Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 153 The flood of privileged organizations

The newly appointed S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, Alexander Pierce, was very entangled. He didn't expect Nick Fury to leave so many messes when he was in office, and then patted his ass and left, and he was asked to take over.

More importantly, the new S.H.I.E.L.D., taken over by Alexander Pierce, has become America's new privileged intelligence organization.

This is very dangerous, after all, as we all know, the three major intelligence organizations in the United States are not easy to mess with.

How can the new president of the United States be so stupid?

Alexander Pierce knew that the newly appointed president, after learning that the hostile faction was related to the oil industry in Eastern Europa, eagerly wanted to pursue the victory with great fanfare, but was stunned to learn that his support faction and even his cronies were also involved. , That face of constipation, but still had to hold back?

He has no doubt that if the president, who seems to the world to have obtained the most supreme power in the world, wants to continue the investigation, he is afraid that the chief of internal security in charge of his safety will come to his office late at night. By the bedside, tell him a bedtime story about how a certain Boston family went from power to power and collapsed overnight, and even why no one in the direct line has ever been able to become an adult, right?

"Hehe, it seems that just a few days ago, the last young man in the family's direct line was killed in a car accident when he was only a week away from his coming-of-age ceremony?"

"I don't know if you deliberately left a few posthumous children to facilitate the sequel?"

Those big families are really true to their word.

If you say you want your direct line to cut off your descendants, you will definitely cut off your descendants.

Don't think that after a few decades, they will forget.

And the reason why you want to kill so slowly is to remind those puppets on the stage to recognize their identities, right?

Although Alexander Pierce has Hydra on his back and is one of the snake heads, the huge Hydra says that he is the second terrorist organization, and no other terrorist organization dares to say that he is the first.

But he can't use the power of Hydra in secret now either.

Because of the Zod Hiss who was born out of nowhere, and the Divine Sword Bureau now led by him.

Alexander Pierce did not know how well Zod Heath did the intelligence work of the Divine Sword Bureau, but he would never underestimate any genius, especially Zod Heath, a genius who was almost omnipotent.

Most geniuses are only reflected in their brain inspiration and thinking,

It is precisely because of this that the world is run by people who are not geniuses. However, there is actually a kind of genius in this world. They can not only surpass everyone in terms of IQ, but also reach an incredible level in terms of emotional intelligence.

In other words, they can not only get into the research room to invent one after another shocking miracle, but also be able to handle interpersonal relationships and various affairs very well like a management expert. Just to be the leader of humanity.

Alexander Pierce and Hydra were very afraid of Zod Heath, so Hydra's activities were kept as small as possible, lest the Director of the Excalibur Bureau, who can now be said to have hands and eyes, find any clues.

This caused him to use his own strength to fight against the three major intelligence organizations and bite a piece of meat from them.

Fortunately, the flourishing FBI and CIA are not without flaws.

Take one thing that Alexander Pierce knew, when the FBI department set up a bureau and caught a governor.

It was the reason the governor took a $50,000 bribe.

As a result, the major media in the whole world were shocked and focused on the $50,000 knife, and even chicken soup articles were created for this reason.

As for the $50,000 that was just a meeting fee for the governor, and the FBI department subsequently opened up a big network of human organ smuggling spread across more than half of the United States, not many media paid attention to it and reported it.

Because behind this is the big melon, so big that the media dare not report it, only dare to stop the momentum and rumors, and at the same time change the topic, for fear of being targeted for it.

The follow-up result is that, with the FBI department going all the way, it is immediately discovered that on the top of this big net, not only does this incident have the biggest goal of success, but also the old rival CIA department, there is actually a congressional Gon. Gong Zhu Gong!

After all the high-level officials of the FBI department made a fool of themselves, not only did several FBI investigators have a "depressive episode" and then chose to "suicide" to apologize, the criminals captured by the FBI also "suicide" in the "suicide prevention prison" .

Of course, the next funding for the FBI department was cut again.

The rest, together with the official forces handling the case, were stunned for a while, and Zhiqu chose to stop here.

It was not until the current President of the United States was born that the FBI department created by the American protector was regained some vitality.

Alexander Pierce felt he could take advantage of this and give the three major intelligence organizations eye drops.

After all, the United States is so big and has so much power. The three departments are divided together and cannot be divided.

Even if the CIA does not have law enforcement powers in the country, it is not that the CIA often pretends to be an FBI agent.

If nothing else, at least half of the hundreds of thousands of complaint letters the FBI receives every day are from various organizations posing as the FBI.

"On the Russian side, how can the Divine Hammer Bureau and Leviathan get along so peacefully?"

Alexander Pierce sighed and said, don't blame me for being ruthless, don't blame me for making the first move, after all, there is a saying in the Chinese people that the first strike is the strongest, and the second strike suffers.

Then he started calling people to do the layout.

This is also the problem that Zod Heath was worried about before the proliferation of privileged organizations.

It's just that he is currently in the academy of the Excalibur Bureau.

The students who entered the Excalibur Academy were all elites selected from all over the world.

There are many elite spy successors originally prepared by the Russian Leviathan, and even super spy agents trained by the United States.

"Starting today, after you graduate, you will get a number, you will have no names, no information, no records, no data, everything in your past will be deleted, and only the best twenty-six agents can get it. A single letter is used as their name, this is the system of the Excalibur Bureau, if you don't like it, you can quit now."

Zod Heath looked down at the group of academies below, and said calmly.

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