Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 252 Who copied my script?

Stark wanted to get involved, but Zod Heath declined.

Nonsense, if he participates, the ghost knows what the next plot will turn into?

Dyna Ultraman vs Prometheus?

Stark was rejected and thought it was Zod Hiss who thought he was enough and didn't need help from others.

He wasn't angry at all, but just had the idea of ​​competing with Zod Heath, so he secretly told Zod Heath and took Dr. Banner to study a super battleship together.

Zod Hiss usually didn't find out because he didn't turn on super hearing and super vision. After all, super hearing and super vision would bring influence and trouble to his daily life, and he had to deal with so much information.

Although it is said that with the ability of Zod Heath, an invincible battleship can be rubbed out in the blink of an eye, but for the psychological endurance of everyone, he still chooses to study it slowly.

Anyway, there is no hurry. The Excalibur Bureau wants to establish a headquarters in a place as big as New York, and it needs many designers to help plan it.

After they have finished designing, they have to build, otherwise the invincible battleship will have no place to dock.


The universe, three thousand miles from Earth.

The huge battleship slowly marched in the dark and deep cosmic space, and the bow of the ship pointed directly at the blue planet.

A figure stood on the edge of the command room, looking at the sky full of stars and the planet ahead through a virtual projection across the wall. He had a big red cloak hanging behind him, his hands behind his back, and his face was calm.

An alien walked up to him and saluted respectfully.

"Your Excellency, we are about to arrive at what the Zetaris call Earth."

"Okay, I understand, you go down."


Half an hour later, the satellite of the Excalibur Bureau discovered the spaceship that was heading towards the earth.

The word "alien" is now second only to "weird" in terms of lethality to braised eggs. Hearing this word gave him a headache.

"Notify the chief and other superheroes."

Braised eggs know that this kind of thing has to be done by professionals.

After the superheroes knew the situation, of course they decided to take precautions before it happened, or to preempt it.

Going to war on Earth hurts so much, an entire city is gone.

But now a new problem arises. Satellite observations show that the spacecraft is still more than 3,000 miles away from the earth. How are they going to get there?

Stark's new Mark armor can theoretically operate in an alien environment, and Hammer can move freely in the universe by relying on his flesh.

If Dr. Banner transforms into the Hulk, he will certainly have no problem surviving in the universe, but obviously the Hulk can't fly, and you can't expect him to jump from the earth to the enemy's spaceship in one go.

They now lack space shuttle vehicles.

Although Stark is a super engineer, he has not devoted himself to the field of spaceflight after all. Give him enough time to study that he can definitely be installed as a spaceship, but now they obviously don't have the time.

Fortunately, at this time, someone thought of Zod Heath, and there was nothing to say. This human history may be enough to become a textbook. After the genius of the supreme god of Scientology, the first reaction was who was there? Copy my script?

You know, he is preparing the cosmic emperor Frieza to expedition to earth. First, he sent a Ginuit team to play with superheroes, let them realize that the universe has many strange superpowers, and exercise their caution.

After the Ginuit team was settled, Vegeta and Nabal came over.

Then there is the cosmic dark matter pirate group Poros...

Zod Heath readily offered them a spaceship.

He also wanted to see who was running over.

After getting the spaceship, everyone quickly agreed on a plan.

The plans formulated by the superheroes, as always, have the heroic characteristics of the superheroes and the old beauty. To sum it up in one word, do it!

Everyone relies on the stealth function of the spaceship to fly directly to the spaceship, find the leader of the other party, and then quickly take down the leader of the enemy with lightning speed, forcing the other party to explain the purpose of coming to Earth, if possible, use it The leader used as a threat to force the opponent to withdraw.

Of course, everyone did not forget the problem of language barriers with aliens.

However, Zod Heath has already been resolved.

Give them a "universal translator".

The specific principle seems to be related to the capture of brain waves and the interpretation of mental power. All in all, it can translate any language into English, or translate the English spoken by the holder into the other party's native language.

At this moment, outside the earth, on the alien battleship.

The ship's leader was still standing beside the projection wall in the command room, staring at the earth in a trance. The former subordinate came over again.

"Your Excellency, the earthlings seem to have noticed us."


The figure didn't look back, and snorted casually.

"An Earthling spaceship is heading towards us."

Alien said.

"They hid the ship's whereabouts with some clumsy optics, maybe they thought it would keep us from noticing them."

"Yeah." The figure responded casually.

The aliens paused.

"So... do we need to shoot them down?"

"Need not."

The figure said indifferently and waved his hand.

"It just so happens that I'm starting to get a little bored. Let them in, and we'll meet them on the ship."



When Stark swore that there was "no way even aliens would notice the ship", everyone remained skeptical.

According to Stark's explanation, he combined his own set of optical camouflage technology with the spacecraft, and designed a stealth device that can intelligently adjust the electromagnetic frequency according to the received light waves, which is absolutely impossible to find.

I didn't expect Stark to be really reliable this time. At least their spaceships were not found until they approached the enemy deck after they entered the warning zone.

However, they were finally discovered by aliens when they landed. A large group of alien soldiers seemed to have been waiting at their landing site for a long time, surrounding the superheroes.

So what is there to say? Fighting, anyway, this is the usual style of superheroes.

If the weapon is heavier than the interstellar, the earth and the aliens are not in the same dimension at all, and the aliens can push the earth with a random planetary warship.

But if everyone fights face to face, there are really few people in the universe who can do superheroes.

Superheroes quickly found their familiar rhythm - Qing Xiaobing!

All the heroes of the earth showed their strengths on the deck, and a lot of gorgeous skills with the characteristics of the earth exploded on the deck.

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