Marvel’s Ultimate Charm System

Chapter 355 Yin Yang Sword

On the other side, feeling the strangeness in his body, Xia Zixuan immediately came to his senses.

The pain that hit his body like a tide made him curse uncontrollably: fu*k.

However, just as Xia Zixuan was about to urge the horse charm with all his strength to expel the dark power from his body, Xiao Ai's voice interrupted his action.

"Don't rush to deal with these dark forces.

There is a saying in the State of Xia: Fortune is where misfortune lies, and misfortune is where blessing rests.

Maybe that's not necessarily a bad thing. "

Not a bad thing?

Xia Zixuan only felt that his brain was like a paste.

My soul is almost eroded by the power of darkness, isn't that a bad thing?

Is it possible to wait until the power of darkness completely devours one's soul?

Although he was constantly slandering in his heart, but out of trust in the system, Xia Zixuan still endured the pain of corrosion and stopped the operation of the energy of the horse charm.

Not to mention that the system has never cheated itself in the true sense since its awakening.

Just because classmate Xiao Ai was transformed from some of Hua Xin's soul fragments, Xia Zixuan also has a high degree of trust in him.

As time passed, the erosion of Xia Zixuan by the power of darkness gradually deepened.

And the sweat on Xia Zixuan's forehead also rolled down.

It would be a lie to say I wasn't nervous.

If it goes on like this, it won't take long for the power of darkness to completely occupy his body and eventually corrode his soul.

Gradually, Xia Zixuan's originally translucent body exuding a purple halo became darker and darker as the power of darkness poured in.

At first glance, there is quite a breathtaking feeling.

In a certain corner of the dark realm, Dormammu admired Xia Zixuan's gradually darkening body, and couldn't help but be delighted.

Soon, soon, this body will be his own soon.

At that time, as long as you study it thoroughly and find out the reason why it evolved from a human body to a higher life, it will definitely benefit you.

Thinking of this, Dormammu became more and more excited.

Although the matter has not yet settled, Dormammu has already seen his own victory.

He saw an opportunity that could make him equal to OAA.

Faster, faster, faster.

Shouting continuously in his heart, Dormammu's eyes became more and more eager.

The power of darkness in his hand pushed towards Xia Zixuan like money.

However, Domamu still felt that this was not enough. In order to speed up the process, he even threw the sword of darkness on Xia Zixuan's head.

The tip of the long sword, like ink, has turned into a substantial dark air, which is already in a vortex shape, rushing madly towards Xia Zixuan's body.

At this speed, Xia Zixuan's body would be filled with the power of darkness in less than ten seconds, which would start to erode his soul.

Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One...

When he saw Xia Zixuan's body completely turned black, the last worry in Domamu's heart was completely let go.

This wave is stable.

The next thing to do is to find an asteroid and sit down, quietly waiting for the so-called god of fear to become his puppet.

Thinking this way in his heart, the long-lost smile was written all over his face.

"Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things.

Everything bears yin and embraces yang, and the spirit is full of peace.

What people hate is loneliness, widowhood, and lack of food, and princes and dukes think of it as a name.

Old things may be lost for benefit, or benefited for loss


Suddenly, a sound like the sound of thunder came from Xia Zixuan's dark body.

Furthermore, a gleam of white light appeared in the dark body.

As time passed, the white light became more and more dazzling.

Seeing the white light gradually devouring the endless power of darkness, an unprecedented sense of crisis made Dormammu stand on his head.

"This...impossible, impossible, how can there be light in such a strong force of darkness."

Mi Mi Lei's voice kept ringing in his ears, as if he didn't notice Domamu's shock, but Xia Zixuan still closed his eyes and felt it.

Just now, the power of darkness completely filled Xia Zixuan's body, and then began to erode his soul.

It's just that when the first ray of darkness touched Xia Zixuan's soul, the Tiger Talisman, which was almost ignored by Xia Zixuan, emitted a dazzling light.

The Tiger Talisman represents the power of balance.

As the saying goes, the anode produces yin and the cathode produces yang.

After feeling the dark power of Domamu that is pure and yin, the Tiger Talisman even played a role in balancing yin and yang.

After the endless power of darkness encountered the tiger talisman, it immediately lost its activity like ice meeting the scorching sun, and was then absorbed by the tiger talisman one by one, transforming it into the power of light.

The darkness of the most yin and the light of the most yang are constantly adjusting their balance under the effect of the tiger charm.

Gradually, with more and more white light in Xia Zixuan's body, the previously pitch-black body also began to emit bursts of white light.

At some point, two phantoms of Yin-Yang fish, one black and one white, appeared behind Xia Zixuan.

The two fishes were spinning rapidly head to tail, and within a short while, the black fish representing the power of darkness was covered with a layer of white light.

And the body surface of the white fish, which represents the power of light, is also covered with a layer of black light.

"As expected of the Tiger Talisman!"

Taking a long breath of relief, Xia Zixuan slowly opened his eyes.

All of a sudden, a white fish swims out from the depths of the originally dark pupils, making Xia Zixuan's pupils become black and white like a Tai Chi picture.

"Everything bears Yin and embraces Yang, come on! My Yin-Yang sword."

After all, Xia Zixuan saw Xia Zixuan's right hand, and Domamu's black long sword hanging above Xia Zixuan's head immediately fell slowly towards Xia Zixuan.

Gently grasping the hilt of the sword, a stream of energy mixed with the power of yin and yang poured into the body of the sword along the hilt.

Dormammu in the distance only felt that he suddenly lost contact with the black long sword, and even the black long sword began to change.

On Xia Zixuan's right hand holding the hilt, a phantom tiger with white hair and black spots leaped out.


The roar of the tiger resounded through the heaven and earth, and when the phantom completely sank into the long sword, the black long sword turned into half black and half white.

At the guard of the sword hilt, the yin-yang fish is constantly spinning, as if maintaining the balance between the power of darkness and the power of light in the long sword.

"Bastard, how dare you!

This is my painstaking effort for thousands of years. "

How could Dormammu maintain his sanity at this time, his whole body seemed to be on fire, and the flames formed by the power of darkness evaporated.

The dark field surrounding Xia Zixuan immediately turned into countless spikes and shot towards Xia Zixuan.


The sound of spikes piercing the air was endless, but Xia Zixuan didn't have the slightest intention to avoid it.

"Puff puff!~"

In just a blink of an eye, the spikes formed by the countless dark forces had already turned Xia Zixuan into a hedgehog.


It hurts. "

A sound of complaints was like the last straw that broke the camel's camel, causing Dormammu to collapse.

The spikes transformed by the power of darkness just now turned into pure power of darkness and merged into Xia Zixuan's body.

After the transformation of the Tiger Talisman, the yin-yang fish in his eyes seemed to grow a little stronger.


He tried his best to say something, but Dormammu found that he had nothing to say in front of the current Xia Zixuan.


Shaking his head helplessly, Domamu turned into a black streamer and flew into the endless void.

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