Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 67: The guests

Aunt Xu covered her mouth and smiled: "Uncle Chen, there is nothing there in Xiao Pei, why would he lack watermelon to eat?"

Pei Lijun said generously: "Missing, Grandpa Chen's watermelon is big and sweet, I have been greedy for a long time."

Mr. Chen became more proud and laughed, "That is! The watermelons in our watermelon field are sweet! And clean, absolutely green and pollution-free! Xiao Pei, you have a vision!"

The lively talk of the three people, Gu Anbao had no intention of joining, and stood silently listening.

I don't know if it is her illusion, I always feel that Pei Lijun's eyes seem to sweep from her from time to time...

Pei Lijun was enthusiastically left by Mr. Chen to have lunch.

In the kitchen, Aunt Xu is making fragrant rice cakes, Gu Anbao lays hands on Aunt Xu, picks and rinses the vegetables, peels and cuts the potatoes...

There was a sizzling oil in the pan, and the meat was fried slowly over low heat.

Aunt Xu fried fish while talking to Gu Anbao: "Xiao Pei's favorite food is 粍粑鱼, every time you come home to eat a few pieces... I still remember Yu Heng Nian University when it was Spring Festival After returning home to visit relatives, Yu Heng brought Xiao Pei to his house as a guest. At that time, Yu Heng's grandfather was so happy that he almost thought the grandson brought his granddaughter back, ha ha ha ha..."

Gu Anbao tore the mushrooms into small flowers, and hesitated when he heard Aunt Xu’s words, “they knew each other so early...” She only knew that they were friends for many years, and they were not clear about them. Is a college classmate.

Aunt Xu nodded, "Yeah, I've known you for ten years, and there is a boy named Ace. The three of them are college classmates. Later, they started a company together... To say that Xiao Pei's child is really not easy. I have never seen such a clever girl, even Yuheng praised her for her cleverness. Yuheng’s child was somewhat masculine, and his eyes were always higher than the top. Few girls could enter his eyes. Xiao Pei was the only one he praised. What about girls..."

Aunt Xu talked about it, probably thinking of Chen Yuheng's temper, and then said: "Everyone thought that the two would come together... It's a pity that Yuheng's child has never been unknowing, alas, his temperament is not genetic. Who has it, but fate is such a's always hard to say..."

Gu Anbao didn't understand it. He said in the front that Pei Lijun was very clever. Why didn't he get Chen Yuheng behind? could you think that the two would come together?

Just look at the appearance...Isn’t it good?

Although Gu Anbao is not a member of the Appearance Association, but... Pei Lijun's appearance is indeed much worse than that of Chen Yuheng...

It’s not that it’s’s just ordinary looks, yellowish face, high cheekbones, a pair of slightly puffy single eyelids under heavy glasses, but the lips are very good, full and delicate, but the whole person still looks When she is not with the beauty, especially with Chen Yuheng, who is too good-looking, she will only become more and more indifferent.

Gu Anbao thought for a while, and felt that it was particularly bad and impolite to think of others like this...

It's superficial to judge people by their appearance.

However, if she insisted on putting Chen Yuheng and Pei Lijun in pairs, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Wow... so fragrant, Aunt Xu, your sword is not old." Pei Lijun suddenly entered the kitchen.

Aunt Xu smiled, picked up a piece of fried fish with chopsticks, put it in a small bowl on the side and handed it to Pei Lijun, "Come and try to see how it tastes."

Pei Lijun picked up the bowl, cooked a pair of chopsticks, and took a bite of the golden and crunchy tangled fish in the bowl. The temperature of the fish just out of the pot was still very high. Pei Lijun bite the fish and immediately sucked it quickly. Two breaths.

Aunt Xu hurriedly said: "Be careful."

Pei Lijun took a breath and swallowed the piece of fish with a satisfied expression, "It's delicious!"

Aunt Xu looked at her strangely, closed the fire door, and sandwiched the fried fish pieces in the pan one by one, "Know if you love this, rest assured, enough!"

Pei Lijun smiled: "Aunt Xu is the best!"

Aunt Xu smiled.

Because there is one more person to eat, today's meals are much richer. Mr. Chen swept away the saucy image in Gu Anbao's heart, and showed gentleness and tenderness, which made Gu Anbao very uncomfortable...

"Is Xiao Pei busy with work recently? Don't be anxious about doing things, take your time, don't take your body seriously when you are young, you know?"

"Eat slowly, add more dishes if not enough, and let Aunt Xu make you what you want to eat. Our vegetable garden is full of fresh dishes..."

"It's still the girls who are careful, you know that the Dragon Boat Festival is coming to see me, Yu Heng hasn't even called me..."

Gu Anbao was bored and pulled the rice in his bowl. When Mr. Chen was not paying attention, he quietly threw the dishes in the bowl a little under the table.

The yellow dog cleaned the battlefield happily under the table.

The winner of a meal is happy.

After dinner, Pei Lijun chatted with Mr. Chen for a while, coaxed the old man to smile, and then took out a gift for the old man.

Pei Lijun obviously understands Mr. Chen’s temper, and the gifts he chooses are very pragmatic, and the price is not expensive, but it can be seen that they were prepared with Adjustable insoles.

Pei Lijun finished the gift, looked at Gu Anbao, and said with a smile: "When I came, I didn't know that Grandpa had a little girl here. What could I do? I didn't prepare enough gifts..."

Gu Anbao just wanted to say that you're welcome, but Pei Lijun pulled out a bracelet from his bag and said: "I bought a bracelet a few days ago, look, do you like it?"

Gu Anbao wanted to refuse, and she felt it strange to accept gifts for no reason at all.

Mr. Chen accepted it with great care, "Tweet what is going on, people will take it away from you, don't refuse Xiao Pei's kindness."

Gu Anbao couldn't quit anymore and said "Thank you" to Pei Lijun.

Pei Lijun smiled, untied the bracelet, and walked in front of Gu Anbao. "The inner buckle of this bracelet is made a little special. You may not be able to buckle it. I'll put it on for you."

Gu Anbao looked at Mr. Chen suspiciously, subconsciously covering the spherical joint at his wrist with his cuff.

The old man hung his head and was feeding the yellow dog with the leftovers on the table. He muttered in his mouth: "Why don't you like to eat? I think you are not hungry enough, pick and choose four..."


There was a soft, crisp sound.

Gu Anbao looked down, and Pei Lijun had quickly put on her bracelet.

Gu Anbao was a little embarrassed, "...thank you."

Pei Lijun smiled: "It's beautiful."

In addition to keeping a smile, Gu Anbao did not know what to say...

She is really not good at dealing with unfamiliar people...I feel that no matter what I say, it will be very cold...

At this moment, I saw Pei Lijun lean over slightly and whispered in her ear: "You are much better than I thought."

Gu Anbao looked at Pei Lijun with surprise.

What does she mean...?

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