Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 74: con man

Alan and Lily in the secretary's office area stretched their necks and saw Ruan Ruan. They were a little surprised. They also saw that she was carrying watermelon and zongzi in her hand.

"Large watermelon, we are blessed."

"Look, there are dumplings too! President Chen can't eat so much, will he share it with us?"

"Allen, before the Dragon Boat Festival, the company sent out holiday packages to every employee. The dumplings inside are not enough for you to eat?"

"Hahaha... The dumplings of the Great Demon are certainly more enjoyable!"

"Wow ha ha ha! This makes sense, makes sense!"

Gu Anbao inevitably followed her laugh. She brought a lot of dumplings, unless Chen Yuhengdun ate the dumplings for three days, or she could not finish it.

Lulu made a few words with everyone and took Gu Anbao to the president's office. "Mr. Chen is in a meeting. Ruan Ruan advanced to wait for him. Anyway, you used to stay in it before."

"Well, good..." Gu Anbao nodded and followed Lulu into the office.

As soon as I entered, I saw that a robot that looked exactly like me was sitting on the orange single sofa--

There was a bang in my head!

Gu Anbao's entire portrait was nailed to the ground and he could not move for half a step.

Lulu introduced with a smile: "This is ada, President Chen's new robot, Ruan Ruan. You will be friends in the future! Come, ada, say hello to Ruan Ruan."

The robot on the red sofa did not respond.

Lulu issued an annoyed long "Oh," and then said: "The Big Devil didn't turn on ada!...... Hey, that's fine, regardless of her..."

Gu Anbao stared at the face that was almost the same as herself. She and her were not different except for their clothes and ears. They were exactly the same as the same batch of screws produced in a factory.

Lulu took the rice dumplings from her hand and brushed past, "I'll take it in the refrigerator first to avoid staleness... Ruan Ruan, do you want to freeze the watermelon? But the watermelon you brought is too big, I'm afraid You can only put it down if you cut it."

Gu Anbao can't hear anything...

The brain is blank, thinking is frozen, Lulu's voice sounds in his ear, but it seems to be lingering in the sky.

In a vain, swampy mud, the answer predicted by the bottom of my heart vaguely came out—


No need for her...

In front of him, there was a new robot, sitting quietly in the place she used to be.

He no longer needs her.

He will not pick her back.

He... abandoned her.

con man……

Gu Anbao looked at the robot and stepped back step by step unconsciously. She couldn't accept it, she looked forward to it every day, every day!

Every day she is expecting him to pick herself up!

But it turned out... he had no such plan at all! He even...has a new robot...

So there is no text message.

So I didn't answer the phone.

So, for so long, there has been no hearing, no news.



Blame him?

Gu Anbao wanted to cry. What is her qualification to blame him? ...She now has no right to be sad! A robot! An appliance! A tool! How people use it, who they use it for, and how long they use it, it has nothing to do with her!

Ridiculously humble, she has human consciousness, but no human identity...

At this moment, Gu Anbao wanted to go back.

I have never been as eager as I am at this moment and want to return to my body.

Even if it was a crippled, unhealthy body, but she was at least personal! There are friends, family members, mothers will take care of her when she is injured, her sister will comfort her when she is sad, and the father who loves her the most... They will not abandon her easily like him.

She doesn't like this...

She doesn't want this...

After Lulu put the dumplings, she turned around and found that Ruan Ruan was not there, and there were two big watermelons on the ground.

"Huh?..." Lulu went to the door and looked at it, and asked his colleagues outside, "Have you seen Ruan Ruan?"

The secretary assistant outside looked at each other, Lily replied: "She just left, don't you know?"

Lulu shook her head. "She didn't tell me... so strange."


There are a total of 88 floors in the rk building. Gu Anbao stood in the elevator and watched the numbers decrease.

After leaving that office, her muddy brain gradually recovered.

Gu Anbao, don't be sad, you're fine.

She comforted herself.

It’s not worth your sorrow, he just did what every normal person would do. It’s because you have expectations that you shouldn’t have, so you will be disappointed and sad... How can you believe a person’s commitment to a robot ?

Don't be sad...

Gu Anbao squeezed her fists tightly, and gave her comfort and encouragement over and over again. She couldn't imagine how she would become if she went negative...

She was scared.

Gu Anbao was afraid that she would not be able to resist if she was in a rush.

Has been stuck in the robot's body, will one day collapse? Crazy? She didn't want to be like that.

As her family often tells her, be hopeful about life.

It's better to treat a disease, to become a robot. If she doesn't have hope for life, how can she persevere?


The elevator stopped on the 66th floor.

With the elevator doors wide open, Chen Yuheng and Cheryl, as well as several other department managers, were standing outside, and it looked like they had just concluded the meeting.

Chen Yuheng saw Gu Anbao, suddenly stunned, staring at her in the elevator.

Cheryl didn't pay attention to the people in the elevator and looked at the arrow displayed on the top of the elevator and said: "Mr. Chen, this is the elevator going down."

Someone has already pressed the buttons of other elevators.

Gu Anbao looked at Chen Yuheng quietly, but she only felt that she didn't want to see him anymore...

Even if she has countless reasons to persuade herself to persuade herself, but as long as she sees this man who is involved in her own emotions, she can't do it without being sad...

Chen Yuheng wants to go upstairs, she has to go downstairs, and the elevator doesn't have to wait.

Gu Anbao pressed the door-close button, Chen Yuheng froze in place, watching the elevator door close a little.

The elevator next to it also arrived. After a ding, the elevator doors opened. Cheryl said: "Mr. Chen, the elevator is coming."

This is how Chen Yuheng woke up like a dream!

He suddenly took a step quickly pressed the elevator down button!

Cheryl looked at him puzzled, "... President Chen?"

Chen Yuheng suddenly realized that if he wanted to follow Anbao, this elevator might not be necessary, and other elevators could go downstairs! He quickly pressed all the down buttons of the elevator!

"Mr. don't you go back to the office first?" Cheryl felt that Chen Yuheng's expression was a bit wrong.

Chen Yuheng pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

There was a confusion in his mind and he didn't know what to say. He only knew that he saw Ruan Ruan!

Why did Ruan Ruan come to the company? Did he come to him? Why doesn't she talk to him? Why not smile at him? why……

Finally, waiting for an elevator going down, Chen Yuheng rushed in, hoping to reach the first floor immediately!

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