Marvel’s Movie Destruction

Chapter 738 King's Landing City

"This is King's Landing?"

Daenerys looked at the majestic and majestic city in front of her, and made a surprised voice.

Junlin City is a large city built by the ancestors of the Targaryen family for three hundred years. The permanent population of this city is close to one million. In the world of Quanyou with backward productivity, this population figure is enough to make everyone stunned!

We must know that even with the help of magic in the world of the Lord of the Rings, the population of the entire Gondor Kingdom is only 200,000!

In Quanyou Continent, Junlin City can definitely be regarded as the largest city in the world, even if Braavos, the strongest among the nine free city states, may be more advanced than Junlin City in some respects, but regardless of scale or population In other respects, Braavos couldn't compare with King's Landing.

After all, King’s Landing is not a separate city. It is also the political and power center of the entire Westeros continent. Whoever masters King’s Landing is equivalent to mastering the Seven Kingdoms.

The Targaryen family was expelled from King’s Landing by the Baratheon family thirteen years ago. Daenerys was born on the way to escape, so she has never stepped into the jurisdiction of King's Landing in her entire life. .

But for this city, Daenerys is more familiar than everyone else, because her brother Viselis talks about the city almost every day, talking about it for more than ten years.

So even if Daenerys didn't have a good impression of her brother, when she saw Junlin City, she still felt some strange feelings that couldn't be said.

"Yes, that is King's Landing City, the most prosperous city in the entire Westeros continent!" Suolong nodded and said yes. After this period of contact, both of them knew that the personality of Lord God was actually very kind. As long as all the instructions to him are completed in full, then there is no need to worry about too many other issues.

So occasionally, the two of them dared to talk a little more gossip, instead of being so respectful and not even dare to breathe.

"That's a broken place! It's so disappointing!"

Li Qingyuan was riding on the mount, reluctantly covering his nose.

The big cities of the Middle Ages, such as Paris, London, or Constantinople, all have a problem that people can't directly look at.

That is, these cities can be said to be completely built on dung piles.

After all, as long as it is a human, it does not matter if one or two people are involved. The fertilizer produced by millions of people every day is definitely a problem that people cannot look at directly.

Some people are responsible for cleaning the palace and the gathering place of nobles, but in other places, most people basically solve it on the spot, not to mention that there are countless poultry, livestock and war horses in the city!

After hundreds of years of accumulation, this so-called Junlin City is basically similar to a large garbage dump. Even if it is still a few miles away, the smell that can blow on the face makes people a little desperate.

"The King's Landing is in no way comparable to the palaces of the gods. Under the crown of the Holy Gods, you feel that you are too shabby, then it must be too shabby!"

Thrawn originally thought about the compliments he had given him and prepared to show it in front of someone, but after hearing someone's evaluation, he immediately changed his words.

"Forget it, go take a look!"

Waved his hand and applied a constant air cleaning technique to his side, feeling that the smell was not so pungent at last, so someone pulled the reins of the mount and walked slowly towards King's Landing.

Seeing him actually riding that weird deed, Thrawn and Daenerys's cheeks twitched slightly, they wanted to speak but didn't dare to speak.

When someone rode a mount to Pantos, he made a huge movement, and now he is riding this mount to King's Landing. Could it be that King's Landing is going to change immediately?

But what surprised them both was that everyone didn't pay much attention to the weird mount along the way. Even if someone looked at it twice, the look was very strange.

definitely, it's completely different from the weirdness they both understand!

"Who are you? What are you doing in King's Landing?"

The three of them quickly arrived at the gate of King's Landing, and the two guards of the gate immediately came up to ask.

"I'm Li Qingyuan, a traveling knight from the Eastern Continent. This is my maid Denise and my attendant Thrawn. I heard that Junlin City is hosting a so-called knight tournament, so I came here to participate."

Throwing two silver coins with him to the guard at the door, someone said with a smile.

Just now on the road, he heard many people talking about the so-called Cavaliers Tournament. According to speculation, it should be the mid-stage of the first part of Quan You. The Boar King Robert has not been killed yet, and the Battle of the Five Kings has not yet officially started. .

Anyway, I was going to play, so someone thought it would be fun to participate in the so-called Cavaliers Tournament.

"It turned out to be Lord Knight. The registration office is not far from Steel Street. Do you need us to show you the way?"

For the sake of silver coins, the guards guarding the city gates immediately became kind. These days, many knight masters from all over the world are preparing to participate in the contest of His Majesty the King, but they can tip the silver coins when they shoot. Not many!

"No, my attendants are familiar with this place!"

Li Qingyuan waved his hand and rejected the two courteous soldiers, and then took Daenerys and Thrawn Shiran into the city.

"Do you two want to ask why everyone around you feel so peaceful about our appearance?"

Seeing the two obedient gods not keeping their homes, someone asked with a smile.

Daenerys and Thrawn nodded quickly, knowing that even if they have been with someone for almost a month, they will still be surprised every time they see the mount!

And how can ordinary people be so calm?

'Snapped! ’

Someone snapped his fingers lightly, and Daenerys and Thrawn suddenly realized that the scene in front of them had changed.

Riding under the crown of the Holy God is actually a tall white horse. Although this horse looks much taller and whiter than other horses, a tall horse, besides making people feel that the owner is not bad for money, it is also very powerful. Outside of the Cavaliers, it won't attract much attention.

"Now, do you understand?"

This is consciousness shielding magic, unless it is mental power that can reach one-tenth of his, otherwise it is impossible to see the disguise of magic at all.

It's just a pity that this magic can only work on some very small places, such as people or small objects such as mounts.

If this magic can be applied to large buildings anytime, then he can build himself a skyscraper directly in the main world!

"The power of God is really beyond the imagination of mortals!"

Thrawn quickly flattered!

"In the eyes of others, I am not what I am now, am I?"

Daenerys immediately thought of the key to the problem and asked.

You know that the silver-golden hair and lavender eyes are the iconic symbols of the Targaryen family. If she is found in King's Landing by someone who is interested, she will definitely cause a commotion.

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