Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 107 Weird No. 2

Nick Fury hurriedly sent someone to bail Tony Stark. Although it was impossible for the American military to do anything to Tony, he was worried about others.

After all, there are only a few rational people in this world.

Although Hydra wanted to take Tony away, they had no confidence to hide it from Nick Fury. In addition, the insight plan had just begun. Hydra, who didn't want to make a mess, had to watch Nick Fury send someone to take Tony away. Stark.

Tony, who was not yet successful, was forced to accept Nick Fury's lectures for a long time, but he didn't listen to it either.

"Zodehis helped the military improve the radar system, or did the radar system that comes with the war machine found me?"

Tony was thinking about this when he got home. Although his steel suit has no anti-radar coating, Jarvis can invade and block, so he didn't develop it.

Now, the AI ​​Jarvis of War Machine can't invade, making him lose his most powerful means.

"Zodehis should also have his own artificial intelligence, and it is more advanced than Jarvis..."

Even so, Tony Stark will not admit that Zod Heath is more talented and smarter than him, he is the smartest and most talented person in the world.

Tony decided to upgrade the steel suit and abandoned the design idea of ​​the Mark 3.

Just when Tony was engrossed in his research, Zodiac's No. 2 oddball appeared.

The huge body easily destroyed a city, and the giant eccentric winding up and down.

Elder Centipede!

The pitch-black shell is nearly indestructible.

The phone of the American military was blown up by the superior in less than an hour. In fact, there is no need for the public to call the police, and then the police report it again, because the elder centipede is too big.

"I buy Karma, what is this!!!"

The police who rushed to the scene saw the huge centipede that easily shattered the building, and hid in a hidden place without saying a word.

"I've seen a lot of monster movies, this must be a monster that escaped from the laboratory!"

"Damn scientists!"

"Run, it's after us!"

Elder Centipede swooped down and was about to devour the crowd on the ground, and among the crowd, most of them were stiff because of instinct, unable to move at all.


A mass of white spider silk was launched into Elder Centipede's face.

Spider silk rushed over.

"Come on!"

She smeared a cobweb on that person's face, but she didn't know how long it would last, so she immediately told the person behind her.

The crowd hurriedly ran away, usually they would choose to watch, but Elder Centipede could seriously injure them or even die if they moved, so it’s better to go back and watch the live news, anyway, the reporters will be desperate to shoot.

"small bug!"

Elder Centipede let out a roar, then swooped down, the spider silk quickly jumped to dodge, Elder Centipede brushed past her, and the airflow driven by the huge body was like a hurricane, so that even if the spider silk was not hit, it was also hit by the airflow and hit her. It shattered the wall and slammed into the street with a groan.

Just as Elder Centipede was about to turn around and eat the spider silk, a bus smashed into its face.

Because of the hardness of Elder Centipede's own carapace and the acceleration of the bus too fast, the bus broke off directly, and Elder Centipede was also smashed into a crooked face.

"Eddie, are you sure we can beat it?"

The venom landed on the head of the centipede elder, trying to attack its face, but the centipede elder slapped it away with his tail.

"What a big centipede!"

The Human Torch also arrived, and he was stunned.

What's wrong with New York, the last time the deep sea king was not enough, this time another big centipede appeared!

And it looks pretty tough.

He tried to bake Elder Centipede with fire, but he was almost swallowed by Elder Centipede instead.

"This guy's shell is so hard, and it's not afraid of fire!"

Fortunately, the Invisible Woman and Reed also arrived at this time.

Last time, because the damage was not enough, and Ben refused to become a Thing again, Reed launched the power of my thinking and created a weapon that was enough to make up for his lack of damage.

Zod, who was watching the play, saw that Reed took out a gun full of sci-fi texture and stared attentively.


Reed's energy bomb directly blew a big hole in Elder Centipede's body, almost breaking Elder Centipede's body in two.

"My Faq, Reed, when did you come up with such a powerful weapon?"

Human Torch was startled, but he didn't expect his brother-in-law to make a big one quietly.

"This is a weapon made in consideration of the last deep sea king's problem, but it seems to be too powerful."

Reed said, preparing to shoot the elder centipede again in the head, because he knew that the vitality of arthropods is very tenacious.

As a result, at this time, they saw the body of the elder centipede shed skin quickly, and then completed the rebirth!

A new centipede elder appeared in front of everyone.

"This thing actually regenerates?"

Human Torch was shocked, it was too outrageous!

This time Reed aimed at Elder Centipede's head, but Elder Centipede, who had taken precautions, avoided the energy bullet and rushed towards Reed.

Susan shot in time and blocked Elder Centipede's impact with an invisible force field.


Susan couldn't hold it any longer and shouted at Reed.

"Wait a minute, it needs charging!"

Reed was also in a hurry. The problem was that weapons with such advanced technology also needed to be recharged.

Seeing this, Zod said that he can only say that he is indeed Mr. Fantastic Reed, who always loses his chains at critical moments.

At this moment, a passionate BGM sounded.

"Looks like you need help."

Accompanied by the arrogant BGM, a gold-red painted steel battle suit was suspended above the crowd.

"You are?"

Everyone, including Elder Centipede, was attracted by this steel battle suit.

"Tony Stark!"

Mark 4 steel suit, anti-radar coating, and more advanced systems!

Tony Stark had just finished when he heard that there was a monster in Manhattan, New York. He immediately put on a steel battle suit and rushed over, and then saw Elder Centipede.

"This is really big enough..."

Tony tsk tsk looked at Elder Centipede, and then spread his shoulders wide. The missiles loaded inside were armor-piercing blasting bombs specially prepared by him after watching the news, which could also be called ground-penetrating missiles.

Elder Centipede slammed forward, and with the assistance of Jarvis, Tony avoided the impact dangerously and dangerously, and then six missiles flew out from both shoulders, all hitting Elder Centipede.

"Hey, Tin Man, that's not going to work, this monster will respawn, and it has to completely destroy its head!"

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