The appearance and disappearance of the red tank did not have any impact on the lives of ordinary citizens, people always focused on their own path, never staying too much in areas beyond the scope of understanding, thanks to this, after some secret operation, the red tank Mr. Coin Marco got a temporary identity, lived in the Ross house in the name of distant relatives, and followed the “cousin” and Mary Jane and others, walked into a famous restaurant in Queens, and ordered delicious food without scruples.

“This is Ross’s Canadian cousin?” Secretly looking at Marco, who was fighting at the other end of the table, the girl invited by Mary Jane to accompany her leaned her head over and lowered her voice to comment very unkindly. “Looking at his neck and thighs, I think he must be a professional wrestler or lumber in Canada, and he doesn’t look like Ross at all.”

“Completely agree, the current Ross and the previous are simply two people, MJ is really lucky.” The other girl clasped her hands in front of Xiong, ignoring the white eyes of her companions, and looked intoxicated into the corner of the restaurant, where Ross was waving and playing a lighthearted lyrical serenade.

As a specially trained professional, his skills are pure and skillful, his movements are completely controlled by the heart, when soothing when he is soothing, when radical when radical, between retraction and turning points are very natural and smooth, under his playing, the diners are gradually attracted to the attention, stop talking sideways and listen quietly, the flowing notes seem to transform into a quiet and distant river, carrying a boatload of tourists, under the faint warm afternoon sun, riding the gentle spring breeze through the vast grassland.

It was not until the end of the song that people seemed to have their souls regained and brought heaven back to earth in warm applause.

From afar, watching Mary Jane lend in applause, hugging Rose tightly, and in another corner of the restaurant, the two sneaky boys who followed behind did not mention how tired they were.

“Abominable playboy, Mary Jane must have been deceived, this is not the real him, the villain from before is his true face!” Harry Osborne’s eyes widened, clenched his fists and knocked the table, he had a good impression of Mary Jane, and once used Pete’s guidance to pretend to be the kind of knowledgeable person that girls liked to talk to her, but unfortunately the good times did not last long, and suddenly entered. All the feelings in front of Ross who entered were all for naught, which was a big blow to the young little Osborne.

Fortunately, he still has Peter by his side, and no matter what time, this diehard always stands by his side for the first time.

“He was indeed a villain before, but didn’t we see him go to the university and library many times during this time, maybe he really woke up from frustration as Mary Jane said.”

Peter comforted Harry listlessly, but it was difficult to let go, knowing that punishing Rose would have such consequences, would Spider-Man still hit him hard after school that day?

Every time he thought about it, Peter was always so depressed that he forgot his original plan to participate in a wrestling match to get a prize money.

Not to mention the little troubles of the two boys, Ross, who returned to his seat, chatted happily with the girls, and when the conversation was in full swing, the mobile phone suddenly rang, and a name showing Kurt Connors appeared on the screen.

“Sorry for the missed company.”

Walking to the smoking room, just answered the phone, a middle-aged man’s voice immediately came from the earpiece with ecstatic excitement.

“Ross, it worked… The formula you said was successful, thanks for the chemical formula! God testifies that we really invented a human body-enhancing potion! ”

“I’ve always trusted your abilities, Doctor.” The corners of Ross’s mouth pursed gently, and his slender fingers flicked a few times in the air, fully showing his good mood.

“Now, tell me how the preliminary experiment worked, and whether there was any abnormal reaction.”

He spoke softly, with a calmness beyond his age in his tone, and anyone who heard their conversation would think that Ross, who was the dominant topic, was the older one.

The opposite is true.

Influenced by Ross, Dr. Connors on the other side of the phone quickly calmed down and began to report the situation to his boss with the same attitude.

“We compared two groups of laboratory mice, the injected group ran twenty miles at a time in a limited time, while the uninjected group only ran five miles, the mice like to run, the five-mile data seems very normal in normal times, but the group with strong data far exceeds the highest indicator by four times, which is by no means what any stimulant drug can do.” Enhance a group of laboratory rat bodies according to our detection. Certain genes found within are enhanced that these genes are able to control adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinases that are AMPK enzymes that enable the recipient body. Levels of internal mitochondria are abnormally high, and the ability of muscles to use glucose increases dramatically…”

“That is, without genetic interference, we turn ordinary people into athletes, and it is a long-acting drug without any toxic side effects?” Ross summed it up for him.

“Quite right, it literally reminds me of the story of Captain America that I heard my grandmother tell me as a child, and we seem to be recreating history.” Speaking of pride, Connors burst out laughing.

“Okay, I’ll come over now, seal all research records, see you in the lab.” Turning off the phone, Rose swept the two Harry who pretended to be indifferent with his afterlight, and then turned and left the room.

In the original world, similar research has already borne fruit, Ross once disguised himself as an intern into the laboratory, and even participated in the research and development process himself, and now it is really not difficult to reproduce the process.

What’s more, he still has fifteen super spiders in his hands, which can provide certain special substances and further shorten the research and development process.

The bait has been cast, and it remains to see when the hungry fish take the bait.

With a pleasant smile, Rose and Harry passed by.

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