Master of Fist

Chapter 1327: Is there a reward if I fail?

When that Doro was about to leave, the lord Luo Sheng hurried forward to beg for mercy, "Doro! Master Doro! Please stay still! I'm waiting with no other intentions, this is really a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding? Hmph!"

Doro snorted coldly, and didn't even care about the starship used for ostentation, and disappeared into the distance in a flash, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Doro kept flickering in the void, and the figure moved around. When he reappeared, he appeared outside the universe.

He turned his head and glared fiercely at Luo Tianyu, and without any hesitation, he flew towards the Zijin clan completely.

The figures are constantly moving in the void, and with the help of the space corridors built by their various ethnic groups, they can communicate with each other and reach any universe in the territory in a very short time.

In just a moment, Doro appeared in Zijin Universe. He had a stern expression, but now he had regained his composure. He rubbed his cheek vigorously, tidied up his appearance, and then headed towards his family.

The ethnic group where the Doro family belongs belongs to the aristocratic class of the Zijin family, and they belong to the knight family.

Knights typically belong to the strongest bodyguard group of the nobility, and the family evolved from the two strong men in the Creation Realm next to the baron is also the knight family.

A huge family of knights and a family of barons are the pillars that support an entire baron's territory.

And Doro's family is in a small plane, and his figure slipped into it in a flash. At this moment, he has quickly restrained his whole body, and his figure has become humble and gentle, like a neutral and gentle lamb, unlike the previous arrogant arrogance. In sharp contrast.

"I've seen Master Doro!"

Seeing Doro's return, the two guards at the door hurriedly saluted.

Doro didn't say much, just looked inside and whispered, "Is my great ancestor here?"

"Yes! Yes!"

The guard nodded repeatedly.

Doro stopped talking and started to go in quickly, walking all the way, passing through the long corridor, Doro respectfully lit a stick of incense in the ancestral hall, bowed deeply again, and then bowed He said, "The unworthy descendant Duo Luo, pay homage to Gao Zu!"

Suddenly, the face of one of the ancestor statues began to distort into a face, staring at Doro vividly, with a faint light in his eyes, and said lightly, "Doro, the things on your body are destroyed, it seems that you still control Not your emotions!"

"I ask my ancestors to punish me, Doro is reckless!"

Doro respectfully admitted his mistake first, then kowtowed several times in a row, and hurriedly prayed, "Ancestor, please help me, it's not that I'm really too reckless, it's just that Luotian Universe is too deceitful, They didn't pay attention to our Zijin clan at all."

Seeing that the ancestor above didn't make any statement, Doro gritted his teeth and continued, "Those people are really too arrogant. They started to act mischievously just because a junior is about to step into the realm of good fortune. They turned a blind eye to my orders and spoke fiercely. Put my special envoy in your eyes!

Ancestor, you must help Doro. It is a small matter for Doro himself to be humiliated, but if the entire clan is humiliated... then our Zijin clan will lose face! "

Doro's nose turned into tears, his expression was as miserable as he wanted.

However, the ancestor in the statue just watched indifferently, his eyes were indifferent from the beginning to the end, as if looking at a stranger who had no blood relationship at all.


"Uh... finished talking about the ancestor."

"Now that we're done talking, let's go first!"

"Go? Old ancestor? Where am I going?"

Doro was a little stunned.

"Go to the confinement room in the clan first and shut yourself down for 100,000 years!"

"Ah?! My ancestor, I...I..."


When the old ancestor opened his mouth lightly, Doro was excited all over, not daring to disobey at all, shrank his neck and obediently retreated.

He knew that everything he had was bestowed by his ancestors, and that he could have all these things because his ancestors let him have them, otherwise he would be nothing, and the so-called peak of the Wonderful Life was only achieved with the help of family resources.

Doro sighed, knowing in his heart that some of his little things might not be able to hide from his ancestors.

At the same time, not long after Doro left the ancestral hall, he saw the statue distorted, and soon the statue returned to its original state without any abnormalities.

On the other side, a figure suddenly rushed out of the sky above the entire knight's territory, and the figure flickered quickly, heading towards the baron's mansion.

In another flash, the figure had landed in the baron's mansion, and the guards along the way kept bowing and calling, "Master Knight!"

Walking all the way into the inner hall, I saw a portrait at this time. This is a portrait of a person hanging on the wall.

And the eyes of that portrait were originally closed, but after Dazai, the great ancestor Doro, quickly opened his eyes after entering, the man in the portrait had heroic eyes, and it was a portrait of the baron.

The other party glanced up and down at Duoze, and said with a faint smile, "Duoze, why is your kid back? Did he get hurt or not?"

Obviously, Doro and the Baron knew very well that Doro might not be beaten in the past.

Duo nodded, but his expression looked a little serious. He nodded after thinking about it, "It's hurt, and it's very serious. It hurts the soul, and besides that, the body has also been seriously injured."

"Oh! So Luo Tianyu has some skills!" The baron was a little surprised.

"My lord baron, besides this, the coercive jade pendant and the body dao jade pendant I gave to Doro are all damaged."


As soon as this remark came out, the baron's expression suddenly froze. He looked very solemn in the portrait, his brows were already knit into a ball, and he looked at Duo Ze below, and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"


Most nodded very firmly.

Hearing this, the baron fell into deep thought, rubbing his chin.

"So this little guy, Luo Tianyu, has extraordinary strength."

"Yes, but Lord Baron, I think this person may come from something abnormal!"

Duo Ze said in a deep voice, his expression was also a little dignified.

"You're right, it's not difficult to guess." The baron nodded, after all, this matter can be seen through at a glance.

Everyone knows that the strength depends on the number of acupoints. The more acupoints there are, even if you have not really entered the realm of creation, as long as you close all the acupoints, your strength will usher in a huge improvement.

And once they start to fit together, the increase in strength will be even more terrifying, increasing geometrically.

Therefore, the strength of the half-step Good Fortune Realm is unknown. A strong person is really strong, to the point of being a mess.

But weak people are normal level.

"How to deal with this person now? Lord Baron?"

Many knights said indifferently that they are all strong in the Creation Realm. Although they are in a superior-subordinate relationship, the two of them get along in private, almost like friends.

"Handling...... Ha ha, this is a talented person. I was worried that the good fortune of the Luotian universe is just a straw bag. The straw bag doesn't mean much to us. Recently, there is an urgent need for war in Shangguo. .

Although the people below don't know what we need to face in the next conquest, but if we can add a strong man from the Creation Realm, our survival rate will be greatly improved. This time it will not be easy! "

Hearing what the baron said, Duo also fell into a long silence.

After a while he said quietly, "Lord Baron, I believe we will be able to get through this crisis."

Duo Ze was also a little anxious. For the entire barony, everyone thought that the next expedition would be an ordinary foreign raid.

But only they know that this time is actually an external conquest by the suzerain country above, and their small baronie was only forcibly recruited to cooperate with the operation.

And this time the caller was an earl! If the Earl personally recruits them, the scale of the war involved will be very large.

And the baron has already found out clearly, it is said that it is a force of the same scale, belongs to the infighting of the Iron Buddha Alliance, and is also an earl.

It can be said that this time their barony suffered an unwarranted disaster.

This kind of large-scale warfare wonderful habitat is an ant, and the good fortune environment is just a small boss.

And it's hard to say how many of them will be able to come back in the end. Maybe after this battle, their barony will cease to exist.

The Earl's forces are undergoing a reshuffle, and these old nobles will disappear, and a new group of nobles will emerge. This is the Iron Buddha Alliance, where the strong prey on the weak and there is no sympathy at all.

"Okay, if you send someone over there, if you change someone, the treasures will be doubled. No matter what the origin of this person, you must win him over."

The baron gave the final order with a wave of his hand.

On the other hand, after solving the Doro matter, Jiang Heng didn't care about Lord Luo Sheng's situation at all, and went straight back to the Lord's Mansion to announce his retreat.

Everyone hits, hits and hits, he doesn't regret it at all, and besides, he hit it deliberately, so naturally there is no so-called regret.

As for what he cares about the torrential flood outside right now, he is indifferent, nothing is as important as closing his acupoints.

At the same time, Lord Luo Sheng had already discussed countermeasures with his subordinates.

With such a big incident, they are the ones who are most panicked.

Things turned out like this inexplicably, which they didn't expect.

"Lord Lord? What should we do now? The Zijin clan must be angry. We have offended Lord Doro. Now..."

"That's right, my lord, look at this...what should I do?"

Everyone is anxious, offending Shangguo, this is no less than taking death, everyone is a little bit bright now,

Lord Luo Sheng also had a distressed look on his face, thinking why the situation was getting out of hand, what he said before was good, and he agreed, why did he suddenly backtrack?

Everyone was depressed for a while, staring at each other helplessly.

However, not long after, Lord Luo Sheng was taken aback for a moment, and he realized that there was a message.

The bracelet on his wrist began to tremble, and a message suddenly came into his mind.

After a while, his expression quickly became serious, and he looked at a few people, and saw that they were all looking at him, and then he sighed, "Get ready, the special envoy is here again!"


Everyone was taken aback, what does it mean that the special envoy is here again?

But in the next moment, everyone's faces suddenly became extremely ugly. Doesn't this mean that the Zijin clan is coming to Xingshi to question their sins?

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, everyone is at a loss, should they run away now or just run away?

"Why are you standing still? Hurry up and meet the special envoy!"

Lord Luo Sheng snorted coldly, he was also afraid, but he knew very well the strength of the Zijin clan, there was no way to escape.

In front of the strong man in the Creation Realm, the Wonderful Living Realm is like an ant. Even if he is allowed to escape for a year or so, he will never be able to escape the control of the strong man in the Creation Realm.

"Let's go! Don't even try to escape, you will die! If you don't escape, there is still a chance!"

Lord Luo Sheng said in a deep voice, these words also completely told them to stop thinking about it, otherwise there would be no harm at all, and everyone might have to be buried with them.

Seeing this, everyone had no choice but to compromise. Everyone also wanted to understand that it was useless to escape.

Soon a group of people arrived at the edge of the universe, one by one tidied up their appearances, so that they could present themselves in front of everyone as well as possible.

After a while, the space split open for analysis, and a figure appeared immediately, but it was not Doro who attracted his attention, but another descendant of Doze, this one was named Duoxi.

Duoxi is a strong insider, and everyone was taken aback when they saw this.

Because they are very familiar with this one, this Duoxi is a very kind and gentle person, everyone who has been in contact with him in the past knows that this person has a good personality and is easy to talk.

This time, another extreme appeared again. Indeed, this Duoxi and Duoluo were two extremes.

"My lord, you..."

"Hehe! Everyone, my brother Doro may have done something wrong before, and I am deeply sorry for that."

Saying that, Duo Xi smiled and shook hands with Lord Luo Sheng.

Lord Luo Sheng didn't dare to be negligent at this moment, he shook hands with Duo Xi in trepidation, feeling very unreal.

What the **** is going on?

What's going It's like there's no trouble again, just turned around and came here to ask for peace.

The key point is that they have already severely injured Doro, but the one who was beaten started to sue for peace.

This made Lord Luo Sheng a little puzzled, and felt a wave of panic in his heart, for fear that this was just a trap. This was a superficial gesture of favor from the other party, but in fact he already had murderous intentions in his heart.

However, after some probing, Lord Luo Sheng became even more suspicious, because this person seemed to be seeking peace for the sake of peace, and even asked if he could meet Senior Jiang Heng. If Senior is too busy, then forget it. some type of.

In the end, a bunch of treasures of various colors were left behind, many of which were used for the half-step good luck environment.

Therefore, watching Duo Xi leave at this time, Lord Luo Sheng and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and they were still a little stunned and at a loss, even confused.

"Lord, are we all right?"

"Nonsense, of course it's okay. I didn't see that the Zijin clan seemed to value us very much. No, did they value Senior Jiang Heng so much?"

"Yes! It seems that it's really all right. The Zijin clan really value Senior Jiang Heng." Lord Luo Sheng also nodded, and he understood that Jiang Heng seemed to have played the role of showing his fist.


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