Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 264 Premeditated

"I love you too!"

Laughing happily, Jiang Li also kissed Gwen's little cheek, with a proud arc of his mouth curling up.

He knew that Gwen had completely fallen in love with himself and was destined to become his woman in this life!

At this moment, Gwen didn't say much, just nodded, nestled in Jiang Li's arms happily, feeling extremely warm and secure.


A rush of ringtones rang from his pocket, causing Jiang Li to move in his heart. He quickly took out the phone and pressed the answer button.

Before Jiang Li could speak, there was a panicked Roar sound on the other side of the call.

"Captain! The big event is not good. A dozen monsters resembling lizards suddenly appeared in New York City. The destructive power is so great that even the army can't suppress it, causing all citizens to panic and riot! The situation is not optimistic!"

"Really? It seems that it is time for our X-Men 15 police to attack!" Jiang Li said solemnly, already determined to eradicate these damn lizardmen.

"But now Bobby, Steel, and Qin are all performing other tasks. This can only be left to you, please!"

"Okay, I see! Oluo Luo, now you post the coordinates of these monsters on my phone, and Gwen and I will solve them by myself!"

"Jiang Li, be careful of everything!"

Knowing the danger of this mission, Oluo said with concern.

"Yeah! I will!"

In a short while, Jiang Li successfully received more than a dozen coordinates, and all of them dispersed quickly. It seemed to be a premeditated conspiracy. The big boss behind it was really conspiring!

But Jiang Li also had his own plan, and he was not afraid. Since he came to this parallel world, he has not been afraid of any enemies and vowed to become the strongest!

"Now, where are we going?"

Seeing the burning fighting spirit in Jiang Li's eyes, Gwen immediately prepared for the battle and asked firmly.

"Hehe, let's start with the nearest Chinatown!"

Jiang Li smiled relaxedly, exuding incomparable confidence. He reached out his hand and scratched Gwen's Qiong nose gently, and said softly:

"How about it, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid! As long as I'm with you, I'm willing to go anywhere!" Gwen nodded heavily and held Jiang Li's hand tightly, unwilling to let go for a moment.

"Okay! Now, let us wipe out these bad guys one by one!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Li and Gwen jumped and disappeared from where they were in an instant.

At this moment, in the bustling and noisy Chinatown, a dark-green lizard man suddenly rushed out. He was still wearing a half-tattered shirt, but his pupils were extremely red, and his mouth was even more open. The rows of sharp fangs are terrifying and terrifying.

Seeing the sluggish pedestrians in the street in front of him, the lizard man's eyes became even more frenzied, his big tongue kept flowing out of his mouth, and he seemed to have tasted the taste of blood.

"Huh? Is this making a movie? It's so real!"

"Yes! This person's makeup is really good, there is almost no flaw in it!"

However, the pedestrians on the street still didn't realize that the danger had come, and they talked with interest. Some people took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and took the initiative to approach the lizard people, and the laughter rang into one!


But the next moment, a terrifying and bloody scene happened.

I saw the lizardman roar, waving his sharp claws, and instantly pounced on a blond man who came oncoming!

"NO! My God!"

The blond man who originally wanted to take a photo opened his eyes in horror, and his phone fell to the ground.

Before he was struggling madly, the lizardman already bit his throat brutally and directly bit his throat. The red blood spewed out, scared everyone around him screaming.

"Run away!"

"There is a monster! It really is a monster!"

The original noisy crowd instantly exploded, and everyone ran wildly crawling.

However, the blood and screams made the lizardman even more crazy. After sucking up the blood of the corpse on the ground, it continued to roar and rush towards the crowd, massacring!

However, at this critical juncture, a group of cobwebs suddenly fell from the air quickly and accurately, hitting the lizard man's back severely, knocking it straight to the ground, and rolling several large circles.

Turning his head suddenly, the lizard man's eyes flashed with resentment and anger, as if he had been provoked so much, it was unforgivable!

"Monster, come and fight me if you have a species! You beast who only knows how to brutally kill innocent people!"

Two swift figures leaped down, and Ling Li's eyes instantly fell on the lizardman.

With a weird cry, the lizard-men rushed to Gwen without hesitation. The other human being, who dared to make a move against him, already hated him! Vow to tear it to pieces.

"Very good! Then let me see what you are capable of 070!"

Gwen rushed forward and directly killed the brutal lizardman, and the two sides fought fiercely together.

"With strong physical-body strength, extreme bloodthirsty and loss of reason, is this again the product of lizard genes?"

Jiang Li stood quietly on the side, looked up and down at the upgraded lizardman, and instantly got the answer in his heart.

"It seems that I must also speed up the progress of the task, and I absolutely cannot allow the lizardman who is the culprit to continue to live in this world!"

Under Jiang Li's gaze, although this lizardman is very powerful and cruel, Gwen, as a Spider-man, is also very skilled, shooting several cobwebs one after another, tying the enemy straight up.

Immediately, Gwen shot the cobweb to the roof, and his whole body instantly flew into the air, dragging the lizard man tied up with the spider web to an altitude of several hundred meters.

"Now, I formally sentence you to death! Send you a sinful creature back to hell!"

Without waiting for the lizard-men to struggle frantically to resist, Gwen loosened his hand and smashed it straight to the ground.

With a bang, like a watermelon bursting open, the lizardman undoubtedly fell into a pile of soft and crumpled flesh, his eyes protruding, and he was completely dead!

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