Ye Wan stood on the side of the road for a long time without stopping the car.

Finally, a car came over. Seeing her wet appearance, she immediately kicked the accelerator and drove away.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he ordered a premium car and added a tip, and Ye Wan arrived home smoothly.

After taking a shower and blowing her hair, Ye Wan didn't think about tonight's affairs until she lay on the bed.

She was reckless!

I didn't see it clearly, I only saw a figure running into the sea, and without asking a question, I thought that someone was going to jump into the sea, so I jumped on it regardless.

And this is not the first time.

The previous time, she thought that Lu Chuan was going to jump off the bridge, so she threw Lu Chuan down.

This time, she thought they were going to jump into the sea and knocked down the girl.


Ye Wan covered her face: her meddling problem, it's time to change it!

I grabbed my phone and glanced at it, it was almost 12 o'clock.

It went off the air without even saying hello, after such an Oolong incident.

Fans can't tell why they are worried about her.

Ye Wan logged into the live broadcast room.

It was late at night, but there were still more than two million fans in the live broadcast room.

Iron fans and true love fans are everywhere.

"Goddess goddess, are you alright?"

"Sister Wan, are you okay?"


The warm words followed one after another, Ye Wan smiled and said, "I'm fine, but I was too embarrassed at the time, so I'm embarrassed to say hello to you. It's all right now!"

Although the phrase "you just jumped into the sea, you committed suicide, and your whole family committed suicide" stuck in a certain corner of her heart, it would pop up from time to time to make her heart hurt, but Ye Wan didn't show it.

Emotions are yours, live broadcasts are yours!

She can't let her fans take on her negative emotions.

"It's very late, everyone, go to bed early. See you the day after tomorrow!"

After appeasing the fans, Ye Wan exited the live broadcast room.

Even the effect of tonight's interactive link, whether it needs to be replayed, how many fans have been added, and how many gifts have been received can't be seen. The next second the lights dimmed, Ye Wan buried his head in the pillow.

Ye Wan had a dream.

In the dream, the home is still there, and so are the parents.

Dad was reading the newspaper, Mom was making soup, and the little buns were stacking wood on the carpet at Dad's feet.

And she, standing in the living room, didn't dare to blink at all this.

In the dream, she clearly knew that this was a dream, and she could never go back.

When he opened his eyes, he could vaguely feel dry tears at the corners of his eyes. Ye Wan emptied his brain for a while, and then got up to wash.

Outside the window, the sky is not clear.


In the living room of a high-end apartment somewhere in the imperial capital, Meng Keer didn't sleep all night.

When the phone rang, Meng Ke'er glanced at it and answered the call immediately, "How is it? Did you find someone?"

I don't know what the person on the other end of the phone said, but Meng Ke'er had a smile on her face, "That's good. It all went according to the original plan! ... You can rest assured, it's done, it's yours, it's all yours. Indispensable!"

Hanging up the phone, the smile on Meng Ke'er's face turned cold.

One step was wrong, but the live broadcast pk lost, and she gradually fell to where she is now.

As for Ye Wan, above Chengfeng, the number of fans has grown from less than 1,000 at the beginning to more than 30 million today.

A full 30,000 times.

30,000 times! ! !


Is it just her face?

Thinking of Ye Wan's alluring Meng Ke'er's expression became a little hideous.

She has struggled for so long, and she has finally come to this day, and she must not let Ye Wan take all this away.

If you can't get it, you can only destroy it!

Who told her to show up at the wrong time?

The number one beauty in Honghuang, right?

I hope that the moment you fall from the cloud, you can still be as beautiful as ever!


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