Marvel’s Ultimate Charm System

Chapter 321 Vibrating Gold Mine

With Xia Zixuan's footsteps, the distance of more than ten kilometers only takes less than one breath.

However, after all, with the oil bottle of Bashiga, one person and one leopard walked for an hour and still haven't reached the place Bashiga said.

This made Xia Zixuan reacquainted with the wretched little man in front of him.

I also realized that 1.6 million years ago, the life of capable people was difficult.

In order to find easy prey or find edible fruits, their lives are only about finding food besides reproduction.

In Xia Zixuan's view, such days without entertainment and pastimes are like nightmares.

After walking another two kilometers, Xia Zixuan finally couldn't bear to move so slowly.

Although photographed by Xia Zixuan's powerful aura, he hardly encountered any wild beasts along the way, but if things go on like this, I'm afraid it will be dark when the two of them reach the place Bashiga said.

Chicken spell!

An invisible big hand composed of telekinetic power immediately spread from Xia Zixuan's body.

He lifted Bashi Gatuo easily.

I... am I flying?

Bashiga couldn't believe it, his eyes.

From ancient times to the present, the sky has always been what humans yearn for the most. Almost everyone has imagined that one day they will be able to fly freely in the sky like a bird.

However, this unattainable dream has really come true today.

It all comes from the great Goddess Bast.

For a moment, Bashiga looked at Xia Zixuan even more intensely.

With Xia Zixuan's help, the remaining less than ten kilometers took less than one minute.

Of course, the reason why we didn't arrive instantly is mainly because we have to stop from time to time to let Bashiga identify and guide the way forward.

Looking at the towering cliff in front of him, Bashiga couldn't help but fell into shock again.

That's it?

If I remember correctly, when I went back, I walked for a whole morning.

For a day, Bashiga felt as if he was dreaming.

First, I found a hole above the cliff. I thought it was a bird's nest, and planned to sneak in to steal a bird's egg or something.

Unexpectedly, after climbing up the cliff after untold hardships, there were only some purple flowers growing in the hole.

Thinking that the trip would not be in vain, Bashiga picked one at random.

How did he know that he would meet a saber-toothed tiger on the way back.

I thought my life would come to an end today, but what I never expected was that the great Panther God Buster actually saved me.

And after she offered the flower, she even sent down an oracle, saying that she had become that black panther, to bring blessings to the world instead of her.

Not only that, but during the next time spent with the goddess, the great goddess Buster actually let herself experience the feeling of flying.

Although it only lasted less than a minute, Bashiga was still addicted to the excitement like riding a roller coaster.

"That's it?"

Through Xiao Ai's translation, Xia Zixuan asked Bashiga, who was still being held up by the power of the mind, very accurately through the pronunciation of Gu Gu Ga Ga.

"The great goddess Bashiga is here.

The flower that was presented to you earlier was plucked from that cave on the cliff. "

Following the direction Bashiga pointed, Xia Zixuan injected the energy in his body into his eyes again.

Sure enough, on the cliff, a cave with a diameter of about two meters was found.

No wonder I didn't notice it before. The cave is located on the side of the cliff. Looking down from the cliff, it is impossible to see it due to the perspective problem.

But standing under the cliff and looking up, you will subconsciously ignore it because of the dense vines on the cliff.

If it weren't for an experienced hunter like Bashiga, it would have been difficult to find the entrance of this cave, let alone climb up the hundreds of meters of cliffs.

After the monkey charm's multiplication effect was removed, Xia Zixuan's figure immediately changed from the previous elephant-like figure back to the normal size of a black panther.

Focusing on the cave on the cliff, Xia Zixuan kicked his hind legs, and his whole body shot out like an arrow off the string.


Watching Buster's divine body suddenly shrink, he jumped into a cliff cave hundreds of meters high with a vertical leap.

Bashiga felt that it was difficult for him to describe his mood at this time in words.

Maybe it's numbness, or maybe it feels like a goddess should be like this.

Anyway, after being stunned for a moment, Bashiga quickly came back to his senses.

Having seen too many miracles today, Bashiga felt that Xia Zixuan's astonishing jump was justified.

I don't know how this cave was formed, the arms of the cave are extremely brilliant, and it feels as warm as jade to the touch.

The cave is very spacious, and the caliber of more than two meters will not feel crowded to Xia Zixuan, a black panther who is only about one meter tall, or Bashiga, who is only about 1.4 meters tall.

Returning to the cave again, Bashiga felt that life was like a dream, and dreams were like life.

When I left here in the morning, I was still disappointed because I didn't find the bird's eggs, but when I came here again, I felt extremely excited.


A flame just appeared in front of Bashiga's eyes out of thin air, that's right, a flame just appeared out of thin air.

1.6 million years ago, Homo habilis did not know how to make fire by drilling wood, in order to fight some large beasts, or to provide warmth for the group at night.

Able people will save the flames on the trees that were unfortunately struck by lightning and ignited during thunderstorms.

The flame is maintained by continuously adding fuel wood to the flame.

This is the earliest kindling.

The tribe where Bashiga belongs has such kindling, and because of this, the tribe where Bashiga belongs has become one of the most powerful tribes nearby.

But what did Bashiga see now?

This kind of thing that can only appear with the gift of heaven, unexpectedly appeared in front of his eyes out of thin air, and it can still keep burning without fuel.

It's just unbelievable.

There is no doubt that this is the flame created by Xia Zixuan's fire ability.

For Xia Zixuan, creating such a small flame couldn't be easier.

Even if he didn't expect that just such a flame, the shock ratio given to Bashiga was already comparable to the various miracles he had witnessed throughout the day.

With the illumination of the flames, one person and one leopard walked into the cave without any hindrance.

In less than twenty meters, the space of the cave has changed.

If Xia Zixuan walked through a tunnel before, then Xia Zixuan has come to a square now.

That's right, the square.

"There is actually another cave in this cave!"

Xia Zixuan not only lamented the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

The space inside this cave is surprisingly large. At first estimate, it is at least a thousand square meters.

And the height has reached more than ten meters.

Looking at the stalactites and stalagmites everywhere, Xia Zixuan felt that his cognition had been subverted.

Isn't this a karst cave structure that only appears in karst landforms?

Why does Africa have karst landforms?

But soon, a purple halo not far ahead attracted Xia Zixuan's attention.

Damn, there are so many heart-shaped grasses.

I'm afraid there are several thousand plants.

However, what surprised Xia Zixuan was not only that, there was a faint blue light on the cave wall not far from the heart-shaped grass.

Finally found.

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