Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 393: The Dimensional Demon God of Integrity

"There are three people in the patrol position on the left, and the time from point A to point B is five minutes. The guard standing on the high wall will smoke a cigarette at about ten o'clock at night, which will have a three-second visual difference."

Frank the Punisher is lurking in the dark, staring at a warehouse of the Stanech family with high-powered binoculars.

Frank was originally a special operations instructor in the Marine Corps and had a happy family. A gentle and beautiful wife and a well-behaved daughter.

But a sudden accident changed Frank's life. During a family trip to Miami, his wife and daughter witnessed a drug trade by the sea.

The two parties to the transaction were the Staneich family and Frank only recently inquired about a group called Redwater Security.

Because of witnessing the dealings of drug dealers, the Steinich family brutally killed Frank's wife and daughter and threw them into the sea.

The loss of his wife and daughter made Frank anxious until a fishing boat fishing offshore found the bodies of the mother and daughter.

Upon learning of the death of his wife and daughter, Frank, the iron man who was fearless even in the face of bullets, almost broke down and cried.

When Frank finally found out that the murderer of his wife and daughter was the Steinich family through his own relationship, he was going to use the weapon of law to punish these inhuman gangsters.

But the law does not always express the justice and justice that it should. The relationship between the Steinich family and the government is constantly involved, and several members of Congress accept political donations from the Stanech family.

This time, the appeal to justice ended in complete failure. As the real murderer, Franky and the Steinich family behind him did not get the punishment they deserved.

Instead, the Steinich family used their family's influence over the military, making Frank unable to get along in the Marine Corps.

And also sent a killer, ready to kill Frank together. But they didn't even know what kind of human-shaped beast they were provoking.

The killer sent was easily killed by Frank, when he understood that the law could not solve these scumbags in society. Frank decides to become the Punisher in the Darkness himself.

In the name of justice, bring the harshest punishment to these criminals in the dark. You are guilty, so damn you!

Franky, one of the murderers of his wife and daughter, has been sanctioned by him, but as the real mastermind behind the scenes, the Steinich family is still there.

Frank is not one to give up halfway through something.

Now that Franky has been sanctioned, it is necessary to sanction the Stanech family next. This behemoth with extensive roots in North and South America is not easy to eradicate.

But Frank was confident that as long as he kept dismantling the wings of the Stanage family, this huge gangster empire would eventually fall apart.

A former Marine Special Operations Instructor, Frank likes to fight strategically. Instead of mindless fighting, especially when you don't know the opponent's situation.

"A sniper should be placed at the water tower at twelve o'clock, and this needs to be resolved first."

While observing the Steinich family warehouse, Frank recorded his observations in a notebook.

This makes it easier for him to make better strategic planning after drawing the topographic map.

A Humvee came into view of Frank Custer's high-powered telescope. Before the vehicle drove to the warehouse, the door opened and five heavily armed gangsters got out of the car.

It was followed by a second and third Hummer. Now the entire warehouse has suddenly dispatched fifteen more well-armed fighters. And the Humvee also brought new equipment, more heavy firepower and assault rifles.

Frank didn't change his face, knowing that it was because of his own reasons.

In just a few days, he caused billions of dollars in damage to the Stanech family with a scalpel-like strike.

Even a gangster family like Stanech can't afford such a loss, which will make many places waiting for funds to turn around, and the greedy members of Congress will also be dissatisfied.

Since the last attack on the Stanech family's warehouse in the Hudson River, the Stanech family suffered heavy losses. The Steinich family has already stepped up their defense.

Frank can only eradicate some small peripheral organizations that are attached to the Stanage family's wings these days, but the Stanage family who really wants to deal with it has been cautiously making observations and formulating battle plans.

He was a prudent man by nature, which is why Punisher was able to kill so many supervillains in mortal form.

"You need to prepare a body armor of level 4 or above..."

Frank began to make plans again. The bulletproof vest was also a necessity to prevent him from exposing his immortal body. Anyway, after putting it on, just be careful not to get hit in the head.

It's a good camouflage.

"I'm very satisfied, Frank. It's almost time to bring your wife back to life with a million sinful souls."

Zod appears out of nowhere in Frank's room.

" god."

Frank took a deep breath and lowered his head.

He was able to become Zod's knight so quickly and accepted Zod's brand, in fact, because Zod said he would resurrect his wife and daughter.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just here to encourage you."

Zod didn't intend to break his promise, he was not an old Mo, and he turned his face on the second day after completing the contract.

And Frank's efficiency is really fast, much faster than Johnny Blazer, who is still wandering around looking for sinful souls.

Through the soul gem, Zod can easily snatch the soul of Frank's wife and daughter from the single "death" in this universe, and then resurrect it even easier.

Only with integrity can Frank serve himself better.

Then Zod left.

Frank sat on the sofa without saying a word. His firm will was very idealistic. Even Zod couldn't be imprinted so quickly. It was entirely because of the tenderness of the iron man.

Zod looked for his third knight, and this time, he set his sights on Hydra.

Hydra, the base of the Winter Soldier project.

The Winter Soldier is human-modified and brainwashed.

The reason why they are called Winter Soldiers is because they are frozen every day, and they will be thawed when they need to perform tasks, and they will be re-frozen when the task is completed, so as to ensure that their combat power can be preserved for a longer time.

So, it's such a waste for Hydra to have this kind of technology.

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