In a happy collision, the two-hour lunch ended quickly, and out of the Pentagon, Ross sent his sour piano back to the car to rest, and then made his way to a golf course not far from Arlington National Cemetery.

In this land of fir trees and heather, Ross met General So, the former partner of two of Mr. Osborne’s major shareholders and now his own spokesman for the Defense Department’s procurement and technology division.

“The chairman of Watsonton Pharmaceuticals wants to talk to you privately, he was introduced by my friend in the War Department, General Thaddeus Ross, so I can’t refuse.” General Suo, who had changed into civilian clothes, explained in a low voice.

Now his attitude is very different from the first meeting. At that time, General Suo had just taken office, with a proud attitude and reserved temperament, but after a few months, Osborne’s industry fell into chaos, and Tansuo Aerospace was unable to complete |the merger and reorganization as planned, but the cutting-edge laboratory soared, both economic strength and social influence have greatly improved, this change cannot but make General Suo reassess Ross’s status.

The arms company needs support from the military, but the military dignitaries also cannot lack the feedback of the enterprise, so as the support behind it weakens, General Suo suddenly finds that his need for the laboratory is greatly enhanced, so after escaping the Green Goblin attack, his relationship with Ross has changed qualitatively. If it had been in the past, the arrogant general would probably have decided directly instead of Ross not to see the guest, and would even try to direct the other party like a guard sent by his subordinates, but now, he must obtain Ross’s consent before taking him to the unexpected visitor.

Riding in an electric golf cart, the two traveled through the hills to a 9-hole green field on an open and gentle slope, where Ross met Kenny Watsons II, chairman and CEO of Watsonton Pharmaceuticals.

It was a grim-looking middle-aged white man with a long face and brown hair, and his slender eyes shining shrewdly.

General Soe left after making a brief introduction to the two, and Watsonton II did not say more, he swung a strong shot, slammed the white ball along a flat trajectory to the green lawn under the blue sky and white clouds, and then took the towel on his shoulder to wipe the sweat from his forehead and invited Ross to sit with him under a parasol on the sidelines.

“I’ve seen your photos and videos many times, and I always feel that you should be more mature than your peers, but now that you are up close, you look the same age as my son Warren, and I really hope that he can have the same achievements as you in the future and contribute to our family.”

Watsons II showed Ross a gentle smile, and Ross was politely slightly owed, but he would not be fooled by compliments, especially when they came from such a rival and pharmaceutical magnate.

“Every father has that expectation, and I just regret that I haven’t done well enough.” He said seemingly humbly.

Kenny Watsonton II smiled slightly at Ross’s polite indifference and turned to take the drink from the waiter’s tray on the court.

“You don’t have a son yet, Rose, and you don’t feel the mood of being a father. For us, descendants are the continuation of life, it expands the limited life of the individual to the infinite future, in addition to the vertical inheritance of this bloodline, everyone should also realize their own expansion horizontally, that is, their career, everyone’s career is equivalent to a son, although Watsons Pharmaceuticals is not established by my own hands, but it contains a lot of my painstaking efforts, I often say to friends that I have two sons, one is my son Warren Watsons III, and the other is the company named after my family name. ”

“So?” Ross picked up the cup nonchalantly.

“So—- just as I care about Warren’s health, I also care about the company’s performance, especially when we invest a lot of money but can’t get a return, I pay special attention to the healthy and lively children around us.” Looking at Ross’s expression, Kenny leaned forward slightly with a faint sense of oppression.

“Is S.T.A.R.’s Phinex potion really inspired by salamanders?”

“No comment, this is a trade secret.”

Ross replied lightly, laughing coldly in his heart.

I don’t know how much Watsons invested in these companies for the original excuse.

“I didn’t mean to inquire, I was just curious. Why don’t you apply for a patent, and are there any concerns that cannot be disclosed to the outside world? ”

Watsonton II asked persistently.

Ross spread his hands and expressed helplessness.

“If you want to know the exact recipe, then I can’t tell you.” The British often say that you never know three questions: Coca-Cola’s secret recipe, the queen’s fortune and where the good men are, and now I will add a fourth, which is the recipe of Phinex. ”

He guessed Kenny’s intentions, and it seemed that with the gradual improvement of the laboratory’s economic situation, Watsons and these people could not hold back.

In any country, if an independent small business without a background wants to enter the monopoly zone of large enterprises, what awaits it must be a | hard glass ceiling.

Or hit your head and break the blood flow, embarrassed back, or rush up without hesitation and punch the invisible ceiling.

Ross, of course, chose the latter.

Kenny certainly had reason to be dissatisfied with his snub, but he didn’t ask any more questions, just put down the cup and continued talking.

“As an entrepreneur, I appreciate your efforts, you have done a miracle in the past few months, but do you really think that keeping a secret belongs to you? Do you think that building a complex network of relationships in the corporate world will keep people at bay, but how many secret meetings about you are held on Wall Street and K Street in Washington these days? The creativity of you and Dr. Connors is amazing, but no one wants to see you take all your profits into your own hands, and the miracle of cutting-edge laboratories is over when everyone is eyeing you. Seriously consider how we cooperate, I am willing to pay a high price and take risks on your behalf. ”

K Street in Washington is a famous lobbying street, home to think tanks, lobby groups, public relations firms and civic organizations, making it a dynamic miniature political center.

These people are going behind the scenes around the lab, which is not a good thing.

Ross raised an eyebrow and remained silent.

“Is Mr. Watsonton hinting at something, as if you played the role of prosecutor and judge at the same time, finding guilt without going through the process, and now you want me to atone for a crime that doesn’t exist?”

Although Ross did not hide his coldness, as if he already had full certainty, Kenny did not stop there.

“It’s just a suggestion. In fact, Watsons has always been kind to talented young people, and I just hope to support them before the times come. ”

“Such as?” Ross was noncommittal.

“R&D investment in the previous year.”

Kenny didn’t hesitate to throw his chips.

This number is indeed staggering, and even Ross is a little surprised.

In the long run, the value of Finix’s formula is far higher than $10 billion, but not everyone is willing to pay that price.

Watsons spent $10.4 billion on research and development last year, the highest figure in years and surpassing the previous fiscal year’s $9.9 billion.

Taking out these funds can almost merge a large and medium-sized pharmaceutical company in a professional field, which shows that the other party is optimistic about the prospects of the laboratory.

But the money or shares were nothing to consider compared to the secrets of the lab, and Ross directly rejected Kenny’s proposal.

“The lab is profitable and has a very strong cash flow, and I don’t see how Watsonton’s money is helping us.”

His reasons are good, and this is the point that annoys Wall Street’s financial vultures the most.

Originally, due to the high operating costs, the outside world could also expect to use loans and investments to obtain control of the laboratory, and then re-split and then issue and list, but under Pepper’s command, sales of new products soared, so that the originally somewhat inflated foundation was stabilized again.

“What about civil lawsuits and antitrust charges? You know, there are always a lot of boring guys in the world, they can always find all kinds of reasons to get in trouble, and without the support of friends, no one will share the attack for you in the future. Kenny laughed, with a look of pride that could not be refused.

“Can I think that Watsons is going to take over our lab?”

Ross asked rhetorically, and Kenny looked at him and gradually sat up straight.

“You can understand it that way. But I won’t exclude you, you and Dr. Connors still have a say in research, but I demand that cutting-edge technology laboratories disclose all secrets to Watsons Pharmaceuticals without reservation. ”

He looked at Ross condescendingly like he had with his trembling company employees.

Ross squinted, looked at the expressionless face on the other side, and shook his head slightly.

“What if I refuse?”

“Then Watsons Pharmaceuticals and Cutting-edge Technology Labs are not friends, and Watsonton will not help competitors in the unpleasantness that may arise in the future.” Kenny replied without hesitation.

From his words, there was a resolute tone, and Ross could fully feel how strong his determination was.

But Watsons II would never have known that the young man sitting opposite had already dug a big hole for him at his feet, just waiting for him to jump off on his own initiative.

Then a crushed body was shattered, and the bones were gone.

“I see. Well, goodbye, Mr. Watsonton. ”

Ross nodded to the other person, then stood up and walked towards the electric golf cart parked on the sidelines.

“You will regret it, I wait for your call, don’t think I’ll be as generous as I am now.”

Watsons II shouted from behind.

With a slight smile, Ross went straight back to the car.

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