Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 250 New York Reconstruction

The new element destroyer is a cosmic tactical weapon that uses the fusion characteristics of the SG5903 element and adds related triggering devices.

Compared to conventional nuclear bombs, the new elemental saboteur has no legacy effects of radiation diffusion. But in an instant, it can produce multiples of the explosive power of a nuclear bomb.

The Umbrella Company accepts orders from all over the world... That being said, but in fact, it will only be sold to the five rogues.

Coupled with the advanced missile launch system, the flight speed is Mach 30, the maximum range is 30,000 kilometers, and the hit accuracy (circular probability deviation) is 100 meters, which can basically achieve global strikes and cover any corner.

The missile launch system named "Longinus Gun" can be installed not only on nuclear submarines, but also on warships, fixed fortresses and so on.

Such a powerful and environmentally friendly weapon makes the five rogues very tempted, and they also know that in front of the new element warhead, which can also be called the "Longinus Gun", the global radar anti-missile interception system is estimated to be useless. .

At the terrifying flight speed of Mach 30, when the "Longinus Gun" could not even be detected by the radar, it had already hit the target.

"Damn Zod Hiss!!!"

The new North American Hydra head fell off the desk in front of him.

The appearance of the gun of Longinus ruined the "Insight Project" of Alexander Pierce, who was taken over by the North American Hydra.

After pouring in so much money back and forth, it seemed that the insight plan was about to be launched, and the gun of Longinus came out.

If they were launched to fight against the world, they would probably be shot down by the gun of Longinus!

Although it is said that because the gun of Longinus is too expensive, even the five rogues cannot buy too much.

After all, Zod Heath directly price a set of 20 billion US dollars, and will give ten new element warheads.

The kill radius of these new element warheads is 5 kilometers, 10 kilometers and the largest 20 kilometers.

The energy produced by one gram of the new element is equivalent to the energy produced by the explosion of 10 million tons of TNT.

In addition, Zod Hiss has been clustered. Outside the killing radius, even if it is only a centimeter away, there will be no shock wave to damage anything. On the contrary, because the power is more concentrated, it can increase the possibility of destroying the target.

At present, the Umbrella Company has only sold ten Longinus gun systems.

It's not that no one else buys it, it's just that Zod Heath refuses to sell it to someone who doesn't come from nowhere or to someone who isn't one of the five hooligans at all.

In order to avoid the threat of nuclear radiation and environmental pollution, the gun of Longinus became the main weapon of the Third World War.


Then there's the New York thing.

Now that the battle of the Qitarius and the Weird Association has just ended, the whole city is in ruins. It looks like a wasteland in the end of the world. God knows how much money it will cost to rebuild.

It can be foreseen that all parties will have to talk for a while about this issue of funds. It is not a matter of tens of billions of dollars to rebuild an international city like New York.

According to international practice, the defeated country must have to cede land and pay indemnity, but it is obviously impossible for them to chase after Thanos and ask for money.

As for the eccentric Hungry Wolf who escaped, after finding him, he either killed him or wanted to study the secret of his transformation from a human to a weirdo, and Hungry Wolf didn't look like he was rich...

In this situation, all the government can do is to stand up and say a few empty words, call for calls, etc. However, the actual work must still have the help of capitalists.

It's not that the government is stingy and doesn't want to do anything, it's just that they don't have any money.

The poverty of the US government is well-known in the world. As a government that does not allocate funds from Congress and is about to go bankrupt every few minutes, how can they get so much money?

The consciousness of capitalists is not necessarily so high.

The reason why businessmen succeed is because they are stingy, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the noble spirit of worrying about the country and the people. In two days, the White House will definitely have to go door-to-door knocking on doors to ask for money, and then the capitalists will definitely say, no money, get out!

Stark is more or less an insider, and it can be foreseen that the future situation in New York is not optimistic.

Other capitalists don't have such a high level of spiritual awareness, but he does.

At this moment, he was already thinking about the plan for rebuilding New York. Someone had to take the lead in this matter. He felt that this person had to be him.

As Stark speculated, the rebuilding of New York City after the war became the biggest problem facing the city right now.

This is not the case that three or five buildings can be collapsed and it can be done all over again. After the Chitauri people and the Weird Association hollowed out the underground of New York, and then deliberately collapsed, it can be said that there is only one left in New York. The pit is several hundred meters deep.

It is also fortunate that Zod Heath had come up with various practical training on the Excalibur game and how to avoid disasters at a very early stage. The residents were sent out of New York by the swift Sentinel robots before the war.

Otherwise, it is estimated that there will be heavy casualties now, because this may be the first time that mankind has encountered a "God"-level disaster.

Now there are only casualties of soldiers, which is already very good.

In the following month, all relevant personnel basically used the word "poor". The New York City government went to the state government to cry poor, the state government went to the federal government to cry poor, and then Mr. President went to the capitalists one by one to cry poor...

If this is a competition, then there will be no suspense when the major insurance companies jump out.

Because you want to say who is worse in this disaster, there is really no one who can compare to the insurance company.

If it really follows the stipulated contract, the insurance industry will have to compensate for the loss of construction property and human life in almost half of the city.

Obviously, that's not practical at all, and if this is the case, then the executives of insurance companies in the United States may have to start planning to run away now.

Anyway, everyone pushed and pushed, and in the end, two words were highlighted, no money! Mr. President has been lobbying and collecting donations all day long, and his shoes have been worn out, but he has not been able to get any money.

Of course, international friends also need to raise funds, but everyone is polite and stop, and it means donating money symbolically, probably conveying a meaning of "we have contributed" and it's over.

Helpless, the White House threw out contracts on a large scale to attract retail investors to help with work.

They offered generous terms, signed contracts with individuals and small groups to help clean up the battlefield, and unknowingly left loopholes in the contracts that could be exploited to make money.

This approach is indeed effective, and a large number of retail investors are attracted to help clean up the battlefield, including the famous villain Vulture in "Spider-Man: Homecoming Season"...

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