After listening, Lau Fei said coldly.

"The contract is established, I will help you get rid of Odin, I hope you can keep your promise."

"I'm still afraid that you will sell me? It's a big sin to let the frost giants enter Asgard. When the people of Asgard know about it, they will definitely overthrow me."

Loki snorted coldly, walked past Heimdall and glanced at him, making sure that the freezing was still effective before continuing to move forward.

Laufey and his Frost Giant Guard walked past Heimdall and headed for Asgard. This scene reflected in the frozen Heimdall's eyes through the ice, making him extremely angry and anxious, but he couldn't stop it from happening. Even if he broke free from the freeze, the Destroyer would still be watching him. He was severely frostbitten, and he was no match for the Destroyer at all. The only hope was Thor in Midgard.

Thinking of this, Heimdall worked hard to separate out a portion of the divine power that was used to resist the cold and applied it to his eyes, causing his eyes to shine brightly. Even if his body was attacked by cold air, he still had to pass the picture he saw across the vast expanse. The space, spread to the sleeping Thor's mind.

A team of frost giants stepped on a rainbow bridge made of ice, fire, and air and walked towards Asgard in the distance. Thor exclaimed, suddenly woke up from the dream, opened his eyes, and sat up from the bed, sweating profusely.

Now the prince of Asgard, Thor is just an ordinary person, but because of trespassing on the military base, he can only go to jail, still in the cage of this military base.

"I dreamed of Asgard, the frost giant stepped on the rainbow bridge and was walking towards the palace."

Thor's voice was a little low, his hands clenched into fists, and his muscles were tense.

"No, it's not just a dream. Something must have happened to Asgard. I have to go back."

Thor grabbed the railing of the cell.

"Let me out, I'm going back to Asgard!"


Then the soldier knocked on the railing suddenly, and Thor was about to say something, and the soldier pointed the gun at him.

Having seen the power of the "bow and arrow" of these Midgards, Thor didn't want to die again, so in desperation, he could only sit back obediently.

This feeling of powerlessness made Tolton extremely frustrated, but after just being depressed for a while, he thought of a way.

"As soon as I lift Mjolnir,

I will be able to regain my divine power and become Thor, and I will definitely bring the Rainbow Bridge down. "

But a team of heavily armed soldiers guarding outside the cell, coupled with this "indestructible" cage for him now, Thor suddenly disappeared. Now he is just a relatively strong human being. He broke into that last time. The rudimentary camp took a lot of effort, and now it is estimated that there are high walls, power grids, artillery towers, and wolf dogs. I am afraid that it is not even close to the periphery, and it will be shot down.

Thor lowered his head and sat on the edge of the bed in despair. He couldn't stop recalling the scene he saw in his dream: the team of frost giants stepped on the Rainbow Bridge and walked to the palace step by step. He could feel a biting chill like falling into an ice cave. It was not a dream, but something that really happened.

Thinking of the past few months, Midgard has seen several frost giant invasions one after another, and even a large number of Kiritas appeared last time, but Asgard has not responded, not even a single soldier has been sent. .

Could it be that the Frost Giant attacked Asgard frantically after he left, so that Asgard could not draw any troops to Midgard, maybe the Frost Giant had broken through the Asgard defense line, so he would dream Frost giants set foot on the Rainbow Bridge in groups.

Moreover, even if he succeeded in getting him in contact with Mjolnir, he also touched it last time, and he couldn't lift it up.

Zod has countless grooves in his heart and wants to vomit. The Destroyer hasn't come for more than half a month. Thor wants to use Thor's Hammer twice. The plot of the movie seems to have no value for reference.

Does this guy think that because of the Asgard crisis, he will succeed in lifting Thor's Hammer this time?


Behind Loki, Laufey and his Frost Giant Guard looked around vigilantly as they walked. This is the Asgard Palace. There are so many troops stationed there that they can be overwhelmed by numbers alone. To fight, there is absolutely only the result of annihilation of the entire army.

When in Jotunheim, no one agreed that Laufey would personally lead the team to Asgard, but Laufey insisted on doing so, and he only brought about twenty frost giants before going deep into the heavily guarded Asgard. Gard. I just don't know if it's because of my trust in Loki, or if I want to seek revenge from Odin and want to go crazy, even ignoring the danger.

Loki looked away from the Destroyer and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I have already transferred the guards from the palace, and they are still searching for the intruding frost giants in other places. You have plenty of time to get along with Odin, walk fifty steps forward and turn right to reach Odin. The sleeping place, I will get you the Frost Box, as long as Odin dies, the Frost Box will be yours."

"I hope your words count." Laufey gave Loki a deep look and walked in the direction Loki said with his subordinates. The frost giants spread out one by one along the way, looking around vigilantly, so that even The situation has changed, and they can also defend this retreat channel, so that Laufi can leave here safely.

Loki walked into Odin's treasury step by step with the spear of eternity. The moment the door was closed, his body shattered like a broken shadow and disappeared, and then appeared in the room next to Odin's sleeping room.

In the palace, the closed door was suddenly pushed open, and Laufi and a frost giant strode in.

"Meet again, Father of the Gods!"

Lau Fei said in a low voice, but with a proud smile on her face, she stepped barefoot on the delicate and precious carpet, leaving footprints paved with frost one after another.

The golden mask covering Odin couldn't stop Lau Fey's arm at all, so that Lau Fei's hand easily touched Odin's face, opened the closed eyelids, revealing some cloudy eyeballs.

Laufey bent down, looked closely at Odin's one eye, and said in a low voice.

"I heard that when you were asleep, you could still hear and see, so see and hear clearly. The one who killed you was Lau Fei, the king of frost giants..."

As a villain, the first principle is not to talk too much, so Laufey just said these two words, a small door on the south side of this huge palace was pushed open, and Queen Frigga of Asgard walked in, and at a glance I saw Laufey, who was so close to Odin.

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