Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 304 The Origin of Hyperion

Zod Heath ignored the shock of others. He released Hyperion, and after completing the control with the Mind Stone, he threw him to the Kryptonian Empire.

Now Zod Heath is busy researching the neutron shield technology of the stars.

As we all know, the basis for forming the energy shield is the four basic forces in the universe.

In our universe, there are four eternal forces, namely electromagnetism, weak interaction, strong interaction, and gravity.

Among them, the gravitational force is too weak, unless it is a celestial body-level mass to generate a relatively huge gravitational force, so there is no practical use in the energy shield, which is a small-volume generating device.

The strong interaction force is much stronger. It is the force formed by the extreme closeness of the atomic nuclei, which is 10 times stronger than the gravitational force under the same volume.

But there is also a problem, that is, the strong interaction force will cause the density of matter to rise sharply, resulting in an extremely huge mass. In this case, if the individual soldier uses the strong interaction force as his energy shield, then the soldier will As soon as the energy shield is activated, it can't move.

The human race in StarCraft is not without the use of strong interaction force. For example, a spaceship such as a battle cruiser flying in space, his outer protective steel plate has been strengthened by strong interaction force.

Therefore, we will find in the CG of the Heart of the Swarm that the battle cruiser falling from the sky will cause an impact no less than an asteroid colliding with the earth.

The weak interaction force is very rare. The interaction is transmitted by exchanging three bosons of w+, w-, and z. However, because the force range is very short and the decay speed is fast, the practical application is not very strong.

The only force that can be more suitable for making energy shields is the electromagnetic force. Its energy is easy to obtain and its strength is not weaker than the strong interaction force.

So does it mean that you can use electromagnetic force to make a so-called electromagnetic shield? There is also a key problem in this, which is that in fact all forces are inseparable from the material basis.

The main body of chemical reaction and mechanical motion is electromagnetic force, all friction, elastic force, and all mechanical motion are essentially the exchange of atoms and extramolecular electrons, and the collision between electric and magnetic fields. The relationship formed by the electromagnetic force to maintain the existence of matter is called chemical bond.

So in essence, the steel plate we see in our lives is also an energy shield, because the iron atoms and carbon atoms in the steel plate rely on the nuclear force to bind protons and neutrons tightly together, and electrons surround it with a A form of "state" exists that transmits electromagnetic interactions by exchanging photons.

Most of the so-called energy shields, in fact, largely remain in the use of electromagnetic energy to strengthen the hardness of materials,

Let the strength of the material itself exceed its own limit.

The Neutron Shield, which locks neutrons into an indestructible shield, is easy to manufacture for Zod Hiss, who is in complete control of the electromagnetic force.

It was then applied to various ships of the Kryptonian Empire.

Although the Krypton Empire already has Ultraman and does not need a spaceship to fight, it still needs a spaceship for transportation or other things on a daily basis.

Coupled with the rampant predators, a neutron shield can keep these ships safe and sound.

In addition, the neutron shield can also be used on the planetary umbrella to avoid being attacked by the enemy with the star destroyer.

It can also prevent the enemy from invading and jumping to land on the planet.

At the same time, Zodhis perfected the neutron shield with his newly acquired knowledge of Krypton.

Since the distance between the nuclei has not changed, a force field generator that can overflow the strong interaction is loaded by technical means, so that the strong interaction "spills" and expands the scope of action to the size of neutrons.

So the density of these neutron shields is normal, so they won't be insanely massive, maintaining the weight of the original Edman alloy and vibranium material from which they were made, not the same as small neutron stars.

Zod lacked the knowledge and technology in this area at the beginning, so he made neutron star material armor with a density than neutron stars. Now after digesting the knowledge of krypton, he can also make indestructible neutron energy shield armor.

In theory, it is indestructible, unless it is a monster like Zod Hiss that can destroy the four basic forces at will.

It's a pity that Zod Heath is no longer needed.

At this time, Zod Heath was free to deal with Hyperion's affairs.

Traveling through other universes is not uncommon in Marvel, such as the famous Hulk Gang.

And Earth 616 is also often traversed, so Zod Heath is not very concerned about how to traverse the universe.

He didn't even think about changing the universe. What a mess, I finally built such a big site here, you want me to change the universe?

What he cares about is why this Hyperion came here, and where is the Hyperion of his own universe.

Thinking about fighting with others in the future, he sat on the throne very wisely, and then was surrounded by the four big lackeys... no, the four superhumans.

Two Hyperions, one fighting sword, one Captain Marvel, and preferably Sentinel and Blue Surprise.

There are not many who can survive this lineup.

When Hyperion faced Zod Heath, he had become a lackey, and he did not hide anything.

According to him.

In fact, he couldn't get along on Earth 6666.

Mainly because there was a super macho - Sentinel.

He single-handedly slaughtered all the criminals and super criminals in the world, and the aliens who came to invade were also bombarded into slag by this sentinel.

Based on Hyperion's account and memory, Zod Heath deduced that the Sentinel did not appear to have produced a nihilistic personality.

Confidence, bravery, justice, light... just like a replica of Captain America.

"Behind the light there is always darkness, and there can be no perfect person in the world."

Zod Heath didn't believe it, if this sentinel wasn't a drug addict or a hypocrite, even if it was Captain America who drank the potion in the first place!

The reason why Hyperion can't get along is because he is not that kind of pure hero, and then Hyperion was beaten by the sentinel, and then he accidentally discovered an instrument that could travel to other universes, so Hyperion felt If you can't beat the Sentinel yourself, there is no reason why there are Sentinels in other universes, right?

In the end, he didn't expect to meet someone more terrifying than the Sentinel... At least in Hyperion's mind, Zod Heath was stronger than the Sentinel.

"It's so easy to pass through, it seems that my universe is also a sieve."

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