As the North American continent approaches a warm spring, the far back regions of Central Asia are experiencing the first cold snap of the new year.

The rising sun looms at the edge of the horizon, dark clouds and tiny snowflakes drift in the air, accompanied by high-pressure cyclones from Siberia, interspersed with tiny ice gravel.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, but the crowd in the desert is gathering more and more, they carry all kinds of weapons, they are dressed differently, and their accents are very messy, even if an experienced linguist walks into their ranks, it is difficult to figure out the details of everyone, only that some are from local tribes, some are from neighboring territories, many are strangers to each other, their eyes are uneasy and vigilant.

It wasn’t until the long-disappeared Omar leader appeared that the attention of these people shifted to him.

Through a flurry of enthusiastic speeches and a banknote offensive, Omar succeeded in stirring up the fighting spirit, and taking advantage of the feverish shouts, the bald leader’s men brought several wooden boxes and took out a large number of syringes to distribute.

Looking at the advocate of the injection, Omar touched his bald head and smiled wickedly.

“A lot of people thought I was dead, but they will soon know I’m back. Soon I will have a super army, and then we will attack the lackeys of the Americans, and before night tonight, I will stand on the scholastic tower in the city center to inspect the troops. ”

“There must be no problem, we have tested, those people’s potions can really give people the same power as demons, as long as there are no heavy weapons, American soldiers are not our opponents, once they enter the city, they are completely our world.” A subordinate promptly echoed, and the people next to him also agreed.

“Eliminate the lackey regime today, and clean up the tribal armed forces tomorrow.” Since the decline of Genghis Khan’s career, this land has been in a state of chaos, and it has been for a thousand years, but now it is different, we have mastered the power of genes, it is incomparably powerful, more valuable than Stark’s missiles, as long as we can control this land, we can expel the Americans, and then I will be the worthy leader of the Central Asian countries, and I will reproduce the glory of the golden family in this land. ”

Omar said with great pride, as if he had really become the king of the nations, the emperor of Central Asia.

The last assassination of Obadiah had dealt him a heavy blow and his prestige had declined, but the turning point was also brewed by a crisis, and a mysterious force found the famous warlord who had kidnapped Tony and provided him with a large number of magical potions.

Although these potions were like dangerous experiments, and there were some terrible accidents during the trial, Omar never cared about casualties, and when he saw the great power contained in the transparent potions, his vigorous ambition immediately burned like a burning fire in the moon, and this time he vowed never to miss the opportunity again and to create his own great cause.

In the midst of the compliment, there was a discordant voice.

“Stark will be back, what should we do then?” Omar’s close comrade-in-arms Abu, the bearded man posing as the leader when he kidnapped Tony, is not optimistic. During Iron Man’s first cross-border operation, Abu, who was sweeping the | village, was hit hard, Tony handed him over to the persecuted villagers, Abu was almost torn to pieces by the villagers who vented their hatred, but Omar’s men rescued him in time, and later the first to receive potion treatment to restore his health.

Perhaps after that painful lesson, Abu’s confidence was not as strong as before, and he couldn’t help but feel a little worried when he heard Omar’s wild words.

“Don’t be intimidated by Stark, my brother Abu. I wish he would come, and don’t forget that our allies are waiting to surprise him! Omar opened his clothes and laughed heartily, pointing him to the strong man sitting alone on the sand dunes in the distance.

Looking past through Omar’s hand, Abu saw a tattooed Russian with a toothpick in his mouth and concentrating on fiddling with his two long whips that flashed lightning.

It was the inventor of the Ark engine, the son of Anton Vanko, and in the original timeline, he had a nickname—- Ivan the Whip.

Feeling the peeping gaze from afar, Ivan raised his head and grinned, and from a hundred yards away, the bearded Abu still couldn’t help but shiver.

Without waiting for him to persuade him, Omar had already taken the lead in the crowd, and the loyal retinue followed him, and Abu had to take a step.

As Omar spoke, thousands of people burst out into thunderous shouts again, people brandishing long knives in their hands, while feeling the ever-expanding power of their bodies with joy, and the wild tide of cheers continued in the desolate valley full of ice and snow. Among these fanatics, only Abu faintly realized that Omar’s ambition was just a pawn in the hands of others, and the real horror was always the invisible hand that hid in the darkness and manipulated everything.

“Holy war! Holy war! Holy war! ”

A loud noise interrupted Abu’s thoughts, and in the howling mountain wind, the crowd rode on war horses and drove cars, and rushed to the battlefield.

At noon that day, the government camp was breached and the target city fell.

At dusk, Omar’s forces wiped out all the remnants of their enemies, took control of all public facilities, and officially issued a notice to the world declaring the establishment of their own kingdom in remote Central Asia.

The news immediately slammed into the faces of many people like a sharp whip.

Soon, this desolate area attracted attention from all sides.

Two weeks later.


At the U.S. military base in the Central Asian theater, a middle-aged officer is engrossed in tapping on the keyboard, reporting the Omar power assessment report to the Pentagon far away in the mainland.

“…… As we all know, since the United States army entered Central Asia, the independent | dictatorship in the region has been successively overthrown by the people, and in the process of establishing the democratic regime, some evil careerists have also taken advantage of the chaos to form their own forces, of which the Omar gang is the most powerful, once participated in the plot to kidnap our famous entrepreneur Tony Stark, and not long ago annexed the neighboring pro-American regime…”

“Long before the Omar gang conquered the region, his accomplice Obadai Stein, former executive officer of Stark Industries, provided him with an unknown amount of advanced arms, and on this basis, the Omar gang initially armed and trained its forces… It is worth noting that in the war of conquest, the bandit armed forces showed amazing desire to fight, | excellent individual quality, and the government army under the command and reorganization of the United States was completely vulnerable and completely became the loser of this civil war. ”

“The question now is, what is the mystery of the roots of the power of this new regime that can make it new? If someone is behind it, who is the shadow behind the Omar gang? Whether it is the Russians, or Western European and East Asian countries, we still do not know, but from a professional point of view, the improvement of the combat effectiveness of any modern army requires large-scale industrialization support, it must be equipped with equipment, materials and spiritual core to give full play to its strength, apart from these foundations, only the leader’s verbal incitement can not be achieved, it is recommended that the intelligence services track it in time. ”

The middle-aged officer drew up the draft and reviewed the dozens of pages of long document again, and after reading it, he also felt a little ridiculous.

Although he has been diligent in collecting information, the figures appearing in those investigation reports are still not proportional to the actual combat effectiveness of the Omar armed forces, and it can be said that it is almost counterintuitive, and it is conceivable that the Pentagon General Staff Headquarters will not accept it at all.

These materials were collected by the U.S. military in Central Asia, ranging from the latest drone reconnaissance reports, to news obtained by monitoring phone calls through technical means, and even the biographies of Omar and his associates before the overthrow of the previous government.

In his senses, Omar is a naturally ambitious bad embryo, a cult of historical iron-fisted politicians, a desire to become a great | like Genghis Khan and Timur, and a fanatical penchant for advanced weapons technology, which may be the reason for his cooperation with Obadai, but it does not explain why his subordinates have such a strong fighting power.

According to the observation of the officers, the Omar forces were at an absolute disadvantage in all aspects, the previous government owned dozens of cities, 100,000 veterans with war experience, and had the production capacity of primary industrialization, but in the end the results were the opposite, the bald leader with a group of thousands of rabble, like destroying an old and dilapidated house, easily pushed it |down, and built his country in ruins—- what the hell is going on?

For this question, the middle-aged officer could only frown and ponder, while turning on the screen again and re-watching the blurry live battle records.

After another video, the red-eyed officer still did not find a clue, as if Omar’s men suddenly took banned drugs and became superhumans like Captain America.

Thinking of Captain America, the officer’s heart suddenly moved, and he was about to approach inspiration, when suddenly the door of the office opened, and an army brigadier general and his attaché walked in with the cold wind outside.

“Did you find a clue?” The brigadier general asked casually, rubbing his reddened nose.

“Not yet.” The middle-aged officer smiled bitterly.

“Don’t worry too much, it’s not new for corrupt armies to be knocked out by weak opponents on the rise, such achievements are simply too common in history, do you need me to remind you of the Battle of Thermopylae, the Battle of Salamis, and the Battle of Canni?” The brigadier dismissed the distress of his colleagues.

“Thank you, I can give more similar examples, but this is not the reason for Omar’s sudden rise, at least I can’t think of any military scientist in modern times who has used 3,000 men to destroy 100,000 soldiers in a week, and no one can do it.” Now that he has even restored order in the city and begun to tax the residents and form a new legion, can we only watch his power expand step by step? ”

“Actually, it’s not a bad thing.” The entourage brought two cups of hot coffee, and the brigadier general unceremoniously took them to taste alone.

“If I were to say, it’s not a bad thing. Spending tens of billions of military dollars and mobilizing tens of thousands of young men from the homeland to come here, are we really sending freedom to the Central Asians? Without these arrogant thugs, what reason do we have to maintain a military presence in Central Asia for a long time? Don’t overthink it, my friend. The brigadier general’s eyes flashed with sly, and at this moment he seemed to look more like a politician than a military commander.

“I don’t want to admit it, but America does need these evil dictators |.” Industry needs them, and only then can Congress approve the arms purchase program and place a large number of orders; ** They are needed, otherwise no one will want to accept that the White House is always pointing fingers at other countries; And we need them the most, without enemies, the existence of the army is meaningless, and may even fall victim to the economic crisis and be forced to disarm. So you see, everyone loves war, we can get promoted, industry can expand markets, politicians can win voters, and the ultimate victory is unquestionable, so friends, don’t bother too much about them. ”

The brigadier general said lightly, pushing aside the table full of materials.

The middle-aged officer shook his head helplessly and silently tasted the bitter drink.

In the photo being pushed aside, the shadows behind Omar seem to be creeping in.

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