Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 360 Prometheus

However, since the invasion of the Skrulls is imminent, time is pressing and imminent, all the council members said that the five permanent members of the Security Council can conduct secret consultations, sign a memorandum of understanding first, and preliminarily draw up a set of agreements to join this Earth before the UN resolution is issued. Man's war against alien invaders.

Several members of the World Security Council hurriedly went offline and informed the leaders and advisory groups of their countries of the news for further discussions.

"Politicians decide whether to start a war or not, and the commander decides how to fight, with a clear division of labor and non-interference with each other. Many disastrous battles in history were caused by politicians in the rear who changed generals or ordered random orders. If you don't want the earth to be destroyed, you should Let professional people do professional things.”

Zod Heath said so.

However, this professional person already has a candidate in everyone's mind, isn't it you Zod Hiss?

"Don't make trouble, I'm too lazy to care."

Zod Heath refused.

"I can get the Umbrella company to take orders to build starships, but I'm not required to lead the war."

Zod Heath is firm.

In the Marvel Universe, does public opinion, that is, the situation of public opinion, have any effect?

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, public opinion has played a role several times.

When Tony Stark was forced by the Ministry of Defense to hand over the Iron Man armor, he used hacking techniques at the hearing to reveal that the Hanmo Group was secretly researching the Iron Man armor, and reported a big news to the media present to guide the trend of public opinion. , eventually forcing the Defense Department to drop its prosecution against him.

After Hydra's insight plan was foiled by the US team, Natasha, the black widow, disclosed all the information of SHIELD on the Internet, revealing the secret that SHIELD was controlled by Hydra, which directly led to the dissolution of SHIELD.

The Avengers have been recognized by the U.S. government and have received many privileges because they were praised by the public for their performance in repelling aliens and protecting the people in the Great War in New York.

The "Kosovia Act", that is, the Avengers must be under the jurisdiction of the United Nations and can only perform the tasks designated by the United Nations, was proposed because the Avengers arrested Crossbones in Nigeria and caused trouble, resulting in more than a dozen warlords. Citizens of Kanda died.

In addition, they killed many civilians in the fierce battle with Ultron in Kosovia, and the public was outraged, so it was proposed to be a resolution discussed and passed by the United Nations.

In addition, public opinion will also affect the mood of superheroes. After all, it is not very comfortable to be scolded wherever you go like a mouse crossing the street.

Zod Heath is too lazy to become a person attacked by public opinion.

Facts have proved that civilians in the Marvel universe are mindless. Even if superheroes have saved the world so many times, as long as the government smears it, they all believe it.

Then why would Zod Heath do such a thankless thing instead of being a businessman.

Then he left on his own.

Producing starships may be difficult for others, but for Zod Hiss, it's already a backward technology.

Star system-level wide-area radar technology.

Tractor Beam Technology

Starship Outer Armor Technology

Starship Engine Technology

Star system-level short-distance transition technology

Plasma Weapon Technology

High Power Miniaturized Laser Technology

Dark Matter Reactor Technology

artificial gravity technology

Biochemical Exoskeleton Technology

Anti-gravity suspension technology

Orbital airborne technology

Quantum Communication Information Transmission Technology

Holographic projection technology

Material storage shaping technology

energy spacesuit technology

Hibernation Pod Technology

space mining technology

Ultra-high-speed 3D printing technology


The Space Fleet Dock is located in the uninhabited archipelago.

The transport plane landed on the largest island in the uninhabited archipelago. This island is the construction dock of the "Prometheus". The Prometheus symbolizes fire and entrusts the beautiful vision of mankind.

Although the "Prometheus" was built for the invasion of the Skrulls, this does not prevent humans from fantasizing that after defeating the Skrulls, they can step into interstellar voyages.

The flagship of the "Prometheus" space fleet, which integrates the world's most sophisticated technology, is designed by countless super geniuses with an IQ of over 200, and mobilizes a large number of outstanding Chinese workers. It is the world's premier super project.

This Prometheus adheres to the consistent design style of human spaceships. As a whole, it looks like a boxy, rectangular coffin. Large vector jet engines are installed on both sides of the rear of the hull. Color particle flame...

In short, although it looks a bit technological, it makes people feel less fashionable.

The representative of the United Nations was not very satisfied with the appearance of the spacecraft, but because Zod Heath insisted on the principle of leaving professional matters to professionals, he did not express his opinion blindly, saying that "the head of the missile should be pointed instead of round, Because the round ones will bounce back" or something like that.

The power source of this spacecraft is a large dark matter reactor, developed and manufactured by the scientific research team led by Tony Stark. The output power is amazing. This reactor alone can support global energy consumption.

The ship's large vector jet engine is also from the hands of Stark. The characteristic of the jet engine is that if the situation requires, the Prometheus can use the stern to face the enemy.

The overload vector engine, like Iron Man's palm energy cannon, uses the engine as the main cannon, and the high-energy particle flow ejected is quite powerful.

Of course, the Prometheus also installed a short-range jump generator. This kind of jump generator is not a cutting-edge technology in the galaxy, and the Star-Lord's interstellar pirate predator spacecraft is installed.

It is naturally incomparable with the transition generators that are habitually used by the Kryptonian Empire, which can transition hundreds of light-years away at a time, but for people on Earth, it is already beyond imagination.

In the Marvel universe, the technology tree of the earth is so crooked. In the field of space and astronautics, the technology of interstellar pirates is a hundred times stronger than that of the earth.

This short-distance jump generator was developed by the space research team led by Dr. Shawig. It is worth mentioning that many of the team members are students brought by Dr. Shawig from the mental hospital.

A team led by Mr. Fantastic Reed helped develop the Prometheus' small escort space fighter.

As a mothership, Prometheus carried fifty space fighters, which adopted the shield technology of the Chitauris, and the weapon system consisted of live ammunition (electromagnetic gun), energy (high-energy laser and plasma), missile ( The Stark Group's small missile) consists of three parts.

In addition, the unique whimsy of the earthlings endows the space fighter with the ability to transform, which can transform into a robot during surface battles, quite like the vf1 transforming fighter in the Battlestar.

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