Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 260 Diplomat

Although she is afraid of the deterrent power of the Kryptonian Empire, Queen Lilandra does not intend to give up just like that, after all, it is the symbol of the force of the Shi'a Empire.

Even if Doujian is not from Shi'a, but from Doujian, but in the eyes of everyone in the Shi'a Empire, he is no different from the Shi'a people.

"Send a message to the Krypton Emperor to see if he knows the whereabouts of Karl Lak."

Queen Lilandra thought for a while and then said.

The entire universe is very curious about the mysterious Emperor Krypton, but the emperor has not shown much so far, and the territory he has conquered has no interest in giving speeches, which is very mysterious.

"Your Majesty, we don't have any contact information for the Kryptonian Empire..."

The Supreme Council said embarrassedly.

"Why not?"

Queen Lilandra was surprised.

"Not only do we have none, neither does the Kree Empire, nor the Skrull Empire. There is no contact information for the Krypton Empire in the entire universe. They don't seem to care about diplomatic behavior."

The Supreme Council replied.

Of course, they didn't know the compensation deal between the Kerry Empire and the Kryptonian Empire, so the Kerry Empire actually has the Kryptonian Empire's contact information, but the Kerry Empire, which suffered a loss, will definitely not tell the story of its own deflation. go out.

So it became that no one knew the contact information of the Kryptonian Empire.

And for Esdes, diplomacy? What kind of diplomacy do you want, when I knock you down, won't it become an internal diplomat?

Especially when this woman was really capable, it made Zod wonder if he had gotten the real Esdes out.

"Then what?"

Queen Lilandra has no choice. After all, she is only a new emperor, and she has not accumulated much experience as an emperor.

"We can send diplomats there, Her Majesty."


"A diplomat of the Shi'a Empire? What is he doing here?"

Estes looked at the spacecraft intercepted outside the Kryptonian Empire and pondered.

Although the Kryptonian Empire's navigation technology is not very developed, it does not mean that they are powerless to watch other people's fleets drive directly in.

Zod can now build new Kryptonian ships that incorporate Kryptonian ship technology,

The quark-level material control ability allows him to produce spaceships faster than in the factory.

The appearance looks exactly like the F-117A Nighthawk stealth fighter, but the size is different and the weapons are different.

In terms of wheel size, Nighthawk can only accommodate a few people, while the new Krypton spacecraft "Talon" can accommodate more than 500 people.

After the Shi'a Empire's spaceship was surrounded by dozens of "Sharp Claws", it didn't dare to move at all.

"What's the matter, isn't it that the spacecraft technology of the Krypton Empire is not good enough?"

The diplomats of the Shi'a Empire were shocked, and they were only surrounded by the sudden appearance of "Sharp Claws" when they approached this distance.

The Shi'a Empire's proud detection technology did not detect the slightest trace at all.

What does this mean?

This shows that the spacecraft technology of the Kryptonian Empire is actually beyond imagination!

At the same time, he is also anxiously waiting for the reply from the Kryptonian Empire. If the Kryptonian Empire is too lazy to talk to them, and then directly fires him and kills him, there is really no reason to go.

After all, he is not a Shi'a from the Shi'a Empire, but a diplomat from a foreign race.

The Shi'a Empire also chose him as a foreign diplomat from the Shi'a Empire considering the danger.

Death can also be regarded as nothing, to avoid the risk of war with the Kryptonian Empire.

Even if he was caught by the Krypton Empire, the Shi'a Empire could not admit that he was sent by the Shi'a Empire.

"What's wrong?"

Zod felt that someone had broken into his telepathic range, so he asked Esdes directly.

"Here comes a diplomat from the Shi'a Empire, but it's not a Shi'a, I don't know if it's true, or just shoot it down."

Esdes said eagerly, provoking a war is the best thing for Esdes.

"Don't make trouble."

Zod's telepathy controlled the Shi'a Empire's spaceship across thousands of light-years, and then brought it directly in front of him.

The huge spaceship crash-landed on Krypton, and the escorting Angel Legion held the sword of flames to let the people inside the spaceship come out.

"This is the home planet of the Kryptonian Empire - Krypton?"

The diplomat of the Shi'a Empire quickly opened the hatch, and the accompanying guards followed him down the spaceship tremblingly, and then they saw a strange sight.

There are ten thousand stars in the sky!

No, it's not a star. Although it also emits amazing light radiation and thermal radiation, it doesn't feel like a star.

Did the Kryptonian Empire master the technology of artificial stars? Also on their own home planet?

Then he saw the Kryptonian Emperor, a floating throne high in the sky, surrounded by angels serving and guarding.

"I have seen His Majesty the Emperor."

The diplomat of the Shi'a Empire said in a hurry.

"What's the matter with you?"

Zod asked with interest, although he could know the intention of the diplomat directly through telepathy, but that would be too boring.

The diplomat stated his intention.

He or Shi'a Empire and Shi'a Queen wanted to know the whereabouts of the ship Karlak and his escort.

After all, the place they went to is in the gap between the Kryptonian Empire and the Shi'a Empire. If you say that it has nothing to do with the Kryptonian Empire, who would believe it.

"Karlrak, he is indeed in the Kryptonian Empire."

Zod notified Dou Jian with telepathy, and Dou Jian flew over.

"His Majesty!"

Doujian respectfully saluted.

"Lord Carlak!"

The diplomat said excitedly after seeing Doujian.

"Are you... from the Shi'a Empire?"

Dou Jian looked at the diplomat.

"Yes, Lord Karrak, Her Majesty Queen Lilandra is very worried about you and wants you to go back quickly."

The diplomat said quickly.

"I'm not going back."

Dou Jian shook his head and said something that surprised the diplomat.

"Why, Lord Karrak?"

The diplomat said in disbelief.

"I found my people here, they became the subjects of the Kryptonian Empire, and I will live here, so I am now the royal knight of the Kryptonian Empire, the supreme commander of the Imperial Army, and the guards who lead the palace. ."

Doujian said calmly.

Found a clan?

The diplomat is even more unbelievable, the people of Doujian, aren't they the people of Doujian?

A large group of people who are as perverted as fighting swords?

Omg! The Kryptonian Empire is more terrifying than I imagined!

"Karlack, will you be deceived..."

What the diplomat wants to say goes on.

"I've made up my mind, you go back and tell the Queen and them."

Doujian interrupted the diplomat with a wave of his hand.

Seeing Doujian wearing the golden holy clothes say such words so firmly, the diplomat had no choice but to leave.

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