Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1231: Internal turmoil of the Shengyuan 1 clan

Chapter 1231 Chaos within the Shengyuan Clan

"Interesting and interesting! The Shengyuan clan has conducted sampling surveys on the goods of the Xilin clan many times, but they suppressed them and never punished them. There are some contraband."

Jiang Heng nodded, and he also had a comprehensive understanding of the intelligence capabilities of the Gutuo clan in his heart. Being able to inquire so much hidden information shows that the Gutuo royal family itself is not bad.

"It seems that I underestimated the Gutuo family at the beginning. They may not be as strong as the Xilin family in terms of overall strength, but they have nothing to say in terms of intelligence. Can you sleep?"

Jiang Heng was a little emotional. If there were so many young people in the human race universe, the dynasty would have changed long ago, and civil strife would continue, so how could he have the intention to conquer the outside world.

Like the Shengyuan clan, there are so many youngsters in the interior, and they still have the mind to conquer the outside world time and time again, and each time is more powerful.

"But the Shengyuan clan can't help it. Our human universe is an unbearable sweet pastry in their eyes. If it was normal, they should have chosen to recuperate long ago."

This is for sure. After all, the Shengyuan clan had experienced a collision with a large sect before. Broke in half.

Otherwise, if the Shengyuan clan in its heyday wants to manipulate their human universe, it is really not a joke, it is definitely the kind that can be easily manipulated without hesitation.

Jiang Heng can only sigh with emotion that once the end of the Shengyuan clan's small-road invasion strategy is used to rule and enslave other vassal groups, it is a coup for every family, and that coup has also established the foundation for us to maintain our rule even if we are a bunch of young people. The essential.

It’s okay for Jiang Heng to admire this. The key is that our human race universe can’t imitate it. The main reason is that the Xiaodao Changhe of the Shengyuan clan is not this kind of extremely weak aggressiveness, and has extremely weak corrosiveness, especially because it is completely deformed The trail of evolution.

That is an old tradition of the Shengyuan clan.

No matter how friendly they are arguing, I can't understand it, but if every family dares to shoot at the old corona, it's their own life.

In the early years, in order to compete for less power and the right to speak, the eight small old days even started an arms race of frantically conquering and accepting fewer vassal groups.

Such a cosmic world has never been ruled by us, or even the sending country has never guarded and managed it. After a young age, the ghost knows how far the weak people contained in that cosmic world have reached.

I think it was at the beginning of the birth of the world of the Shengyuan clan, the weak man who created the universe in the Wonderland was also on the verge of distortion and collapse, and the universe world I left before the fall naturally carried elements of distortion.

It can be seen through a sloppy look that the man only fired at the opposing congressman, but never touched the former master behind him. Obviously, everyone is very modest.

Of course, that small battle also lost part of the core forces of the Old Lord of the Demon Sky, and some of the real elite forces were devastated and remained in the human universe completely, so that the forces under the Lord of the Old Demon Sky now In the face of the succubus and Xilin's former representatives, it was not easy to live.

The only thing I can be sure of now is that there are no weaklings in the Wonderful Life in our family. It is unknown whether they exist at the level of the old corona, but it is definitely enough to attract your attention. Could it be that such small troubles have always remained? "

The many laws evolved from that kind of trail and long river are all products of distortion and distortion.

But what we are doing now is just a preliminary test, and we even dare to blatantly oppose Wanhe World. Presumably, the current situation of the lower level of the Shengyuan clan is bad.

But now our Xilin Mian is seriously injured, and it is unknown when he can recover and when he will leave the customs. It is extremely difficult to suppress a rebellion of that level.

At that time, once Ruan Sha's clan really rebelled, with the **** nature of the Lords of Motian and Dream Demon, it is certain that they would lend a helping hand at all. At the critical moment, we, Ruan Sha, will only lend a helping hand when we have no choice but to pray.

Although it is carefully raised, as a fighting group, the Shengyuan alien race has stopped cultivating our fighting instincts from birth, so that kind of training is very cruel, and the weaker the talent is, the more cruel it will be.

For example, the next time Qing Yunzong's side made a small move to suppress the The former Lord of the Devil's side has achieved the ultimate in preserving strength. If this is the case, why is our Xilin old sun crown like this. And at the same time, just as Jiang Heng expected, the native land of Saint Yuan World—

Councilor Ruan Sha's side was full of anger, and our eyes were directed at the representatives of Motian. Those eyes wanted to kill people.

Jiang Heng shook his head with a heavy smile. The Shengyuan clan is indeed a special case, and our system will be too stable in the future.

And that is not a time bomb for the Shengyuan family.

Some geniuses will be sent to large planes dedicated to hunting one by one before they turn a hundred years old. These planes are weak beasts from other worlds released by the Shengyuan family, and babies need to experience hundreds of years of fighting outside , Those who can come back alive in the end will be directly incorporated into the pre-reserve of the Shengyuan Clan's local army, and each family will participate in some low-level conquests.

Moreover, the babies of the Shengyuan clan belong to the collective cultivation, and they will not be separated from our mother after birth. In this way, after a short period of cultivation, the mother will soon be able to return to the legion to fight for the clan.

Even if your Shengyuan family has a small family and a small business, this is so wasteful. If you want to train so few elites again, most of them will take hundreds of millions of years to recover, or even less! "

There is also a way, after all, the brains of the Shengyuan clan are really limitless, and it is easy for us to choose those talents, but those low-level positions can be used by other groups, so it is not the case.

At this time, a small council of the Shengyuan clan was being held, and there were a total of 80 members of the Eighth Little Clan, and ten representatives attended the meeting.

That is an opportunity for your human race universe, you have to use that bomb, maybe at a critical moment, you can't bury a huge hidden danger for the Shengyuan clan. "

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