Master of Fist

Chapter 120: bait

So powerful!

Looking at all the soldiers who were touched directly or casually by the monster, Jiang Heng felt his eyelids twitch!

Anything that was touched, even if it was just rubbed, the soldier exploded into a cloud of blood mist almost instantly, and was soon captured by the black mist around the monster, and then became the body of the monster with the breath of the monster. a part of.

Jiang Heng discovered that this black mist is not only the talent of the demon, but more like its ubiquitous attack method. The poison that is about to corrode seems to be able to corrode all flesh and blood.

And this strong!

After recovering from the initial shock, Jiang Heng began to carefully observe the monster's every move. The opponent's speed was too fast, and every time he moved, it was like a dark afterimage flickering rapidly among the crowd outside the city.

Every move can instantly strangle the surrounding soldiers, there is no way to live! There is no possibility of any resistance! It seems that these armors worn on the body have no protective effect at all.

The more Jiang Heng watched, the more frightened he became, and the more powerless he felt!

With such mighty power, he is confident that he can blow a person's head into blood mist with one punch!

But... this is completely different from the random touch of the other party that can cause one person to explode into a blood mist. This is definitely not an existence of an order of magnitude!

Jiang Heng reckoned that with strength alone, if the other party rubbed him at will, he would have to fight with all his strength, and he would be seriously injured and in danger of dying!

how is this possible? !

How could the gap be so huge?

It's no wonder that even the great masters of the Ninth Grade Realm couldn't walk through it!

At this moment, Jiang Heng completely believed that Fatty Pi had a lot of demonic remarks about him before. After all, hearsay does not have the intuition of personal experience!

It is indeed terrible, and the reality is probably more powerful than those words!

"Let... release the arrow!!"

Jiang Ting has also recovered from the shock at this time, he has lost his position, and shouted loudly.

The many soldiers who received the order came back to their senses one after another, but it is one thing to hear the order, but another thing to implement it!

Everyone was trembling all over, and they couldn't even pull the strings. Not a single arrow was shot for a long time!

This naturally made Jiang Ting furious. At this time, he was terrified, drew out the blade at his waist, and hacked and killed several soldiers who were tremblingly dropping their crossbow arrows and preparing to flee down the city wall in a hurry. It seems that this can ease the fear in my heart.

"All... shoot me arrows! Anyone who dares to run away will be killed!!"

These garrisons in Cangzhou have never seen such a terrifying scene outside the city wall. They have been eating and waiting to die all their lives, but all the elites have long been dragged to the border to fight against the plateau people. Those who can stay are all soldiers. At this time, even if Jiang Ting kills people and stands up for a while, it will have no effect.

Jiang Heng frowned as he looked at the gradually slaughtered soldiers outside the city.

I can't go on like this, otherwise...

Jiang Heng really didn't think that this seemingly thick city wall could stop that mighty monster! I'm afraid that for such a fierce creature, the city wall is nothing more than a tofu that can be broken in one or two blows!

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng's complexion gradually darkened.

"Kill them all!!"

Jiang Heng yelled violently, almost agitating all the blood in his body, like a thunderstorm that made the eardrums of many nearby soldiers hurt, and the soldiers stationed in the distance also turned their eyes over one after another.

Xu Shi was startled by this loud shout like thunder, so that the fear in his heart was temporarily forgotten.

"You and I have seen the situation outside the city, and obey my orders! Otherwise, when the city breaks down, neither you nor I will survive!!"

Jiang Heng's eyes were red, and his blood-red eyes looked around at everyone like a beast.

"Everyone pulls the strings!!"

Jiang Heng's sudden outburst stunned everyone, and many people didn't even understand the meaning of the words because their brains were blank. But they all followed the instructions and began to pull Gong Xuan in unison.

Jiang Ting not far away was not angry when he saw this, but heaved a long sigh of relief.

He even cursed secretly in his heart, he had lost his position just now, if it was delayed for a while, I'm afraid none of them and the tens of thousands of people in the city would be spared!

Just as he was blaming himself, Jiang Heng came in stride, and spoke directly without extra courtesy.

"My lord, to make a long story short, the situation is urgent now. I'm afraid we can't do anything against this monster with the existing defense equipment!"

"Not bad! You did a good job just now! This monster is acting so fast, I'm afraid our sharp weapon can't even touch it!"

Jiang Ting is not a fool. Hearing the words, he quickly figured out the key point, but immediately frowned.

"But what should we do? We have nothing to restrict his actions at all!"

Hearing that Jiang Heng also frowned, a very shocking truth emerged in his heart at this moment.

I'm afraid these two people who suppress Yousi don't take ordinary people like them seriously at all!

I'm afraid...these two cities are all bait to attract this monster!

Otherwise, Jiang Heng couldn't figure out that the other party would not know the horror of this beast since he often dealt with such monsters! How can an ordinary county town and a thousand soldiers be able to defend it?

Even if there are defense equipment!

So cruel!

I'm afraid it's false to prevent the monster from recovering from his injuries, but it's true to delay the monster!

Jiang Heng's mind was thinking fast Various means of survival quickly emerged in his mind and quickly rejected them.


Less likely!

When he saw the speed of the other party, which was almost flickering and moving, Jiang Heng knew that it was absolutely impossible to escape! I'm afraid that the entire county would have been slaughtered before they escaped for a mile from the county seat!

Then there is only... to fight!

Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, and finally looked at Jiang Ting with solemn eyes, cupped his hands and said, "Give up the city wall!"


Jiang Ting thought he heard it wrong, and stared blankly at Jiang Heng. He was very impressed by this young man. Just because he helped him rake in three hundred taels of silver back then, he still has to remember him.

But he never expected that the other party would respond like this.

"Yes! Just give up the city wall! With this ability, we can't stop the city wall with artillery and crossbows, and we can't even touch the opponent! We can only retreat to the city gate and wait for the opponent to break the city. At this moment, thousands of arrows are fired, cannons are fired, and bed crossbows are fired together to have a chance of survival!"

Jiang Hengyu quickly said what he just thought of. This is also the most hopeful hope he can think of in a short period of time!

Other than that, the rest is a dead end!

He can only bet!

The betting demon cannot resist such a massive onslaught at once! Bet that the two Zhenyousi lords will arrive in time!

Otherwise, there is no doubt that he will die!

But other than that, the other possibilities are even more bleak!

There is a lot of room for the opponent to move outside the city, and shooting arrows from a long distance is tantamount to taking death. The only way to fight the opponent is to go to the narrow gate of the city!

"My lord! There is no delay, we must make a decision as soon as possible!"

Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, and said solemnly again, his tone was firm and almost undeniable.

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