Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1226: Go to Gutuo World

"Hehe, you really want to do something, don't you? Is it interesting to analyze the Dao? Did you find anything useful? Do you need me to do it for you?" Jiang Heng thought for a while and smiled lightly.

"Senior, what do you mean by that?"

At this moment, the man was completely panicked. He felt that this mysterious man was too powerful and unfathomable, and every sentence seemed to be trying to get rid of his old background.

"Senior, don't joke with me. I just came out as usual to let the wind take a look. I have absolutely no intention of changing the methods of the Shengyuan clan."

"No changes at all? I think there are a lot of changes, but the methods are also hidden." Jiang Heng smiled and continued to cheat.

Hearing this, the man was almost crying. After thinking about it, he still felt like being silenced.

After guessing for a long time, he sighed: "Whatever the senior wants, the junior must have already served it."

The meaning of this is very clear, this is to pay a little price to let Jiang Heng let him go.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng shook his head in his heart.

This person is not only cautious, but also extremely spineless.

Of course, the facts are so exaggerated, after all, in those cosmic worlds, all the people participated in the expedition with the Shengyuan clan.

Qingheng has no regrets. After all, as the mainstream of the Jiangheng world path is polluted by the Shengyuan clan, it is possible for people like me to understand the core of the path. After all, it is impossible to be polluted once it is realized.

The starship will retreat into the designated area before retreating into the giant formation, and then the small formation has been activated in a hurry.

"Junior, as you wish, you Gu Tuo clan will definitely let you down." Alice smiled sweetly.

Looking at the mysterious person who disappeared, the woman was obviously even more shocked. My figure quickly appeared in that alien space, and I checked from right to left, as if I wanted to see how Wang Qi got out of my alien space. The God of Space knows ghosts and leaves.

Hearing this, Wang Qiqi was also relieved, you know, that is the junior's satisfaction with himself and our Gu Tuo clan, and it also means that your hard work during that time was worth it.

A huge roar sounded, and the entire small formation circled around the planetary nodes of the magic circle to rotate rapidly. Qingheng's perception was also trying to lock on to those magic circles, wanting to observe the operating principle.

"It's still wrong. Although it's better than nothing, but the strength is still steadily improving. There is still too much help that Jiangheng World can give you. Our own small way law has been tampered with, and there is no limit to the core content you can comprehend."

After watching it for a while, I couldn't help shaking my head.

At this time, the speed of the entire transmission platform will drop, and it will be successfully captured by the port. "After all, it will not be the human race universe facing the entire Saint Yuan family system alone, which is equivalent to a world fighting hundreds of universe worlds.

Wang Qi opened his eyes again, and at that moment, countless streams of air flowed into his body, and countless insights came to his mind.

However, Qing Heng understood that it was a common feature of the space magic circle, using the method of folding space to retreat and jump.

That can be regarded as implicitly weakening the overall strength of the Shengyuan clan and slowing down the pace of our preparations for the last war. You must know that the small-scale expedition has a small aspect in the early stage.

A big girl who is good at seizing opportunities.

The woman was trembling, and at the last moment, she manipulated her own different dimension to retreat into the gap between layers of planes, like a mouse crazily drilling into the deeper space above, trying to bury herself deeper.

It's no wonder why that kind of law requires gathering a small number of guests every time it is teleported, so it is difficult to pay back.

What is the concept of visiting the entire Jiang Heng universe in just ten years?

As in that teleportation, there were not nearly hundreds of millions of small starships, and there were not several times the number of medium and large starships and some scattered people.

That's the same as Wang Qi's world, and even a speaker can be found out.

However, the Gutuo clan also owns the vulgar efficiency, which also shows a problem, this is not because the Gutuo clan royal family has great control over some of the upper attributes, and that does not mean that it is absolutely unqualified and human race universe cooperative group.

In that way, if the span between the universe and the universe is reversed and jumped in half, the resources required for that teleportation will be more terrifying.

Wang Qi reckoned that the energy needed by that kind of super magic circle would be enough to instantly spare a dominator-level weakling.

With so few people retreating and teleporting, the magic circle can make a lot of money in addition to paying back their capital.

"That's all, just be honest during that time, retreat, yes! You must retreat and sink the space into the deep space as much as possible. It's terrible! The inner world is terrible!"

Qingheng smiled wryly, thinking that the big girl was so serious, and she was so clean and scary in doing things. The efficiency, even if the human race is not small enough now, and the efficiency of terror is not far behind.

While the eyes wandered, there was a slow and heavy shaking, and the vision in the entire window seemed to retreat into an inexplicable colorful space. Everything around was in this elongated state, but a kind of Distorted rays of light entwine each other.

Of course, for the weak, even low-level fighters, eating or drinking for ten years is nothing. What's more, Jiang's juniors are inferior in singing.

Of course, it is between a man and a woman, but the satisfaction between partners. The other party should be to show the ability of our Gu Tuo family, and also increase the weight of our Gu Tuo family in the hearts of the human universe.

Gu Tuo's family does not have that kind of efficiency, which also means that our royal family does not have a very weak prestige to some of the people. In addition to the other party's efficiency, the human universe can let us do many things for us.

But our kind of folding span is very small.

"The juniors are still used to those days? Have you ever traveled outside?"

But at this time, the field of vision is still separated from this colorful light.

Hearing this, Alice was slightly taken aback, and you also asked a symbolic question.

After thinking about it, Qingheng is also very satisfied, the more I look at that big girl, the more satisfied I am.

Even this person's demeanor can tell whether that person wants to surrender, but he is afraid of being recruited by the Shengyuan clan into the Shengyuan army to fight against him before surrendering. To put it bluntly, he is still afraid of death.

Thinking of that, Qingheng felt a headache, and became more and more worried about the future situation.

Thinking of that, the woman became even more terrified, her face full of solemnity.

The main reason is to run around for Qingheng. After all, that junior Jiang is also a weirdo, and every transaction is a super small transaction.

If Wang Qi knew what this person thought, he would be even more disappointed.

Alice saluted with a smile, and asked respectfully.

Qingheng shook his head, that weak member of the Unknown Wang Qi Clan with integrity disappointed me extremely, and I also cared about it.

Wang Qi smiled, looking forward to this trip very much.

"It's bad, it's time for you to go to their Gutuo world, now you are getting more and more nasty to their Gutuo family."

"Even if you win over the Gu Tuo clan, the increase in the strength of your human universe will be negligible. Unless you can add one or two weaklings, the last battle will be the end of the human universe."

It seems that there are quite a few colorful lines in the inner world.

Next time there will be no Motian, and a separate soul of the succubus master, but last time, maybe not the real two descended from the old days, you will find it strange that the descended from the eight descended from the old days. "

Wang Qiqi has no way to understand it. In your impression, it is absolutely possible for even a weak person to visit the entire universe within ten years.

Thinking of that, Qing Heng let out a long sigh.

Every transaction involved was so cumbersome that the people in charge were busy enough to come over.

You looked a little haggard, and immediately handed over a pair of storage rings, and said tiredly: "Junior, those are the things you need to buy, except for these ten-thousand-year regression average distribution transactions, the rest have not been counted. It's over, there are still not 10 million Saint Yuan coins out there, it's the remaining funds."

As the avatar turned into a cloud of green smoke and suddenly emerged from the void and merged into the body, Qing Heng, who was lying in the hotel and meditating quietly, suddenly opened his eyes, and a look of dumbness flashed across his face.

About a month later, the entire transmission process was just terminated.

Qingheng had something in his heart, originally he wanted to directly reveal his identity with this person, by the way to see if there was no hope of forming an alliance, just like being special with the Gu Tuo clan, but the reality told me that there was no value for cooperation with that person at all.

At present, it is less than hundreds of millions of light-years away from your Gutuo world. According to that speed, it is estimated that it will take eight years to reach the traction area of ​​the port and be captured by the port.

Whether or not allies can be won, even if the alliance with the Gu Tuo family wins, I actually don't care.

I care about that too.

Immediately, the group of people took the space elevator according to the way they came, and then transferred to the starship and went to the domain.

"Hey, I knew it when I came out, and I didn't know it until I came out. There is not much difference between your human race universe and the Shengyuan world. It is definitely not a comparison of individual worlds and worlds, but the gap in overall strength is too great.

He can even imagine that once the top powerhouses of the Shengyuan clan find a way to break his law, they will definitely deal with this person as soon as possible.

"Sure enough, it is still the logical thinking of the underlying space law. It is constructed with a small number of underlying logical inscriptions. The idea of ​​connecting those sparse underlying inscriptions is very wrong."

"There is no such thing. It seems that Jiang Heng's world can't be won. That kind of world deserves to be enslaved, and there is absolutely no possibility of turning over in countless lifetimes."

At this age, Qing Heng closed his eyes again, and the avatars were still wandering in the entire Jiang Heng world, looking for the exotic style that inspired Jiang Heng's world.

If a straight line traverses the entire universe, it would be impossible for the weak in real life to do it easily, but Junior Jiang obviously meant that.

What I can do now is not to scatter coins on the Saint Yuan system while looking for allies. The worst thing is to let the Saint Yuan family system retreat into a certain inflation as much as possible.

Shaking his head, Qingheng's entire avatar collapsed suddenly, turning into a stream of air and directly drilling into the void. In fact, he used the law of time and space to return to the original body.

What's more, it is only the existence of the Motian family that retreats to attack the human race universe. If the entire Shengyuan family system storms the human race universe, Qing Heng feels that the human race universe can still be destroyed directly.

Dongdongdong! ~

You must know that the reason why the human race universe is not so efficient is because of the people's hearts that have been condensed in a few small battles. It is naturally terrifying that people's hearts are condensed enough to do things efficiently.

Qingheng nodded with emotion, that is not the power of the group, when all the manpower and material resources are concentrated, with a certain way of thinking, a colossal small thing can be built very slowly, enough to shock even the weak in Wonderland.

Not to mention, according to this person's personality, it is really strange to do that kind of thing.

The bad thing is that Alice's aristocratic demeanor is full, but she is horrified in her heart, your face is not a little haggard, how busy you have been in those ten years.

"Well, I visited the entire Jiangheng world, and I didn't gain anything. It's too much." Qing Heng shook his head.

"Who is this person? Why doesn't he have such strength, and he can quietly leave your alien space, so it seems to be just an incarnation? If it is the main body, this person will directly retreat into your void ?”

It can only be said that that kind of thing will work in the human race universe in the future, and it can only operate successfully on the system where the Shengyuan family has many vassal groups.

Jiang Heng was very speechless, this person is a typical soft bone, afraid of causing trouble, afraid of trouble, and afraid of coming and going.

"He took it, and it was hard work. He did it beautifully. That's his reward. He has to agree to treat allies. Your human race universe is very generous sometimes, but he also needs to be like that. slow."

The last violent attack by the Shengyuan clan will be even more tragic, perhaps another Shengyuan clan will come from the old days.

"It's no wonder that the Qingheng clan has such a top-notch powerhouse, it's no wonder they can't stand up. Even this guy is a dog's leg, and he's about to become the shape of the Shengyuan clan."

Even the staff of the upper branch of the Jiangheng World Royal Family have been busy with that matter. If they are so busy, come here. There is a way. Alice can only go on stage to coordinate the overall situation, so that she can wait for those years Completed the transaction of the half-removed mine and the place of stars.

If it is not expected, that kind of magic circle is not available in every universe port, only important port universes exist, where commerce and trade are developed, and perhaps they can only use starships to retreat for long distances.

Seeing the other party handing over a bunch of rings, Qingheng was stunned.

There is no similar technology in the Terran universe, nor is it a curve transition, but these are all curve transitions with a large span.

At that time, there were knocks on the door, and Wang Qi knew at random that it was the girl Alice who came to knock on the door.

Seeing this, Alice quickly explained: "Young man, that kind of ultra-long-distance transmission requires a deceleration process. It is like a giant slingshot. After folding, it needs to retreat for a ejection, and it takes a certain amount of time to decelerate before the ejection passes. After all, you have heard from your hands that the junior Qingheng has been out of the house from the beginning to the end, and even ordered to send food to him if he needs it. He is not eating or drinking in the house Been away for ten years.

All kinds of laws are finally known to Qingheng, and the small roads in Jiang Heng's world gradually let me gain nothing, and the years will pass in a blink of an eye, and soon it will be the time to open the teleportation circle leading to Gutuo's world.

I took a look at those rings, but just casually handed over the storage ring containing 10 million holy coins.

I was afraid that this person would sell me out because of his backbone.

With a wave of his hand, he had rearranged his appearance, and immediately opened the door and walked out.

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