Finding that there was no one in the elevator, the two soldiers immediately became alert, they were about to issue a warning, suddenly sweaty hair stood up, the two jumped forward and turned around, and at the same time in the air the right hand was about to pull the trigger to strafe the special bullet, just when their fingers were about to press, but found that there was nothing behind them and quiet, and then a huge | force came from the head without warning, quietly strangled their necks, and forcibly dragged two strong men who were six feet tall and weighed more than four hundred pounds off the ground.

The four feet hung in the air and swayed vigorously, but the hands never moved, and the two quickly fell into a state of hypoxia under the struggle, when they rolled their eyes and looked up, they vaguely saw a black shadow standing on the ceiling of the head in an upside-down posture, the body hung down strangely from above, and the two hands held their throats, as easy as carrying two rag dolls | dolls.

Before they could see the appearance of the black shadow, they felt a shock in their bodies, and a strange fluctuation invaded the brain along the cervical spine, directly vibrating to the cerebral cortex, so the two of them saw black in front of them and lost consciousness.

Solving the guards, Ross gently stuffed them into the elevator, looked at the structure of the corridor himself, and walked straight to the monitoring center.

At this time, several monitors in the monitoring center are sitting in their positions, staring at their jurisdictions, more than forty screens are divided into eight groups, each taking care of different parts, from fifteen underground floors to eight floors above ground, inside and out are under the strict seal of infrared probes, almost no dead ends.

Usually, at this time, there are only two people on duty in the monitoring room, but today, in order to prevent the invasion of mutants, the above temporarily confessed, requiring the security department to work overtime and sound the alarm immediately if there is a problem.

In the boring waiting, one of the staff suddenly felt a little strange, he casually called up the surveillance video of one of the elevators, watched it twice, and found that it was too calm, and no one seemed to use it, but then transferred the operation record, but found that it came down from above at some point, was docked on this floor, and looked at the screen next to it, and was stunned to find that the guards in the corridor had also disappeared.

He immediately broke out in a cold sweat, realized that the situation was not good, and was about to tell other colleagues, when suddenly the door behind him rang and a tall black shadow walked in.

Without waiting for the monitor to react, several people flickered in front of their eyes, a finger pierced the space, and almost simultaneously touched their foreheads, just a light touch, and the powerful kinetic energy was immediately transmitted to their brains through the fingertips.

There is no pain, no vertigo, consciousness disappears with a gentle touch of the fingertips.

Several people lay silently on the ground, without the slightest trace of trauma, like a sleeping person with a calm expression, Ross looked down twice, took off the authorization key hanging by the monitoring supervisor on his waist, and then walked to the console, embedded the key U disk into the slot, launched the monitoring management interface, and took out the |decoder to invade the terminal at the same time.

A row of red lights flashes for two minutes and soon all turn green.

Then the interface releases the restrictions, and all permissions are unlocked.

If it were all brute-force, Ross might spend a little more time to avoid triggering the firewall’s self-protection mechanism, but with the partial authorization of the key, it successfully invaded the central computer inside the control room, and soon all the security measures controlled by the system were exposed to Ross’s gaze, and from this moment on, the entire underground research institute was completely open to him.

Having gained supreme control, Ross relaxed, he smiled slightly, then cut off all communication lines, aborted the alarm module, leaving only a lift to connect to the ground, using the command of the control center to call the ground patrol, notify the two women above to come down, and when they entered the |hall, Ross restarted the weapon system and loaded the control program into his specially modified mobile phone.

In this way, his mobile phone became a miniature control center, and anyone could enter and exit the research institute building without his permission.

Jean and Ororo still needed a little time to come down, Ross did not stay where he was, he casually destroyed the input device of the central computer, and walked to the research center alone, he wanted to see what experiments the people of Watsons were doing, and what he could learn from.

One floor down, through a long corridor, with some guards along the way, Ross saw the spacious and bright experimental hall, in this vast underground structure like a large hangar, more than a hundred researchers were working intensively, and around these scientists in white coats were the same number of armed men.

Ross stood in the shadows outside the experimental hall, quietly observing the environment inside through the glass door.

On one side of the hall are more than twenty operating tables, half of which are in use under the illumination of shadowless lamps, and most of the researchers are busy around here, turning around from time to time to throw some vermilion objects from the crowd, throw them into the waste bin, or exchange resources from the operating table next to it.

Compared with this side, the other side of the hall looks deserted.

A hundred feet away from the operating area, there were rows of hundreds of transparent cells, and many strange people were locked up naked, some of whose faces were quite familiar, but their pale and dry faces were completely devoid of expression, only lifeless.

Although there was no steel fence blockade, Ross could see from the side of the light that the glass was quite thick and should have a high strength in itself, and in the corners of these transparent cells, he also saw aerosol nozzles and shooting holes, and the floor was also densely distributed with high-voltage wire nets, if the people inside dared to make a difference, these defensive measures could immediately kill them.

Such a strict confinement procedure, once the lost hand is locked in, unless it has the ability to transfer space, it can be unrestricted by the terrain, otherwise even powerful mutants such as Magneto and Professor X will be difficult to escape.

Ross looked at these cells coldly, did not alarm the people inside, and the figure flashed to the data room next to it, knocked down the administrator and hurriedly picked up the experimental report and read it.

These reports contain something related to Ross, and it seems that someone used the collected mutant genes, with the help of Phinex potion in a cutting-edge laboratory, to genetically engineer a group of clones, and is now studying how to find use value from these less successful creatures.

Quickly flipping through the report documents, the whole picture of the matter gradually sketched in Ross’s mind, it turned out to be the butterfly effect he brought, no wonder he felt familiar from some prisoners, some of the faces did not have the shadow of Magneto, as well as the blue skin of the witch, the bone claws of the golden steel wolf and the sharp nails of the saber-toothed tiger.

Thinking of the experience of these mutants, they have one thing in common, that is, they have all fallen into the hands of government-related departments, it seems that the federal government has not locked them up for nothing, wasting the taxes paid by taxpayers, but has already collected their genes through various ways, the technology is probably defective before, or not paid enough attention, in recent years, with the growing threat of mutants, the above realized that it was necessary to speed up research, and happened to be helped by Phinex potions, This time they finally made a breakthrough.

Since arriving in this world, Ross has been carefully watching to see if his actions will affect the course of the original world, and now he has finally captured important changes.

If Ross hadn’t sneaked in this time, perhaps after a while, the government would have concocted hundreds of mutant biological weapons with the help of Watsons Pharmaceutical, and that prospect is really amazing.

But now there is no such possibility, most of the research data is here, especially important genetic specimens are all preserved here for the convenience of experiments, Ross will not let them remain in the hands of others, he will try his best to keep the world as he knows.

Putting down the papers and leaving the reference room, Ross returned to the entrance of the hall, where two women were approaching, and he couldn’t wait to kill and completely destroy this place that should not exist.

Quietly waiting, three researchers in white chemical protection suits walked slowly in rows of glass cells, observing the state of the clones one by one, and recording their physical data one by one on the electronic file board.

As they passed one of the cells, the signal lights outside the cell door flashed rhythmically, radiating a strange red light outward, and the researchers said a few words with a smile, waved four armed men, and instructed them to put the prisoners inside on the mobile chuang and transport them to the operating area.

The prisoner who looks like the middle-aged Magneto knows that something is wrong, and instinctively destroys the magnetic field to resist, but unfortunately there is no metal nearby for him to use, so although he struggles hard, he is no match for the high-voltage electric baton of the armed men, and he is put down in a few strokes, and then his thin limbs are tightly fixed, and two armed men push the mobile chuang to carry him to the road to death.

Although the brain is not well developed, but after all, it is an intelligent creature, and the prisoner who resembles Magneto lies trembling | lying on the chuang board, as if he knows that his fate is coming to an end.

The spacious hall echoed with intermittent screams and stiff footsteps, a situation that even Ross had some compassion, but he had no intention of saving people. From the archives, these people’s internal organs and bones are not fully developed at all, and they must inject a large amount of special nutrient solution on time every day to prolong their lives, but even if they are not moved, their longest life expectancy will only exceed two or three months, and they will soon die of organ failure.

So he just watched the prisoners being sent to the stage, and then a group of white-clothed angels with polymer scalpels surrounded them, and soon after, thick blood from the silver-red operating table flowed down the silver-white operating table, dripping wantonly into the blood trough next to it, and flowing down the sewer that | deep into the ground.

Ross stood in the dark, quietly watching this scene inside, and the cold murderous intent in Xiong continued to rise.

Then there was a soft clang, and the elevator behind opened and Jean and Ororo came out.

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