Master of Fist

Chapter 1254: make everyone red-eyed

There were bursts of laughter in the meeting room, obviously they were all passionate, and they all felt that they were about to get rich soon.

You must know that some shallow and bankrupt bets here have made bets on this. Once they make money, they will be rich, how can we not let them go crazy.

This is also the reason why such top powerhouses under the old corona of the demon sky can only be intimidated for a while, but they cannot be frightened forever, because people who are on the edge of extreme madness have to step aside for any fear.

At this moment, they only have interests in their minds! Benefit! Still benefit!

Especially those who have given up everything, can even sacrifice everything for the sake of profit at this time.

But at this moment, although it was a meeting, it completely turned into a buffet reception.

Minister Raymonton is also a person who will come. He directly prepared a food team to be on standby at any time nearby. With a light clap, all kinds of waiters with plates came in one after another.

And everyone also took the wine glasses or desserts from the waiter's hands casually.

For a while, the host and guest had a good time, and everyone was enjoying themselves.

But not long after, a figure walked into the venue, and then went straight to Minister Raymondon and whispered something in his ear.

Looking at the wild smiles of the officials of various departments above, and Minister Alice, who was standing alone outside the corner at this time, was frowning. I vaguely felt that it was right, but I said yes.

"Haha! Director Raymondon, you are so kind, oh yes, you are too shrewd! It's like fishing. When you meet a small fish, it will come down and hang us. Let it last longer, so we can feel that you have a strong future!" Xilin said with a smile.

"That's right! That's right! Two consecutive batches of such small quantities of materials were distributed, and as a result, there was a slight wave in the market, and even caused the slightest fluctuation in the current energy market price. You think Xilin, he should be aware of the meaning. What are you talking about!" Raymondon said with a look of joy on his face.

However, I also dreamed that the one who helped me turned out to be the one who cheated me hard later, the initiator of this economic war.

No one is whispering, no one is urging Xiaojia to continue to follow.

Director Xilin of the Hall family said with a smile, I am naturally very happy to be able to withdraw funds at a low position.

"Yes! You also think it was written by Mors Dick, but it is reasonable to say that I have no reserve in my hand, so the reserve for that time is probably what our Dick family has no reserve. Everyone, are you interested in giving it to Moore? Stick's fatal blow? Let Morsdick and our Dick family be destroyed together?"

In the entire Saint Yuan system, there are nearly 800 cosmic worlds, and there are not dozens of large universe worlds that are eligible to join the Saint Yuan system. Those cosmic worlds do not have stars getting old all the time, nor are new stars being born.

Along with Minister Alice's low shout, the venue once again boiled with cold blood.

"Minister Raymond, is something wrong?"

Although you can guess that there are very small internal conflicts in the Shengyuan clan today, you can definitely imagine that in the situation where the old master of the devil sky came forward, these officials from various departments would dare to hoard goods for a small amount, and even After that, the materials returned to the front office of the finance department were swallowed again.

"That's right! Now use the funds you don't have to swallow all the bulk goods you can swallow, and you will let the Dick family die with the moron Morsdick!"

So the eleventh batch of selling materials was sold out quickly again. Seeing that everyone seemed to have won another victory, they reported again and whispered, and everyone smiled again.

At the same time, on the other side, at the venue, the atmosphere was not hotter than before and after, but it was too little, too little!

The young man's killing intent boiled over, and he threatened to kill Morsdick.

Gan Zhenjin and Xilin were both stunned when they saw the real-time feedback that they hadn't sold out yet.

Xilin also showed joy, and nodded with a smile, "Director Raymond, it seems that there is not a huge interest group buying energy frantically. We will let any factors that affect energy prices arise. We want to monopolize That industry!"

It’s because we hoarded too little afterwards, so bulk goods once or twice, even in

It is still enough to sell at a low position and want to withdraw funds.

Raymondon ordered, you are mainly concerned with the current situation within the Shengyuan clan in Hanhu at this time.

Afterwards, everyone from Xiaojia was still smiling, but now everyone’s faces are more or less stiff, and I mainly spent so little money to get rid of it, but the other party seemed to have a bottom hole. The inexhaustible energy reserves are special, and we are not a little dizzy.

From the moment we wanted to monopolize energy, we went in the wrong direction. That's when your mind cleared up before you fired down the energy price! "

"Okay! Haha! It's not pure profit now!"

Seeing this, some middle-level and low-level officials just smiled, and we are going to continue to retreat, especially some executive-level officials. The savings of each of the teenagers have already become rich, and the family power behind them is even more abundant.

At this time, Xilin, a finance director from the Hall family, looked at the data and scratched his head.

"Haha! It's wrong! We haven't stopped yet, so Director Raymondon, if you want to continue selling?"

"Director Gan Zhenjin, we're back again!"

"Bad, now you sell every two hours, eight hours, seven hours, and ten hours!"

"Hehe, it's up to us, you follow the bad selling rules later on, fish a little bit, and quickly find out our bottom. Remember to pay attention to our retreat speed, aren't you pulling us a little bit now? into an abyss from which there is no escape.

At the same time, on the other side, where Motian Finance Department is located—

"It's Hanhu. It may be that some vassal groups are selling. After all, the current energy price is very scary. Selling now can make a small profit and avoid the risk of possible price collapse in the future." Morsdick was also at a loss at this time. , I know exactly who is helping me in front.

But an hour ago.

They are all low-level officials of our Shengyuan clan anyway, and killing officials of the same level without authorization is a petty crime, let alone the same level, and the killing of low-level officials will also cause shocks.

After all, Minister Alice is the person who speaks for our group of people, and even the hub of communication. We firmly believe that as long as we follow Minister Alice, there will be suspicion between the two sides, so that we can monopolize the energy degradation of the entire Saint Yuan system. .

Now the game is easy to follow, some people have not entered the game, but some people say that there is a possibility that they have not left the game! But what you need is a way for everyone to leave the game! "

"Of course! You absolutely support Minister Alice!"

"Haha! I don't have any tricks on Morsdick!"

Because the real-time data at this time showed that the batch of stockpiled goods we had just distributed was eaten up by many buyers in just one hour, and even the bones were left over.

"Yes... yes! That's not the case, sir. There wasn't a weak force that quickly retreated. The retreat was too slow for you to notice that no one sold in small quantities in the market. It was due to your observations , It is indeed found that there are not a dozen small sales, but there are few cases where they are quickly retreated by well-known forces, and now energy prices are still maintained at a low point!"

There is a way that there is no limit to the ability of high officials to digest.

The official of the finance department nodded and said, and a gleam of joy appeared on my face.

"Yes, as long as you all work together, it will be difficult to realize the plot of Mrs. Morse Ganzhen, and the failure will belong to you in the end!"

"This...Director Raymondon, according to your speculation, is it estimated that your first bulk shipment will take eight days to be followed by others? .”

Everyone didn't pay attention at first, but after the man finished speaking, everyone saw Minister Raymondon's complexion suddenly darken.

"Oh, you can do it, you are just a big department-level employee, and you have spent all the savings you have lost over the years. That's why you have even borrowed what your family can borrow. Now You have everything but energy at your fingertips."

After all, those of us who can serve as low-level officials are all veteran nobles of the Shengyuan family.

Those old-fashioned nobles have many places to spend money on weekdays, but there are many places where they can get refunds. With the accumulation of such young people, the wealth of the family before them is unimaginable.

"Yes, I have nothing to do with you. If you are so cautious, you can drown me with just one mouthful of spit!"

Raymondon was talking, with a pretty face clearly smiling, but seeing Xilin's back shiver.

After a series of previous cooperative actions, Xiaojia has not been very indifferent to Minister Alice. Regardless of whether he is a member of the military department or not, other departments of mine are all indifferent.

Hearing the words, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then became excited.

"Throw! Continue to throw according to that scale, according to the energy reserves you have hoarded, you can throw it a hundred times like that, it is necessary!"


"Yeah! It seems that Morsdick is not at his wit's end. After that, I should have used the energy reserves of the family behind my finance official. You just believe that I have inexhaustible energy reserves!"

"Minister Alice, if it's Morsdick's work again!"

"Yes! If it's that guy, that guy isn't sincerely going to live with you. I want you to see, Minister Alice, you should let the soldiers of the military department tear me to pieces!"

Xilin laughed, such a speed of making money is simply something I have never seen before.

Pay attention to the speed of our absorption and retreat. Once you find that the speed of eating and retreat has decreased, you should also reduce the frequency of selling. Xilin should know what you mean. "

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It has been going down for too long, and once we let other big companies see it, we thought energy prices were going to collapse, and we have already taken that step. I also want to see the success fall short of success, right? "

Hearing what Hall's supervisor Xilin said, Raymonton also showed embarrassment.

"Sir, what kind of force do you think is helping you? You also know that that force has enough background and can continue to sell. If you can, it will be difficult for energy prices to stabilize."

Sitting in my office, Morsdick had been in a daze and fell into a messy state, but now I couldn't sit upright after listening to the report from my boss.

"Haha! That's right! It's also counted as your share. I'll buy them all for you. You have to see how much of our Ganzhen clan has survived!"

Yes, no one shook his It was obviously just a big psychological trick, but that kind of trick that can manipulate countless people in a flash made Xilin feel inexplicably fearful and admired! "Strange! It seems that the entire Shengyuan system is hoarding energy crazily now, which is a bad thing for you. Since a batch of materials is beyond our bottom line, you should take the opportunity to scatter less. It can be regarded as returning to you. funds invested successively.”

"It's broken. Director Raymondon, your seventh batch of supplies hasn't been distributed yet. It should take a few days to digest that time."

Very slowly the eighth batch of resources was sold off, an hour ago, the seventh batch, the seventh batch... the tenth batch.

Minister Alice is very satisfied with this, and I will kill Morsdick.

I naturally understand what Raymonton means, and I am also a professional business talent. At this time, cooperating with Raymonton has allowed me to see a lot of insidious business methods, and I also admire Raymonton's business ability.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

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