Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 283 Universal Wishing Machine


Having grown up, the mature Wanda was stunned as soon as she opened the door. The scene in the office made her stunned.

The company's No. 1 special force, Denisa, sat on Zod's lap, her hands wrapped around his neck, and her two long straight legs were wrapped in white silk.

The clothes she was wearing were the ones with slits on the skirt, and the slits were so high that they were almost creaky.

The scene was a little embarrassing, Zod coughed lightly, pushed Denisa off his body, picked up a tissue and wiped off the red lip prints on his face.

"What's the matter, Wanda?"

Zod asked righteously.

With a bright smile, Denisa walked out of the office with slender high heels and an elegant catwalk.

Shaking and twisting the slender waist, which is not full of profit, the white silk, chopstick legs, and high-heeled shoes are very eye-catching, and the achievements of the play year are directly drawn.

Wanda looked at Denisa, who was 1.8 meters tall, with a smoking hot body.

The difference is too big!

Not to mention that Dinesha's height of 8.8 meters is mostly on her legs, which is simply a peerless stunner that men dream of.


Wanda covered her face and wept, then turned and ran away.

Zod shook his head, he was very clear about Wanda's purpose, this little girl thought she could be with him when she grew up.

Naive, now Zod is all about his figurine, and has no interest in the original plot characters. After all, many heroines in the Marvel world are promiscuous.

Zod doesn't want to give himself a cuckold, how good is the figure, who is beautiful and can play and can satisfy his dream of being able to watch and not to have sex.

Then the door of the office was opened again, King Ada walked in and locked the door with his backhand.

"Ada, what do you want?"

Zod said when did my office become a sieve?




The plot here is not ugly,

Because all of you book friends must have seen more office-themed science and education films than smashing the streets!


Zod put down a muddy King Ada.

How dare you make an axe in front of me, and don't take me seriously at all!

Zod had no dirt on him at all. He had just walked out of the office when Ould came in front of him.

Finally, Zod resigned from the position of Director of the Excalibur Bureau and returned to the Umbrella Company. Ould, White Queen Emma, ​​Wanda, and King Ada were very happy and joyful, so they wanted to make up for the emptiness of Zod's absence before. .

It didn't take Zord an hour to get rid of Ould, and he felt it was time for Wanda to awaken.

Anyway, it can be said that Compound No. 1 gave her the ability, but I don't know if she will be affected by Cytolac.

Of course, there were also those who didn't understand Zod's resignation. For example, Tony Stark called him directly to inquire, and Zod ignored him.

Thor was reluctant to go back to Asgard after the incident. It just so happened that the rainbow bridge in Asgard was not repaired, so he had a reason not to go back.

Odin was so angry that he stomped his feet, but Odin couldn't come down and grab him back.

First, because the earth is too special, the Supreme Mage Gu Yi has not yet hung up.

The second reason is that the Krypton Emperor is on the earth. If he has any thoughts about himself, Odin estimates that he will not be able to get out of the earth.

If Zod knew that Odin thought so, he would definitely scold him for treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

This time, he cut off the ether particle, causing the dark elves to set their sights on the earth, thus avoiding the death of the goddess Frigga, and did not let Loki escape from the cage. They all exist like a savior, okay?

After all, the dark elves invaded Asgard, and there were not a few Asgardians who died.

Although the nine worlds have been defeated by Thor, the mutineers, but because of the loss of the Rainbow Bridge, this stability will not exist for too long.

And Odin has been forced to enter the state of Odin's sleep, and I don't know how long it will take to wake up.

On Zod's side, he first answered everyone who asked him why he resigned, and then plunged into the laboratory.

The Reality Gem is indeed an incredible product. Using it, Zod has created things like Dragon God, Light Energizer, Super Squad, Super Star God, Lantern Ring Corps, etc., and it also has the effect of those things that Zod knows. Exactly the same.

What needs to be paid is only the price of vitality, but now that there is a power gem for energy, even the price of vitality does not need to be paid.

"This is completely a universal wishing machine."

Zod looked at the magic wand in his hand.

Regarding the new troops of the Kryptonian Empire, he already has his own ideas.

Thinking about it carefully, isn't Ultraman the best type of cosmic warfare?

The huge size and the destructive power of the lower limit meteorite blasting are completely human-type super battleships, and with Kryptonians, it is simply perfect.

Anyway, the technology of turning people into giants of light is not difficult, and the Reality Gem is completely realized by Zod.

You don't need the stone statue of a giant like Tiga, you can change it directly.

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"However, wouldn't it be better to take the Dumbjun route?"

Zod pondered for a while, and the Amber Stars seem to be pretty good too.

However, he quickly dismissed the idea that darkness or something is not as high as light.

As a result, the people of the Krypton Empire found that the Kryptonian Imperial Army stationed on their planet was evacuated and replaced with a group of only two or three people.

This makes the rebels who are dissatisfied with the Kryptonian Empire's rule over them ready to move.

Although they also know that the Kryptonian Empire is famous in the universe for its biochemical transformation technology, for example, General Darius, who is very famous recently, has a black cutter axe to block the god of killing. The universe is terrified.

But no matter how powerful they are, there are only two or three of them.

The three members of the Krypton Empire Imperial Army looked at the rebels who attacked them with a bewildered expression.

"I didn't expect that the supreme His Majesty would be right in the middle of the sentence, and those who resisted would appear."

One of the non-human aliens sneered and said that he was not a non-Kryptonian Empire person.

In order to show his inclusiveness, Zod made a lot of strange-looking figures. They are all Kryptonians who were "born and raised" in the Kryptonian Empire.

It's just that the Kryptonian people are richer and more diverse.

The resistance army originally wanted to win by numbers, but they didn't expect that just after the attack, the three Kryptonian Empire Empire troops, accompanied by strong light, turned into three giants with a height of 100 meters!

The scene where the three giants of silver, blue, and red overlooked them almost scared the rebels.

"Let's start, annihilate all resistance."

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