Bella looked around and found no special marks. Her right hand stretched out to outline the teleportation circle in the air.

She didn't plan to have extra branches, she wanted to leave here quickly.

The "Boom" teleportation circle was just completed one-third of the drawing, and was interrupted by the violent fire element. She cast the spell three times in a row, all of which made the spell invalid because of the agitation between the elements.

There is some kind of force anchoring the space coordinates here, and the probability of the teleporting spell's failure is surprisingly high.

Bella looked into the distance.

At the end of the iron-gray underground passage there was a hot fire, and the surrounding temperature was rising at a slow speed. Many orcs screamed in panic and seemed to have encountered a terrible thing, even though Bella was far away. Can hear it all.

Her eyes cast into the distance, eagle-eyed vision, sixth sense, and the farsightedness she realized from the eyes of Agomoto, a variety of spells and sensory abilities converge together. When she is extremely focused, her vision can already be vaguely possessed. Some kind of penetration characteristics.

Seeing the Balrog crawling out of the underground magma of Moria Mine, her eyes were neither happy nor sad.

She looked at the fire ring in her hand, and after simply reading her mind, she knew the truth. The other party seemed to have come for this ring.

"Rings, human beings, offer and enshrine me." The words of the Balrog reached her ears through a certain sound wave.

"Don't think about it! This is my ring, monster, step back!" Bella snapped, her tone all firm.

Perhaps it was a natural incompatibility, perhaps it was greed, her reprimand did not cause any effect, the flame demon's travel speed doubled out of thin air, and he seemed impatient.

"Haha! Want the Ring of Fire? This is killing me? Ugly, I changed my mind. In fact, it is a good choice to use your core to strengthen the Ring of Fire!" The war intent in Bella's eyes quickly rose.

She follows the magical route of the ancient one when she cast the Eye of Agomoto. Her hands are like butterflies through flowers, constantly performing primitive mana shocks. She uses her mana to simulate the body of the Eye of Agomoto, which is the interior of the Time Gem. structure.

With the help of a lot of preparation work, she can briefly control the flow of time, accelerate or decelerate time, the control time is roughly between one and three seconds. With sufficient preparation, she can turn the enemy's time like a second hand. Move forward or backward three times at will.

The Supreme Master of Kama Taj has always guarded the gem of time because they think time is the most elusive, but on the other hand, time is also the most easily mastered power by the master.

Power, space, reality, soul, and the soul of the source of Bella’s magic have their own limitations.

Only time is the fairest. It will not refuse any contact with intelligent life or anything, but time is the easiest to get started, and it is the hardest to control. Even the grandfather of Thanos, the **** of time, Kronos, who was bombed to the end of time I dare not say that I have mastered the time.

Now that the space teleportation was anchored by the Balrog using some means, Bella could not teleport out, and naturally she could not summon Jason and others to come to help. She could only rely on her own psychic power and wisdom.

Holding ice cones and ice guns is the best policy. Arranging the battlefield in advance and taking all combat links into consideration is the best policy.

She is arranging the battlefield quickly, and the flame demon dares to despise her, so there is a cost.

Many props used to slay dragons were taken out and arranged on the battlefield.

The reason why Gandalf was chased by the Balrog was because he was carrying a bunch of oil bottles, and Bella was not burdened by his side now.

She stretched out her hand to touch the wall, and Kama Taj’s mirrored world was simulated by her psychic energy. The gray marble ground quickly flipped backwards, while the walls and the square pillars expanded outwards and far away, and were originally empty. Suddenly, the extremely dwarven hall was expanded tenfold.

After that, the psychic energy began to invade this temporarily created mirror world. The wind and snow suddenly fell, and the ground was enveloped by hard ice. In the howling cold wind, an ice and snow world was formed based on the mirror world.

The heavy footsteps of "Boom" and "Boom" sounded, and a figure entwined with firelight was quickly walking into her world of ice and snow.

"Humanity, death!" Bella looked at the other party uncomfortably, and the Balrog's perception of her was terrible.

The Balrog's voice was very heavy, and it seemed to contain endless anger.

Bella's voice came from all directions: "It's just a deserter on the battlefield! Where is your courage to play in front of me? The lessons the Asgardians have taught you seem to be insufficient!"

As soon as her words fell, a small group of soldiers wearing Asgard armor walked out of the air. Their faces were a little fuzzy, but the armor and weapons in their hands impressed the Balrog.

He was indeed a deserter on the battlefield, and Bella was right.

Under the leadership of Odin, the Asgardians conquered all the Nine Realms.

The soldiers in Asgard are very strong, how strong are they? The stonemason who fled to the earth in Asgard can beat all the agents of SHIELD. Is this stonemason strong? Very strong on the earth, at most a hitman in Asgard.

The fighters are so tough, not to mention the regular army in Asgard.

The world of frost giants like Jotunheim was completely scrapped, and of course Musbelheim, the world of flame giants, did not let go.

The king of flame giants and the eternal fire of Sirtel have all become Odin's collections, and the result of that battle of conquest can be imagined.

The Balrog who broke into the ice world of Bella were deserters on the battlefield that day.

Countless flame lords and generals of the fire giant were beheaded by the Asgardians, and he was so scared that he ran away.

Moosbelheim didn't dare to go back could only hide in the depths of Warnerheim and linger.

Now Bella revealed his scar, which made the Balrog so angry, but the image of the Asgardian soldier that appeared afterwards made him extremely hesitant.

Walking through the straight corridor, his figure slowly unfolded in front of Bella.

This flame monster is ten meters tall. From the blazing fire, only a pair of yellow eyes exuding a terrifying light can be seen. He has devil-like goat horns, muscular knots, and wings on his back.

As the Balrog entered the world of ice and snow, the surrounding heat rapidly increased, the solid ice turned into running water, and the ice within ten meters of the Balrog turned into water vapor.

"Keep going, don't stop." Bella's tone was mocking.

The Balrog’s intelligence is extremely high, and the strength of the race is not inferior to that of the giant dragon. It’s just that the first five fingers are not aligned with each other, so the strength of the race is naturally strong and weak. The Balrog is considered strength in the race. Weak, he did not move on, but cautiously looked around.

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