Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 188 Petrified

After remembering that they had air guns in their hands, they immediately aimed at Susan and shot them.

Unfortunately, the bullet hit the force field in which Susan stood in the middle, and it burst directly, and the poison gas was diffused.

If it wasn't for Guy Di to have been dispatched, Susan would directly set up a force field in front of the two police officers, so that the two police officers could be paralyzed directly.

Just as the two policemen were about to escape, Guy Di suddenly got out of the floor, holding a gun in each hand.

boom! boom!

After the gunshot, two bullets were fired from the bottom of the two policemen and penetrated their heads instantly.

After freezing for a while, the two policemen fell directly to death.

Kill the two policemen and Guy finally floated up.

Guy Di’s current weapons are two pistols and two daggers, which Natasha Romanoff helped her choose carefully.

Moreover, the guns were modified by Natasha Romanoff.

The recoil is reduced by 30% compared to the ordinary revolver, but the strength is increased by 40%!

Therefore, it is very suitable for girls like Guy who are not very strong.

Guy also wanted to ask if she was great, but after walking a few meters, Guy stopped suddenly and slowly fell forward.

Seeing this situation, Susan remembered that there was poisonous gas there just now.


Forgot to talk to Guy Di!

Susan also wanted to run over and hug Guy Di, but she knew that doing so would only paralyze herself, so she created a stand directly in front of Guy Di. After Guy, who seemed to have become a puppet, landed on the force field, Susan controlled the force field to move back.

After hugging Guy Di, Susan asked, "How's it going?"

"Uh... just stop ma... rent it and bet dad..."

Susan was startled and laughed at Guy's words that were almost all typos.

Because Guy can't move her mouth and mouth, she basically relies on the trachea to speak, so the pronunciation of "definitely" is super inaccurate.

Moreover, Guy of At the moment is stiff like a sculpture. This change makes Susan feel very funny.

Standing Guy directly aside, Susan said: "I think if you have been paralyzed, you can be the God of Door!"

"Did you still search for me?"

"Ahem, I'm here to be your translator now," said Susan, pretending to be serious. "Are you still my sister?"

Guy Guy actually wanted to talk, but seeing Susan's eyebrows smiling, Guy Guy couldn't say anything anymore.

It's not that I don't want to say it, it's because I can't move my mouth and tongue, and I'm too tired to talk, let alone being laughed at by some unscrupulous Susan.

Therefore, Guy decided to choose silence and prayed that his body would return to normal sooner.

If it doesn't return to normal, will Jiang Li be carried back to school later, wouldn't it be laughed at by them?

If Natasha Romanoff saw it, wouldn't Natasha Romanoff, an Instructor, be pissed off?

Get back to normal soon!

While Guy prayed and Susan stood aside and smiled unscrupulously, Jiang Li in the basement still frowned.

Looking at them, Jiang Li asked, "Can't the device on the neck be removed?"

"No," Juggernaut said, who had been silent. "After being locked in, we tried various methods, but we couldn't open it. We all knew that this device would not explode as long as we didn't use the variant Ability, so we I thought that as long as the strength was strong enough, it would definitely be able to break directly. Here I have the strongest strength, but I can't break it."

"Isn't your unicorn arm dead?"


"I said your right hand."

"Well, my right hand is useless, but my left hand is still there," Juggernaut said. "My strength is a hundred times that of ordinary people. Even if I only use my left hand, it is at least 30 times. Anyway, steel or something. I can easily break a bend with one hand, but this one cannot."

Walking to the iron cage of a beautiful Mutant, Jiang Li said, "Close to me."

After Mutant, a woman with a cool dress and a very big breast, approached, Jiang Li wanted to get her neck close. I don't know, the other party directly pressed two milk that seemed to be filled with water-on the gap of the iron cage.

"You touch it, and let me out if you touch it."

"I'm not interested in you," Jiang Li said, "You lean your neck, I want to take a look at this device."

After the other party complied, Jiang Li, who was staring at the detonator, frowned immediately.

Because the color of this device is very close to Wolverine's claws and Steve's shield.

Is it possible that the device contains Adamantium?

Thinking of this, Jiang Li, who took a few steps back, called Nick directly.

After the call, Jiang Li asked, "Apart from your S.H.I.E.L.D, what other part or organization does Adamantium own?"

"This is not necessarily true," Nick said, "Although Adamantium is very scarce, it is not unique to our S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Okay, let me tell you something," Jiang Li said, "Does the detonator on Mutant's neck contain Adamantium?"


"Since you know this, is it the Adamantium provided by S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"Definitely not," Nick explained hurriedly on the other end of the phone. "The Ministry of Defense also owns Adamantium, and the developer of the detonating device is the Ministry of Defense, so this is completely done by them and has nothing to do with SHIELD. I am I have seen a detonator before, so I'm sure it contains Adamantium."

"Then I ask you, what are the ways to open the detonator?"

"Do you really want to know the answer?"


"There is no way to open it," Nick said, "their purpose is to make Mutant a slave for a lifetime, so either can't open it for a lifetime or detonate it directly. Definitely, there is another way that is not a solution, which is to just cut it off. Mutant’s head, so that the detonator can be removed. Therefore, the government’s strategy for Mutant that can survive if its head is chopped off, the government’s strategy is to directly use chemical principles to break it down."

"What do they think of Mutant?!" An angry Jiang Li roared, "Mutant was born from an ordinary life too! Not to say that he popped out of a rock! Those damn decision-makers! Their children even have children. It may be Mutant!"

"Already killed."


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