilding. In the future, senior, if you need anything, this junior will definitely be willing to do anything, even if you want me to give birth to this life!"

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