As the saying goes, one must tie the bell to untie the bell. Since the source of this innate fire spirit root is in the Chen family in Z city.

So if you think about it, there must be a corresponding method of cultivation.

The reason why the desperate virus in Martha's body went berserk was because it was strengthened by the influence of the eternal fire.

This made the innate fire root in his body unable to suppress the Extremis virus.

But if there is a corresponding practice method, it can have the same effect as the super soldier serum.

Finally, by enhancing Martha's own strength to suppress and control the Extremis virus.

The most important thing is that this method of cultivation is different from the super soldier serum. It is not a method that has no potential after one-time improvement, but can be continuously improved through long-term practice.

Of course, Xia Zixuan's own ability comes from the Lord Lihuo Demon Lord, and the fire-type practice method can also play a certain role in drawing references for Xia Zixuan himself.

For this reason, whether it was for Martha or for himself, this trip to City Z became inevitable.

City Z is located in the Yangtze River Delta region of Xia Kingdom. However, it is not a plain, it is dominated by hilly landforms.

Surrounded by green hills and gurgling water, this place is indeed a paradise in this economically prosperous Yangtze River Delta area full of high-rise buildings.

On a certain bus, Xia Zixuan and Martha were feeling this rather special "car shock" at the moment.

Although Xia Kingdom's infrastructure construction can be called the forefront of the world.

But after all, the territory is vast, and it is difficult to cover everything.

In addition, because of urbanization, a large number of sand and masonry truck drivers are more or less overloaded in order to improve efficiency.

According to the memory of Xia Zixuan's previous life, there were even reports in the news that he was overloaded by more than ten times.

There is no doubt that this will have devastating damage to the road surface.

But the bus that Xia Zixuan and Martha were riding at this time was traveling on such a road.

Compared to Xia Zixuan, who was used to this situation, but cherished the memory of his previous life.

At this moment, Martha's complexion turned pale and black at times.

This is no wonder, living in a metropolis like New York all the year round, it is completely understandable that she is not used to the bumps of the bus after being used to driving a Maserati.

"Zixuan, why do we have to take the bus?

Wouldn't it be faster for you to fly over, open the door, and pull me over?

And I really don't like being judged by others. "

As she said that, Martha showed a pitiful look and blinked at Xia Zixuan.

Turning around and looking around, as expected, as Martha said, many men, women and children sitting in the same car all focused their eyes on Martha.

As someone who has experienced it, Xia Zixuan can still understand their thoughts.

First of all, Martha's appearance is indeed outstanding, and the main reason why she was excluded by the people around her before was the staggering scar on her face.

And after receiving the Extremis virus, Martha at this time, not to mention the scars, even the freckles that many white women have are impossible to exist. It can be said that there is no flaw in the whole body.

Under the influence of the Extremis Virus, even the rebirth of a severed limb is not a problem.

Regarding this point, Xia Zixuan once thought, if Martha's future husband did something to her, would the place be restored to its original state.

If so, wouldn't it hurt every time?

Of course, curiosity is nothing but curiosity, Xia Zixuan is still the same to Martha as before, classmate? friend? Or sister?

Even though Martha's physical age is three years older than Xia Zixuan's, Xia Zixuan has lived two lives. In his eyes, Martha is still just a little girl.

As for the second reason, although at this time Xia Guo has already connected with the world, and the level of globalization is getting higher and higher.

But except for some big cities, foreigners are relatively rare.

Now when I see a foreigner on the bus I am taking, and she is also a beautiful woman, of course I can't help but take a few more glances.

"Ann, they didn't have any malice towards you, they were probably more curious and admiring.

There is a saying in Xia Guohua called: the love of beauty, everyone has it.

You look as good as Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen.

Naturally, they wanted to take a closer look. "

After all, Xia Zixuan patted Martha's head lightly with a wicked look on his face.

"Scarlett Johansson? Elizabeth Olsen?

who are they?

Why haven't I heard of it. "

Hearing Xia Zixuan's praise of her beauty, Martha was naturally sweet in her heart, but Martha expressed that she was very unfamiliar with the two names he mentioned.

If she is a well-known beauty, as the daughter of Justin Hammer who lives in the top rich circle, it is impossible not to have heard of her.


how to say?

They are the goddesses in the hearts of many young people in Xia Kingdom. "

After pondering for a moment, Xia Zixuan could only be so perfunctory.

You can't tell her that these two are the Black Widow who trained you - Natasha Romanoff, and the other is the actor who may appear in the future superhero, Scarlet Witch - Wanda Maximoff .

But having said that, if I mess around like this, will Wanda and Pietro still appear?

According to the setting of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they are all the experimental subjects of Hydra, not the children of Magneto.

If you want these two to be on the stage of superheroes, you have to think about it.

Just thinking about it, Xia Zixuan inexplicably had the urge to go to Sokovia to find Wanda and scan it.

After all, her figure...


I tried my best to shake my head, suppressing those messy thoughts.

Calm down! Calm down! I appreciate it purely from an aesthetic point of view, without any distractions.

He comforted himself so much in his heart, but inexplicably came up with an idea, what a wonderful idea it would be if Hua Xin came to this universe and became Wanda.

"Hey! Zixuan, don't look at me like this, I...I..."

Seeing Xia Zixuan staring at him in a daze, he kept swallowing.

Martha blushed instantly.

Even the discomfort caused by taking the bus before has completely disappeared at this moment.

Xia Zixuan, who woke up from his wild thoughts, suddenly found out that his behavior was inappropriate.

Especially looking at the silly girl in front of her blushing again for no reason, she couldn't help but feel helpless.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Xia Zixuan immediately changed the subject and taught Martha Xia Mandarin.

Xia Zixuan was still very proud of being a native of Xia in his previous life.

Especially after comparing with this world, whether it is the language, writing, food or long history of Xia Kingdom, it is far from what the United States can match.

Ever since, the two learned one by one and taught the other, and looked at the beautiful mountains and rivers outside the window from time to time, and they didn't feel lonely for a while.

Thanks also to the fact that City Z is located in a temperate monsoon climate, there are many evergreen plants.

Otherwise, if you go a little further north and look at the dead branches and leaves all over the mountain, maybe you won't have such a good interest.

Suddenly, as the bus jolted, a woman sitting in the back seat screamed.

Turning around to take a look, I saw a child in the woman's arms, whose face was flushed at this time, as if he was about to suffocate.

But the woman beside him kept feeding the child with water in a hurry.

"Girl, don't just feed water, you have to feed while filming."

The man who was only one aisle away from the woman came over immediately and patted the child on the back for the woman.

It seems that the bump just now caused the child to choke on what he was eating.

However, the situation did not improve because of the actions of the two of them. Looking at the child's appearance at this time, his eyes were already bloodshot.

Immediately, Xia Zixuan stood up and walked to the child, nodding slightly to the woman.

"I know some emergency skills, why don't you let me try?"

Looking at Xia Zixuan's immature appearance of around 20, the children instinctively doubted his ability.

But seeing the child's uncomfortable appearance, the woman didn't hesitate, and immediately gave way to Xia Zixuan.

Put your arms around the child, put one hand on its neck and the other on its back.

Chicken spell!

Immediately, Xia Zixuan immediately controlled the power of the chicken charm to penetrate into the child's body.

After a little feeling, Xia Zixuan found a candy stuck in the child's throat.

Without hesitation, Nian Li immediately wrapped the candy carefully, and then directly smashed it into fine pieces.

Of course, Xia Zixuan also rubbed and patted the child's back a few times to cover his eyes.

Sure enough, with just a blink of an eye, the child's expression improved.

And the woman thanked Xia Zixuan gratefully.

But just when everyone was about to return to their seats, Xia Zixuan grabbed the man who had come to help the woman earlier.

"Sir, did you take the wrong thing?"

After finishing speaking, Xia Zixuan glanced at the man's pocket.

As Xia Zixuan's voice fell, the man immediately ran towards the driver's seat of the bus.

It seems that they want to force the bus to stop, and then open the door to escape.


Just when everyone didn't know what happened, they saw Martha resting on the back of the seat with one hand.

The body directly used its strength to get up, and rewarded the man with a flying kick.


Xia Zixuan clearly heard two fractures.

And the man was also kicked several meters away, and slammed into the chair in the back seat.

Martha's behavior caused an immediate commotion.

what's the situation?

Old Wounded?

In broad daylight, so blatant?

"Everyone be quiet."

As he spoke, Xia Zixuan walked up to the man, took out a wallet and a mobile phone from his pocket, and threw them to the woman with the child.

"This is yours."

The woman took the wallet and mobile phone, she was a little confused at first, but after a moment of reaction, she immediately rummaged through her bag.

Sure enough, the mobile phone and wallet in the bag were gone.


Needless to say, everyone in the same ride had already guessed the whole story.

The man must have stolen the woman's things by taking advantage of the child's choking just now.

For a moment, everyone applauded Xia Zixuan and Martha's brave actions.

The driver also immediately adjusted his route and drove towards the nearest police station.

At this time, the people in the car looked at Martha again, and apart from the previous curiosity, there was a little more approval.

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