Marvel’s Ultimate Charm System

Chapter 310 Black Marinated Eggs Are Really Difficult

In New York, Nick Fury and Coulson were driving to Queens at this time.

God knows how helpless Nick Fury is at the moment.

A majestic director of SHIELD was inexplicably excluded and became a consultant of SHIELD with an empty title.

Squeeze out, let's squeeze out, since I won't let myself be the chief, why can't I raise orange cats with peace of mind?

However, the sky was unsatisfactory. Even though he withdrew from the front line, Nick Fury was still brutally assassinated by a person with superpowers.

The baby is bitter, but the baby dare not say it!

Although relying on the professionalism of an agent developed over the years, he escaped Bucky's attack, but Nick Fury lost confidence in everything around him.

Is there anyone in this world you can trust?

I'm afraid there is no one except Phil Coulson, the dog lick.

In the original plot, after Nick Fury was attacked and killed by Hydra, he immediately went to find Captain America-Steve Rogers with serious injuries.

After all, this original superhero is still very trustworthy in the eyes of Nick Fury.

However, now, Nick Fury can't believe it.

After the supervisor discovered Bucky's true identity earlier, Nick Fury told Steve the news as soon as possible, but this was at most only due to a wise man's use of talents, not absolute trust.

The reason for such a change in heart was mainly due to the existence of Xia Zixuan.

Different from the original plot, with the appearance of Xia Zixuan, many things went in a completely different direction.

The American team has a close friend like Xia Zixuan, and even colluded with an uncertain factor like the dinosaur man.

So here comes the question, is Xia Zixuan trustworthy?

The answer is obviously no.

When it comes to the earth, Nick Fury is most afraid of, besides Hydra, Xia Zixuan is definitely ranked first.

In Nick Fury's view, Xia Zixuan acts according to his preferences and is moody.

For Xia Zixuan, the boundary between good and evil depends entirely on his subjective judgment.

It is foreseeable that if someone hurts Xia Zixuan's relatives and friends one day, or Xia Zixuan thinks that certain people or organizations should not exist.

Then relying on its invincible strength, the earth will inevitably fall into crisis.

It was also because of this that Nick Fury did not trust anyone who had any contact with Xia Zixuan.

As a result, the only feasible way presented to Nick Fury is to discover new superheroes and take them for their own use before everyone reaches out.

Looking at the screen of the Battle of Norway displayed on the tablet in hand.

Nick Fury's brows could not help but wrinkle into a word.

"Looks like we have to hurry up.

This group of aliens is really too much, and they actually regard the earth as a battlefield. "

Although Thor and Loki successfully sealed Hela, this is a gratifying thing.

However, the lives that Hela has slaughtered along the way, as well as the damage caused by the battle between Thor and Hela, are definitely a huge loss for Norway.

God knows how much money will be needed for post-war reconstruction, and God knows how many people affected by the battle are kind and innocent people.

It can be imagined that after this battle, the Norwegian people are absolutely full of fear and anger towards these superpowers.

With a tap of a finger, the screen on the tablet switched to the battlefield of Tony Stark, Steve Rogers and others.

It's also a mess here.

Although because this is the property of the Stark Industries Group, zf does not need to spend extra money for reconstruction.

In addition, Tony transferred the people before the war, and even gave those people who were transferred a lot of economic compensation.

But the social impact caused by the fighting between the two sides is still extremely bad.

Rao even Nick Fury did not expect that Steve would bring Xiaobai, Dinosaur Man and Falcon-Sam Wilson to help Bucky fight Tony Stark.

Is this still the Avengers alliance that he wants to protect the earth?


This is simply Brother Haonan and Pheasant leading a group of younger brothers to fight together.

Of course, this is not the most troublesome.

According to the internal intelligence network of S.H.I.E.L.D., Xia Zixuan's parents, Andrew and Yula, were brought back by Pierce earlier.

One was rescued and the other died in Norway.

Died in Norway!

Died in Norway!

This is not a joke!

After being taken away by S.H.I.E.L.D., he died in Norway. What does it mean?

Even if Yura's death has nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. can't push away this shit.

So here comes the problem again.

Who saved Andrew?

The "supermen" in Morris Manor, Nick Fury, know a thing or two, including Chen Jin, Chen Xi, Wanda and Pietro, of course.

Among these people, the only magician who could bypass SHIELD's security system and take Andrew away was Lin, a magician.

Will Colin do this?

Of course not, he has lived for decades and was once the leader of the anti-face organization, he can see the consequences of doing so more clearly than others.

In this way, who rescued Andrew, the answer is very clear.

There is no doubt that it must be the demon Lord who went to the universe before.

He is back!

Then saw that his father was imprisoned and his mother was dead!


Nick Fury could even simulate Xia Zixuan's next crazy revenge in his mind.

Taking out the modified pager from his underwear pocket, Nick Fury hesitated, should he invite her back.

But can she really handle all this when she comes?

I am a SHIELD consultant, I am simply too difficult.

Why was Xia Zixuan, Martha and Tony Stark so relaxed when they were consultants of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Boss, we're here."

Coulson parked the car under an apartment building, interrupting Nick Fury's contemplation.

"Hey, I'm still the director. Call me the boss from now on."

Nick Fury let out a long sigh and got out of the car.

"Of course, as long as you want, boss!"

Coulson shrugged slightly and followed Nick Fury out of the car.

"Boss, you are here to..."

"Colson, if I remember correctly, you are still the principal of Midtown High School."

Nick Fury glanced playfully at Phil Coulson who was following behind him.

"There seems to be such a thing, boss, you know, it's a job requirement!

I usually seldom get involved in school affairs. "

Shaking his head slightly, Nick Fury even showed an indisputable expression.

He casually handed the tablet in his hand to Coulson.

"Peter Parker, a 14-year-old gifted child from Queens, lives with his aunt Marisa To May because of the death of his parents.

Studied in Midtown High School, due to excellent grades, he has skipped grades many times, and his dream is to study at Imperial University in New York. "

After roughly reading the information in his hand, Coulson was a little confused, why the boss asked me to read these.

"Well, nice boy.

Let's hope the little guy doesn't drop his jaw when he waits until his high school principal and future college president comes to him. "

"Idiot, keep reading."

Seeing that Coulson came to a conclusion so easily, Nick Fury only felt his headache getting worse.

I'm having a hard time...

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