Master of Fist

Chapter 1251: angry devil

However, it was not so easy for Morse Hall to ask his immediate boss, Old Corona, after all, such a big man like Old Corona would not have time to talk to those below him, even the high-level people in their group.

Fortunately, the Morse Hall family is powerful enough. The patriarch of the family used to be the confidant of the devil's old corona. .

The Old Lord of Motian has been telling Wanhe about the situation of the human universe and the specific strength of the human universe recently.

This is one of the small planes of the Shengyuan family, independent of the three major planes of the Shengyuan world, and belongs to the only residence under the crown, that is, the core.

To put it simply, the entire Shengyuan world is regarded as the kingdom of God under the three old coronas. The three old coronas have divided their respective regions of the kingdom of God. Lord.

For the old master of Wanhe who met again after many years of retreat, once the strongest of the Shengyuan clan, and even the founder, the former master of Motian couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

The former Wanhe Old Master always exuded a terrifying and abyssal aura, with an unfathomable sense of unreality, as if he would be dragged into endless purgatory by the other party just by looking at it.

But now the old master of Wanhe looks haggard. Although the aura in his body is still unfathomable, there is a lot of vanity, which means that his injuries are still very serious, and it can even be said that he has not recovered in a short time. A cure is possible.

"You know what you said. The two weaklings in the wonderful habitat are really difficult to deal with. You are just curious. That kind of opportunity is just two weaklings in the wonderful habitat who have not integrated into the origin of the world. It stands to reason that It is not complicated for him and his heir Mo Yun to decide.

But they won, and the most recent time, both of them shot. Given such a chance, they were forced to beg you, hehe... Presumably those two weaklings of the human race were trying to deal with them badly. "

After all, no ancestor has just negotiated cooperation matters, and it is suspected that the human universe will be conquered soon.

The divine body of the Old Lord of the Demon Heaven is still very small even if it is normal, and it looks as tall as a hill.

At that moment, I suddenly felt that no one in the world applied to see me with low-level permissions.

It is a stability factor to destroy it all the time! "The old corona of Motian didn't think so at all.

At that time, our Changxing clan will face the joint suppression of nearly 800 vassal clans under the command of Shengyuan.

Although the Dream Demon contributes the most, and has always been in charge of things, I can't share more of my share, but no matter how much I share, what falls into Motian's hands is far more than the ancestor's share.

As for the Hall family, our eight old masters have actually looked at it from the bottom of our hearts. At this time, the ancestors also thought the same way. In my opinion, the Hall family is indeed nothing, and it can be destroyed with a snap of a finger.

After all, after being such a young big brother, no matter how tough we are, we are still big brothers. Really think that the savings of such a young man of our Shengyuan clan are just a joke

Therefore, the ancestor was not worried at all, and I just mentioned it casually to attract the attention of the old master of the devil sky.

Mo Tian also concealed this, nodded, and smiled helplessly, "It's wrong, there is nothing bad to hide, I suspect he also heard some rumors. You are indeed very optimistic about this confrontation. It was four out of ten Steady, or even divided shots, mainly raids.

Morse Bass hurriedly knelt down on the ground under Chang Xing's leadership.

Once you go out to fight, there is no guarantee that we will want to do something wrong! "

Motian smiled hotly and shared my complete

There is that concept.

The two chatted for a while, and then the ancestor said goodbye and left.

The ancestor directly set out his own conditions. new

Whether it is a human being or a god, there are always those who think that others are worse than themselves.

The old master of the devil sky was shocked. Did those idiots know that they were digging out the wealth of our own group?

Um? !

One of you is nervous, you can suppress one person, and you can kill him slowly, but you, the heir, Moyun, really lack the firepower. He also knows that it is not because of your help that I can achieve Wonderful Life. This is based on self-cultivation.

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When I am employed, especially when I am employed, my death is a big deal, but the war is delayed! I also hope that the crown will come forward to maintain the situation! "

It seems that they are just hoarding goods together, but the war is imminent, and our ethnic group needs a small amount of energy resources. In the end, we buy them at a low price. Does that mean transferring funds from outside the treasury to the private pockets of the group of subordinates under our command? Well?

In the past one billion years, the current Bass family still shines in the middle and lower levels of the ethnic group by virtue of its former glory. After that, they are all in politics.

The Old Lord of Demon Sky was in a very wrong mood.

Hearing that the old Lord of the Demon Sky narrowed his eyes slightly, I knew what the other party was referring to. It was not about how to divide the opportunity of the Creation Realm evenly before breaking through the human universe.

The old master of the devil sky is angry, so naturally there is nothing bad to play, Morse feels like the power of the whole world is broken in an instant, as if it is squeezing my limbs, and even the soul is broken, as if there is no hill When it was pressed up, I was so pressed that I was out of breath, and there were no cracks on the surface of my body.

Motian shook his head and smiled wryly, in my eyes, if I want to ask the ancestor to do something, I have to sell it miserably, those embarrassing things, I just say it, at our level, I guess I can guess one by one about the other party's situation even if I say it Four.

The time to step into Wonderful Life is still short, and it is difficult to beat any of these two people because of your shallow background, and you were even held back by a weak human race with a mere eighth rank in the area, which will make your father's face a little bit bad! "

Motian groaned in his heart, he did not have any reverence or even adoration for the ancestor in the future, but as the saying goes, he did not have less faith in this person in the future, and before the collapse of the previous human establishment, there was no less resentment.

The voice on the old ancestor's old corona is very old, just like my appearance at this time looks very prosperous, and my appearance of withered grass looks bad, like the wind blows, and I will fall down if it blows.

Chang Xing nodded, my eyes were as deep and fierce as water, and said calmly,

However, as Morse Bass described in detail what happened and what happened during it, the Lord of the Old One also frowned.

In addition, the number of weak members of the legion alone can crush our regular clan to death. As long as we want to, we can completely use the trails that control the various vassal groups as threats to force the various vassal groups to participate in the counter-rebellion.

At that time, apart from eight of you old guys who will go to the Human Race universe and half of the legions to cooperate with the conquest, the other eight seniors will sit in the old lair, eight weaklings of the wonderful habitat, and the Hall family will only have two weaklings of the wonderful habitat. Those years were badly covered up.

Changxing the old master said with a smile.

Mo Tian really wanted to kill Morse Chang Xing, and I snorted again, and the pressure that had been overwhelming disappeared immediately.

Unfortunately, at that time, the old chief of the Bas family, Chang Xing, also moved to stand up.

As a result, the surprise attack was successful, but was dragged into a protracted war by the opponent. It's just that this Jiang Heng is very difficult to deal with. He has the Seven Paths of Time and Space and is not supported by many top trails. Another weak human, Hong Jun, is also good at it. tangled guy.

The six people are trying to figure out how to attack Li Mu.

Li Mu looked at the front indifferently, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he just walked over straight like this, as if he didn't notice it at all.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly appeared from all directions and surrounded him.

With a glance, Li Mu knew that these people's cultivation was not low, on the contrary, they were very advanced. Their movements were flexible and their attacks were fierce.

Li Mu smiled and looked at the few people without any panic.

The six of them burst into laughter instantly, feeling that Li Mu couldn't see the situation clearly at all.

Li Mu shouted, and instantly turned into black lightning and disappeared in place.

The six people stared blankly ahead, Li Mu was no longer in their eyes, they could only see a streak of black lightning rushing left and right among the six of them, accompanied by bursts of light.

Then, their eyes suddenly went dark, and their consciousness returned to the eternal darkness, and they didn't know anything.

Li Mu put away the Blood Shadow Knife, just now he just slashed and killed the opponent cleanly!

After absorbing the merit points of the six people, Li Mu went to the depths of the canyon again.

It was only when Li Mu came to this canyon that he truly turned on the killing mode.

The contestants here are all highly cultivated, and each of them has a lot of merit points.

Even, even the top ten contestants, there are several people in this canyon area.

Li Mu turned into black lightning, walking through the canyon and dense forest, people blocking and killing gods and Buddhas.

Whether it is the top 100 contestants or the top ten contestants, there is no difference in the face of Li Mu's crushing strength.

Li Mu released his spiritual consciousness, and his spiritual consciousness spread throughout the canyon, and every move inside was under his control.

Li Mu walked quickly and flew towards a mountain peak in the canyon. This time, his target was the sixth-ranked person this time.

During the march, several ferocious dream monsters sprang out from the canyon and came to kill Li Mu!

Li Mu just waved briefly.

While running wildly, several dream monsters pounced on them, fell into a ball, hit the stone wall heavily, and blood spattered.

The rock, which was a hundred times harder than steel, was smashed to pieces.

Li Mu didn't stop absorbing the energy of Shenmeng, and he didn't care about the meritorious value of the Dreamcraft.

Li Mu continued to advance, and finally reached the mountain.

On the top of the mountain stood a young man holding a long sword.

He was wearing a black robe, with long hair fluttering in the wind, firm eyes, and a handsome face, as if he was a god.

He held a long sword in his hand, the sword body was shining with cold light, and a red gemstone was inlaid on the hilt, emitting strong energy fluctuations.

His body stood straight on the top of the mountain, like an unshakable mountain, which made people feel a powerful aura.

His eyes scanned the surroundings, as if looking for something.

Under the mountain peak is a vast expanse of land, lined with trees and connected by mountains and rivers.

In the distant sky, white clouds float and the sun shines, making this world look extraordinarily beautiful.

The young man looked and saw a black figure approaching him at an incredible speed.

The young man's eyes flickered, and the surrounding air instantly

There is a very small probability of one person monopolizing the future and stepping into the realm of good fortune. At that point, I have investigated the history of the human universe, and I know that the founder of the human universe did not directly step into the realm of good fortune before he lost his share of good fortune.

However, as the old man Morse frequently narrated the recent events in the inner world, Morse Bass found that the face of the former Lord of the Demon Heaven with a smile on his face was a little bit brighter. come up.

The old master of the devil sky waved his hand heavily, and soon a vortex appeared out of thin air in the kingdom of God, and two figures appeared behind the face of the old master of the devil sky in a blink of an eye.

Mo Tian was suspicious. I naturally had no impression of the Bass family. In the early years, they often served under my command. The peak combat power of the eighth rank in the interior scene was suffered heavy losses in a conquest war. Although it was life-threatening, its strength Every day, the cultivation base is constantly rising and falling.

Seeing Dongzhi's ancestors disappearing into his divine kingdom, Motian's expression brightened immediately. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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