Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 248 Zod Heath listening to 9 snakes

If the Hydra was caught and exposed because of this, the whole world would attack the Hydra. After all, people who experienced World War II hated the Hydra.

North America's new Hydra snake head sullen.

"No, now that plan is at a critical stage, and if we give up at this time, we will lose all our efforts."

"It's you who will give up all your efforts."

Baron Strucker said coldly.

"Your 'Insight Plan' has never been favored by anyone."

The insight plan that Pierce had in mind in Captain America 2 was to use the algorithm of Dr. Zola Hydra to identify potential threats to Hydra around the world, and use the long-range tracking missiles of the helicarrier to strike. However, we can see from the surprise obliteration target on the SHIELD screen when the Captain America 2 Insight Project was launched, there is actually Dr. Bruce Banner on the list...

Who gave you the courage to use tracking missiles to blow up Dr. Banner, Liang Jingru?

In this plan, only Pierce himself has the newly appointed North American Hydra snake head as a treasure, and other leaders are not interested at all.

He choked on the head of the North American Hydra and responded coldly.

"I remember Baron, you just scrapped a base last month. If I remember correctly, it was a fairly high-level base, and you haven't explained what happened. I think you need to explain to us that Did the base reveal whether the research you were doing in private was threatening the organization's secrecy."

Baron Strucker folded his arms and snorted.

"The reason is still under investigation, but it shouldn't endanger the organization, you can rest assured."

"With all due respect, Baron, if you refuse to reveal anything, then we can't rest assured." The North American Hydra continued pressing.

In fact, everyone knows that Baron Strucker is studying a group of superhumans behind closed doors all day long.

Many people inside Hydra are obsessed with superpowers, and all forces have been paying attention to the progress of the Baron, but he never wanted to share the results in this regard.

Of course Baron Strucker couldn't speak. He couldn't say that his base was attacked by weirdos and then disappeared.

research superpowers all day long,

As a result, I can't beat the weird person, and I say it, what should I do if I am said to be wasting the organization's funds?

What's more, things like weirdos can only be said to be natural disasters, not their own incompetence.

Zod Heath pondered that it would be beneficial for him to release weirdos randomly, but he didn't expect that even the Hydra would be shriveled.

It was so much fun that he couldn't help but think of the idea of ​​becoming the new head of Hydra.

A brand new leader appeared, and the rest of the organization knew nothing about it.

It may sound incredible to put this kind of thing elsewhere, but this kind of thing on Hydra's side is not only normal, it has even happened more than once.

Take the Hydra leader sitting at this conference table, for example, White Hall is the leader who popped out of nowhere like this.

This guy was originally the leader of Hydra during World War II, but at the end of World War II, his stronghold was taken over by the Roaring Commando, and Agent Peggy Carter personally took his nest and put him in prison to die.

As a result, this guy was rescued by his subordinates after being imprisoned in prison for decades. With the help of a certain alien's super-power cells, he returned to his youthful appearance and suddenly came out to take charge of the power and became today's nine. One of the supreme leaders of the head snake.

Another example is Baron Heinrich Zemo. This is also one of the biggest heads of Hydra during the Red Skull period, and he has disappeared without a trace since World War II.

In the past few decades, everyone thought that this product was a thing of the past. Unexpectedly, he suddenly climbed out of the coffin and became a big boss when he sat on the top seat.

Hydra says it is a super-large organization, but in fact the internal management system is a mess.

The leaders are all in charge of their own affairs, and they are more like colleagues, and they do not communicate with each other often, and there are not many business exchanges.

The so-called Hydra leader is actually a bit like the mountain king who holds the mountain as the king. As long as you have a gun in your hand and someone powerful enough, you can sit on any mountain and you will become the leader.

In addition, now that Hydra is recruiting talents, there is almost no threshold for entering the door. As long as it is an individual, it can go in. Therefore, even the leaders of all parties do not know who they are.

Often when colleagues meet each other, they don't recognize each other. The only stupid way to identify one's own person is to say "Long live the Hydra".

In Avengers 4, Captain America shouted such a sentence, and the undercover Hydra actually believed that he was his own.

In this way, it is actually quite simple to investigate Hydra spies. As long as you have enough patience, shout "Long Live the Hydra" one by one inside the Aegis, and whoever replies is a spy...

To be honest, Agent Garrett didn't really agree with the idea of ​​Hydra, and he didn't have much affection for his boss Pierce. He joined Hydra purely for the sake of compromising welfare, to put it bluntly. Eat a meal.

As he got older, Agent Garrett's health deteriorated, and he became terminally ill.

In order to heal himself, he used his resources in Hydra to start "Project Centipede", frantically researching super soldier serum and trying to cure diseases that conventional medicine can't do by strengthening the body.

It's a pity that the progress of the plan is slow, and the serum he developed has always been flawed in one way or another, and all he can do is delay.

Now Garrett's time has become more and more urgent. He heard that Baron Strucker's research on superpowers is the most advanced in Hydra. Unfortunately, the Baron's camp is a bunch of naive lunatics, and he doesn't want to seek refuge.

And he heard that the baron is also very strict with his research results, and even the baron's cronies have no access.

Count on Zod Heath. After all, Zod Heath has developed a special medicine for AIDS and a special medicine for polio, but recently Zod Heath went to study the super soldier serum.

Then there was a big surprise for everyone without anyone knowing.

He succeeded in turning himself into the strongest man in the world.

To be honest, Garrett wanted to take refuge in Zod Heath, telling him that Hydra was still hiding in the world, asking for nothing but to save his life.

Garrett's body can't hold it anymore, and he feels that even if he studies like this, he may not be able to save his own life.

That is to say, I don't know Zod Hiss' attitude towards the rebellious Hydra. If it is a character of hatred and hatred, then he will be sent to the door by himself.

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