Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 504: The 2nd Commander of the Authority, the World's Strongest Fitter

Zod had no intention of killing Norman the Green Goblin.

After all, Godzilla is the guardian of the earth, emitting a kind of Qi-like radiation all the time. In radiation, the destroyed ecological environment will be repaired, and the original environment will become more harmonious and perfect.

And it can also digest nuclear waste, which is simply an environmental messenger.

Zod has already planned to keep the Green Goblin Norman in captivity, and then charge the world for nuclear waste and nuclear wastewater treatment.

As for researching Godzilla serum, Zod thinks it can be considered.

The main reason is that Norman the Green Goblin surprised him too much. Originally, Zod thought that the Invincible Hulk was the best, but Godzilla slapped him hard in the face.

Even if Green Hulk can become infinitely angry and stronger, but being beaten by Thanos to restore his senses, it is also a problem that he loses his infinite potential for change.

In contrast, Godzilla's G cells are a huge advantage.

Those are cells that can evolve continuously, and are still controllable. At the same time, they can become stronger by eating nuclear radiation, which is much more powerful than General Ross.

General Ross can only eat heat.

The speed of strengthening is not as fast as the Green Goblin Norman.

So Zod had a bold idea. He thought it might be better to combine Godzilla and Hulk to create a more powerful Godzilla Hulk!

As for whether there will be any monsters, Zod said, can the monsters be more powerful than Doomsday?

Don't call yourself a monster if you can't compare it to Doom!

Besides, even if Doomsday really comes out, Zod is not afraid, it is just Doomsday, and it is not that he has never fought.



There was lingering tiredness on Odin's face. He has become increasingly exhausted, which was almost unimaginable before. Thor's naivety, impulsiveness and recklessness made him even more anxious.

Fortunately, Thor went to Earth and changed a lot after coming back, that is, the prince of Asgard suddenly turned into a giant, which made Odin seem a little green.

That is, the Asgardians are very simple (to put it bluntly, they are stupid and big, and they have no heart.)

Otherwise, Odin and Thor would have to be pointed behind their backs, and the goddess Frigga would inevitably be told to gossip.

Of course, Odin himself knew what was going on, and he was also surprised by Thor's majestic and surging divine power after he transformed into a green giant!

It is already comparable to the divine power of Odin when he was young!

Of course, in Asgard, Odin and Thor both become more powerful as they get older, and the more they get older, the better they can fight. Compared to when they were young, it can only be said that Thor is already strong, but it's not enough.

However, even if he did not transform himself, Thor himself possessed a much stronger divine power thunder and lightning than before, and he seemed to not pay much attention to Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor.

Odin appreciates Thor's change and power, but it's not enough.

Although the Asgardians are powerful, they are not invincible in the universe. The number of them is too small, and their current status is almost achieved by Odin, the king of the gods, and Hela, the daughter of death, by virtue of their own strength.

If Thor didn't grow up quickly, Asgard's decline was a predictable end.

The seal he put on his daughter Hela couldn't last any longer.

The long life of Asgardians makes them never know how precious time is. Even as belligerent as Thor, the time spent on drinking and bingeing must be far greater than the hard training.

"If Thor doesn't become stronger, when Hela comes out, no one will be able to beat him..."

When Odin said this, he suddenly looked in the direction of the earth.

There is a strong man who doesn't know the details. Even Gu Yi can't see his details. It is he who made Thor into a green giant. Fortunately, he can still change back, otherwise Odin will be old even if he grows old to this extent. To freak out.

On Earth, Zod also looked up at Asgard, but his eyes really passed through the dimension and met Odin.

Odin didn't know anything, he didn't have the divine eyes of Heimdall, so he just stared in the direction of the earth in a daze.

Zod's gaze glanced recklessly in Asgard, and he withdrew his gaze without finding anything.

The research on Norman the Green Goblin has come to fruition, and Zod is not tired of it, after all, he has the best fitter in the world.

"What a horrible monster."

Magneto looked at Norman the Green Goblin and said.

Of course, for him in the past, the current Magneto, under the guidance of Zod, has already learned the manipulation of magnetic field lines and magnetic fields, and because of this, he has become the second strongest person in the Administration. Zod is considering letting him He became deputy chief.

"Why do you trust me so much?"

Magneto then asked Zod, after knowing that Zod was considering making himself the deputy director, Magneto, who had seen the unprecedented power and unchecked power of the Administration, knew what it meant, so he was very complicated.

"I don't trust you, I just trust the professor, and I just want to give the mutants a chance."

Zod said without looking back.

"Give mutants a chance..."

Magneto looked at the mutants in the cage he built himself.

"mutants who obey the law will not be discriminated against and persecuted, they can go to school, work and even serve in the administration, but mutants who violate the law must also obey the law. The terrorism you and your brotherhood performs is useful. , but it's too slow and too inefficient."

Zod said calmly, with an equal attitude.

Magneto was silent.

"I haven't trusted anyone other than mutants for a long time, sir."

"Don't worry, I have a lot of power behind me, and no one can take me away from this position."

"So I can only be the deputy director for the rest of my life?"

"Hahaha, anyway, you are not old now, what is the difference between the deputy director of the seventy-year-old and the deputy director of the seven-hundred-year-old?"

Indeed, Magneto's line of sight follows the ubiquitous magnetic field and spreads in all directions. In this base of the Human Supernatural Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Administration, the metal magnetic field reaction is almost everywhere, the structure is closely arranged, and the atomic magnetic field has subtleties. complex reactions, arranged in a compact structure. Magnetization smelting, a new metal alloy structure involving electromagnetism and nuclear force, makes the physical properties of the metals here seem a bit incredible.

This was a transformation he made to the base under the guidance of Zod, and it was this transformation that allowed Magneto to learn the mechanics of magnetic fields.

At the level of Magneto's materials science, this kind of material technology involving microscopic physical properties inside atoms has brought metal materials to a new peak. The atoms bound by the internal magnetic field constitute the metal materials of the base, weakening the interatomic mutual repulsion.

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