Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 297 The Terrifying Ultraman

"You said that this huge giant will emit light, and the Kryptonian Empire has an entire legion?"

Star-Lord, including the Guardians of the Galaxy, were stunned.

They just can't imagine what a terrifying, overwhelming giant?

Who can beat it!

It's true that no one can beat him, although being big doesn't mean he's strong.

But Ultraman is different.

Most of the huge creatures are limited by the resistance of air and gravity, and they fight slowly and move slowly.

However, Ultraman won't. When Ultraman fights, the speed of his fists can even be supersonic, and only the powerhouses of the level of fighting swords can defeat them.

Others, including the cursed warrior, the axe... No, Thor, the god of thunder, may not be able to solve an Ultraman.

Zod Heath now says that Ultraman is too fragrant, too fragrant.

Sure enough, being big is the last word, and everything else is false!

Ronan was very confused. He didn't expect that he would take the fleet to find the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones to fight against the mad Titan Thanos and the Supreme Wisdom, but ended up meeting Ultraman of the Kryptonian Empire.

After all, Ronan is a Kree party that does not approve of the supreme wisdom ruling the Kree Empire, so he has been wandering outside and was almost taken over by Thanos.

As for why he encountered Ultraman of the Kryptonian Empire, he clearly remembered that this area did not belong to the Kryptonian Empire.

Although it is said that with Ronan's arrogance, even if he sees Ultraman, he will not be frightened, but the Kryptonian Empire is powerful after all, so try not to provoke it if you can.

As a result, he instead received the hostility of the Ultraman of the Krypton Empire, and with Ronan's temper, this was of course unbearable.

Immediately let the fleet fight that Ultraman.

It was not the first time that Ultraman of the blue race had encountered such an iron-clad fleet, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

With the Dark Star in the center, the three frigates opened their launch ports and ejected a total of twelve ballistic warheads.

The "Dark Star" is the ship of Ronan, the leader of the Kree Empire's accusation regiment.

The whole body is dark and the missile with blue energy stripes on the surface, after detaching from the hull, start the propeller, but it is destroyed by the energy light projectile that the Ultraman casually fired.

Then Ultraman of the Blue Race looked at them. The 100-meter-tall giant was still very intimidating, and it scared the Cree people all at once.

A flash of fear flashed in Ronan's eyes, and he hurriedly ordered.

"Attack, intercept it quickly, don't let him get close."

The two wings of the frigate warship spread out, and a huge number of small airships were released.

"Attack! Free fire and knock him out!"

With Ronan's order, Diablo Star and the three frigates turned on all their firepower and aimed to cover the front.

The three frigates are scattered, the main guns in front of the battleship are charged, and the two wings are opened one by one, and countless small airships are ejected. past.

After the main guns of the battleship were fully charged, the secondary guns fired first, and the dense missiles completed the saturated coverage strike first.

Three rounds of attacks followed, and in an instant, beams of light suddenly lit up, forming a shining curtain of light, illuminating the entire dark universe.

The overwhelming destructive blow is the proud military strength of the Kerry Empire, and it is also their reliance on the boundless starry sky.

However, in the next second, the vast blue mist spread out without warning. The previously shocking beam of light, now as small as a pearl of rice, suddenly lit up and quickly extinguished.

The iron hoof of war, representing the beam of death, was vulnerable in the face of this blue mist.

The Ultraman of the Blue Race opened a blue screen with both hands, continuously releasing light energy, erecting an indestructible and solid city wall to block the attack of the interstellar battleship.

The light beam sank into it, and the mud cow was as silent as the sea. The missiles and small airships collided directly on it and exploded, shattering into worthless space junk and floating in the universe.

The three rounds of offensive ended, and the most powerful battleship's main guns failed to penetrate the dark blue energy shield.


The Kree's attack ended, and the Blue Race Ultraman's counterattack began.

I saw it draw ten with its hands, and then crossed it together, emitting a blue light of destruction!

The azure blue energy that destroyed the death light easily disintegrated the battleship's energy defense shield, as if a hot knife was cutting butter.

The powerful energy remained unstoppable, swallowing up the disintegrating battleships. From the attack to the end, a battleship disappeared out of thin air, not even for ten seconds.

"Retreat! Return to the space node of the leap!"

Ronan was sweating profusely, almost roaring and giving orders.

The Ultraman of the Kryptonian Empire is too powerful. This empire is definitely not the fourth largest cosmic empire. The Kree Empire, the Skrull Empire and the Shia Empire, which is no longer an empire, are not the opponents of the Kryptonian Empire at all!

After all, the intelligence work of the Kree Empire is still good. As the leader of the accusation group of the Kree Empire, Ronan naturally knows that there are tens of thousands of Ultramans in the Kryptonian Empire. Is this what other civilizations are fighting for?

The Ultraman of the Blue Race made a contemptuous expression, the azure blue light of destruction and death lit up again, the Dark Star and the two frigates stood still, and the surface of the battleship glowed with azure blue destructive fire, huge energy and shock waves devoured frantically. The energy shield of the battleship is exhausted in the blink of an eye.

The energy invaded, the hull slowly decomposed, starting from the surface, the steel frame was peeled off, and decomposed to the molecular level under the destruction of the surging force!

The destruction of the three interstellar warships is a foregone conclusion, and Ronan knows that he is powerless to undo it. He grasps the universal weapon warhammer and wants to send himself back to the Kree Empire.


He saw that the Ultraman actually made an area, covering the surrounding.

Blocked the space!

No choice, Ronan is a person who does great things, and does not want to accompany the dark star to perish together, so he resolutely teleports to escape.

Thirty seconds later, the three interstellar warships all disintegrated and turned into cosmic dust under the destruction of the death light.

Then there was Ronan, who was seen by Star Lord and the others, who was knocked away by the explosion.

Ronan survived only by relying on a technological artifact—universal weapon—made by the Kree Empire.

But the Blue Race Ultraman obviously didn't look ready to let him go.

Just when the Guardians of the Galaxy were still in shock and did not come out, the spacecraft was bumped up and down due to the impact of the rapid influx of energy. Only then did a few people react and fled in a random direction.

Without equipment, they cannot survive in the universe.

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