Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 192 The Sandpiper and the Clam Fight for the Fisherman's Profit

"Marvel's Kryptonian ()"

"We in Atlantis just wanted a place to live."

The King of Atlantis said very humbly that being able to bend and stretch is the way of the king, and he doesn't mind his own face at all, which is much better than Namor in the original plot.

It also made Zod feel that the king should "end of life" logically, otherwise it would be unfavorable for the land world to deal with Atlantis.

Where have the superheroes of the Excalibur Bureau ever seen this kind of battle, they, who are in the spirit of justice, of course have the greatest goodwill towards the weak.

Then they were kicked out of the conference room. Next, Zod gathered politicians from the three rogues of America, Russia, and Rabbit to negotiate with these Atlanteans.

When it comes to negotiation at the negotiating table, of course, it is still left to professionals. A prodigal like a superhero might be sent to several important cities in one bite.

"Director Heath, where do you plan to make your bottom line?"

When preparing for the negotiation, the professional teams sent by various countries are already gearing up for the lion's opening.

They coveted and coveted the exoskeleton armor technology of the Atlantean civilization in the sea world, as well as their water cannon and water cannon technology.

Zod said that the request was casually mentioned, and the conditions were bold.

Don't care about Atlantis' bottom line and affordability, ask for it wantonly, it is best to squeeze the other party to the bottom.

Where is the bottom line.

"I think Africa is good. It's vast and sparsely populated. Let's throw them all there."

After Zod Heath said that, everyone in the negotiating team looked at Zod Heath with an unbelievable expression.

It seems that the Atlanteans are all marine people. Isn't it that they are not adapted to living on land for a long time? Why should they prepare a small island as a place to live, and throw them in Africa... The director wants to Dry those Atlanteans?

However, the negotiating team also quickly accepted this condition. The reason is very simple. Humans can also persecute each other and make a pot of porridge, not to mention the Atlanteans who are almost two species with humans?

They are still for the sake of human beings, for justice!

The negotiating team felt more upright than ever.

A giant ship like a sea dragon is docked in Boston, the exclusive flagship of the King of Atlantis.

Negotiations of the negotiating team are carried out on this flagship, and the superheroes are responsible for maintaining order outside the conference room.

And then after some tearing and negotiation, it was a mess.

Atlantis dispatched a council of elders composed of robe nobles. This group of intriguing elders was a little more tender than the negotiating team.

After all, the people in the negotiating team are all battle-hardened, and there are countless countries in the world who have negotiated and honed them countless times. Anyone who comes out can hang up this group of pampered elders.

Who made the Atlanteans very united, there is basically no possibility of disputes.

In the end, the Council of Elders, who had been slag in seconds, could only tremble with their own science and technology in exchange for the right to live in the terrestrial world.

Then they were sent to Wakanda.

An indigenous and backward country that is now apparently still receiving relief and assistance from the United Nations.

As for the opinion of the indigenous Wakanda?

It doesn't matter, the United Nations has been providing unconditional relief and assistance to you for so many years. It's your turn to give unconditionally to all mankind. If it's a big deal, just squeeze with those seafood people.

The current king of Wakanda, who was later the father of the Panther T'Challa, T'Chaka, although he tried to protest and appeal, but the United Nations dad completely ignored their voices, and the Atlanteans were also ready to go to Wakanda. Kanda.

No way, Wakanda had to show his force.

The science and technology that leads the world for decades or even a hundred years!

For a time, the whole world was boiling.

It's as incredible as if you went to a small village and the village chief shared fusion technology with you!

Scientific development is the development of materials and energy,

It is normal for Wakanda to have a good material such as vibranium, and the development of science and technology is faster than that of the earth, although Zod can't understand why their computers are the same as those used by the outside world. system.

T'Chaka also had to do this, otherwise if the Atlantis really came, Wakanda would have to fight them.

It is completely impossible for Wakanda to move or to live peacefully with the Atlanteans.

Wakanda made a fortune on the vibranium meteorite.

However, Tchaka is also bitter in his heart. Wakanda has exposed such a side. Don't even think about receiving aid and assistance from the United Nations in the future. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that it is estimated that Wakanda will need to Coveted by countless people, there will be more spies and agents trying to infiltrate.

Sure enough, after Wakanda was exposed, although the Atlantis were rearranged to another place, the five hooligans of the United Nations all proposed the idea of ​​sending people to conduct technical exchanges with Wakanda.

Tchaka knows that these ideas must be realized, otherwise, if one is not good, Wakanda may stand on the opposite side of human beings.

At that time, it would be bad if the Excalibur Bureau participated in the war, and even if the Excalibur Bureau did not participate in the war, it would not be easy for a country in Wakanda to face all human beings, even if their technology was so much ahead of the world.

So Wakanda can only accept the request of the five rogue technology exchanges.

Atlantis was placed in another indigenous country in Africa.

To the disappointment of the five rogues, this indigenous country is just an ordinary indigenous country, not another country that hides itself like Wakanda.

In this gluttonous feast, all countries have also discovered the benefits of the existence of the Excalibur Bureau.

They allowed Atlantis and Wakanda to sit down and negotiate, and even agreed to some of their excessive demands.

Although the Excalibur has great power, the benefits they bring are even greater.

For a time, politicians, bureaucrats and capitalists who had complained and criticized the Shenjian Bureau, a behemoth that was detached from the regime, all changed their minds.

And the neighbors of Wakanda and Atlantis are also jealous of each other.

Wakanda was afraid of the power and technology of the Atlantean civilization, for fear that they would target their own vibranium.

The Atlantis civilization is afraid of the strength of Wakanda, and the indestructible cold weapons that cannot be understood, such as laser spears, Zhenjin bows and arrows, etc. They feel that the land world arranges them next to Wakanda. , is to let Wakanda stare at them. If they want to do something, Wakanda can directly do it to them.

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