Master of Fist

Chapter 124: You should practice your legs

Zhou Yan froze. She didn't know what else Senior Yan could order, but she just lowered her head and waited for the order.

"I see that you haven't slackened in your martial arts practice recently, and your strength has improved a lot. It just so happens that someone's hands are very itchy, why don't you and I stop, and someone only uses one arm, how about you attack with all your strength?"

Jiang Heng smiled and leaned over to look at Zhou Yan, the meaning of these words was already very obvious. Jiang Heng is too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy every time.

It is true that the ambition will grow a lot if the power becomes stronger, Jiang Heng feels that it is necessary to remind this guy! Verbal intimidation is far less straightforward than direct action!

He just wants to make this person feel scared! fear! This kind of person who often hangs out doesn't need his absolute loyalty, he just needs to make him feel awe and awe!

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly cupped her hands and said respectfully, "This little one doesn't dare!"

"Oh!" Jiang Heng laughed lightly, stretched out his big hand and patted the latter's shoulder lightly, and said with a long and elongated laugh: "I dare not~ I think you want to?"

"Come on! It's just a matter of pointing to the end. Could it be that you have lost the courage to step into the pulse refining state?"

Hearing that Zhou Yan raised her head slightly, seeing Jiang Heng's plain face did not seem to be fake, she was a little relieved. My heart also gradually became active.

Who doesn't have ambitions?

What's more, for a hero like Zhou Yan, who has been dormant for many years under the command of Dadaomen, his ambition is naturally not small.

Seeing Senior Yan's normal expression in front of him, the ambition in his heart also showed a savage growth.

"Since that's the case, the little one will be offended!"

Speaking of Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan made a move that he was very used to. Black Tiger Boxing was the martial art he had studied the longest, and it was also the only attacking martial art. Dacheng has already reached a high level of proficiency.

This point is the same as Jiang Heng's Blood Line Fist, except that he doesn't have the golden fingers of Jiang Heng, so this martial art has only been completed after nearly ten years of hard work.

My Black Tiger Fist is much better than Guo Que's saber technique. That idiot pays too much attention to state, but ignores his own hard power.

However, the reason why that idiot Guo Que was defeated by one blow was mainly because he underestimated the enemy, and Senior Yan's moves were so fast and accurate that he didn't even give him the slightest chance to make a move.

Thinking about it this way, it's not like I don't have a chance!

Zhou Yan thought a lot, clenched her fists, tensed her muscles and bones, and arched her back slightly in the posture of a tiger.

Jiang Heng, on the other hand, looked at the scene in front of him with a flat face, didn't say much, and didn't even put on any response gestures, just looked at the other party lightly.

"Senior, the little one is about to make a move!"

Seeing Jiang Heng's indifferent appearance, Zhou Yan grinned calmly.


The legs suddenly exerted force, the floor was cracked, and the figure jumped up like a hungry tiger. The fist was stretched back and straightened, and the inner energy surged to the front of the fist, and the fist was thrown out fiercely.

In an instant, the front of the fist passed by, as if there was a roar of tigers in the air. Under the violent surge of energy in the front of the fist, there was a cold wind blowing, and a layer of frost solidified on the fist. And a burst of evil spirit suddenly broke out!

This is the ultimate move of Black Tiger Fist! Heisha!

In a short period of time after being able to throw a punch, Zhou Yan burst out with an astonishing evil spirit. With this move, Zhou Yan has almost never succeeded in fighting against her peers. This is to overwhelm people with power and raise their momentum, and the sound of the tiger's roar makes it even more powerful!

Power surge!

snort! How do you block it? !

Zhou Yan was ecstatic in her heart. Seeing that the other party was still indifferent, she was a little surprised, but she didn't care that the punch was still soaring, and it almost rushed straight to Jiang Heng's door in an instant!


A muffled sound exploded.

However, the situation completely overturned Zhou Yan's expectations. The scene in front of him made Zhou Yan start to tremble involuntarily. is it possible? !

However, Zhou Yan's fist was completely covered by a huge palm like a child, and it was firmly clasped.

The Black Tiger Fist was almost unreservedly caught by the opponent. Zhou Yan could clearly see that at that moment, the opponent's strike was like lightning, almost calmly receiving all of his punches, without even shaking the palm of his hand in the slightest. .

"Oh! I'm really disappointed!" Jiang Heng said softly, looking down at Zhou Yan, who was extremely shocked.

"I were right when you said that you should practice legs instead, but this boxing technique is really...hehe, I can't bear to look straight at it!"

As he spoke, Jiang Heng did not see any other movements, and he exerted a slight force on his palm, click!

With the sound of bones bursting, Zhou Yan's face suddenly twisted into a ball, and his fist was already crushed, but he didn't dare to let out the slightest scream at this moment, resisting the severe pain, almost biting his teeth.

The severe pain stimulated every nerve in Zhou Yan, and the cold sweat rolled down from his forehead almost quickly, and his face turned pale.

Only at this moment did he realize that the strength of Senior Yan in front of him is absolutely unfathomable! On that day, the opponent defeated Guo with one punch, but maybe he hadn't done his best yet!

Thinking of what she did as a clown just now, Zhou Yan felt extremely regretful.

"Yan...Senior Yan, I will never practice boxing... boxing again! Never... never practice again!"

Zhou Yan endured the severe and bowed her knees extremely, her posture was lower than before and she was even more awed.

Seeing that Jiang Heng's expression didn't change at all, he nodded slightly in his heart.


With a light grunt, Jiang Heng glanced at the self-sufficient Zhou Yan, bent slightly and patted the opponent's head, and said with a smile: "You are a smart person, I know what you will do!"

Without waiting for Zhou Yan's response, she strolled away from the lobby of the Black Tiger Hall, playing with two iron pills in one hand.

Watching the majestic and terrifying figure gradually disappear before her eyes, Zhou Yan sat on the ground like soft mud, and couldn't help but let out a gasping roar at this moment.

He didn't dare to hate Jiang Heng. At that moment, he knew that the gap between himself and seniors like Senior Yan was like a sky, and he was really stupid to want to take revenge!

After solving the matter of the Black Tiger Hall, Jiang Heng was in a good mood and walked slowly along the path he had come from.

The best way to deal with such a wild dog is not to give him food, but to hit him with a stick and then give him some food is the wise choice.

If it was Jiang Heng a month ago, he would not have been so entrusted to Zhou Yan in front of him, but it is different now.

After experiencing the battle of Hengjiang City, the bones of his body have undergone a thorough tempering, although this does not mean that all the bones have been tempered. After all, each bone needs hundreds of times of repeated breaking and reorganization to complete the tempering before it can be considered a success.

But the strength improved by such a tempering is also extremely astonishing. Coupled with the further strengthening of the internal organs and meridians, Jiang Heng is now able to force himself no matter whether it is vigor or facing the internal energy and evil spirit of the pulse refining state and the evil level. The counterbalance one or two. Of course, in the end, the black ball absorbs and feeds back the internal energy.

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