Chen Hui’s words were not high, but listening to Banner’s ears, it seemed that a sudden thunder sounded.

Transformation does not mean becoming a monster, but an evolution, a gift from heaven…

In the human body, there are endless mysteries…

He had never had a similar thought, and he couldn’t help but glance at Chen Hui in surprise, but what attracted his attention the most was Chen Hui’s first sentence.

“Dr. Chen Hui, you said… Do you have a way to keep me in control of my emotions? ”

Chen Hui nodded and said: “Yes, in fact, the reason why your emotions will get out of control, especially after transformation, the loss of control is even more powerful, the main reason is that the power of your emotions is too strong!” So much so that in addition to your own ego personality, you also have a personality called ‘Hulk’! ”

Saying that, Chen Hui took out a special tablet in his hand and clicked on a video.

A swipe of your finger.

Suddenly, the video “floats” into the air and appears in a 3D stereoscopic effect.

This virtual projection technology was sent by Tony to him.

Now Hammer Industries, under the instruction of Chen Hui, has basically cooperated with Stark Industries in an all-round way, so Stark Industries has technology, which he can enjoy for free here.

The video opens.

Then in the air appeared the scene of the Hulk making trouble in Washington.

Banner’s face suddenly showed a look of shame and self-reproach.

“Dr. Banner, there is a good saying, those who dare to face the past can bravely move forward to the future, if you want to control your emotions, I suggest, or watch this video with me at ease!” Chen Hui said.


Banner nodded helplessly and turned his face to the video.

This video was specially cut by Chen Hui.

The scene inside is not the Hulk’s rampant destruction, but the scene of the Hulk blocking in front of a little girl under a collapsed building.

“Look, Dr. Banner, maybe you don’t have an impression, but at that time, you controlled your emotions very well.~.”

Chen Hui moved his hand and froze the picture, “You saved this little girl, some people may say that this is a kind nature hidden in the heart of the Hulk, but what I want to say is that it is your will, your spiritual power, and a powerful control ability condensed by your own personality!” ”

“And this control is the power of Dr. Banner himself!”

“In other words, you can completely use your own power to control the power of the Hulk! Instead of destroying the Hulk’s personality, all you have to do is use your own personality, control the Hulk’s personality, and merge it into one! ”

Chen Hui’s words kept ringing in Banner’s ears.

Banner was slightly startled.

He had never considered such a problem, but Chen Hui, who was not a Hulk himself, knew Hulk better than him, and couldn’t help but admire Chen Hui’s five bodies for a while.

Banner himself is also an extremely intelligent person, listening to Chen Hui’s words at this moment, he gradually entered the state.

“Dr. Chen Hui, I think I understand what you mean.”

Dr. Banner pondered, “It’s like schizophrenia in psychology, but it’s one thing to know the principle, it’s another thing to want to solve it, and I want to control and even fuse the personality of the Hulk, what should I do?” To be honest, for more than five months, I have been looking for ways to control my emotions and have done a lot of cultivation, but when it comes to transforming, I still can’t control it. ”

“Hehe, in fact, psychological problems, many times are due to physiological reasons, just like many teenagers, the reason why they want to be dissatisfied, it is because of the development period!”

Chen Hui smiled and said, “Dr. Banner, if you want to solve the problem of your dual personality, I think… I need to take a blood sample of your genes to do a deeper investigation, you know! ”


Half an hour later, Chen Hui took a large tube of Hulk gene blood samples, and contentedly entered the deep experimental research room and began special research.

After sparing such a big bend in front of Banner and pretending to be forced for so long, Chen Hui’s main purpose is to obtain the genetic blood sample of the Hulk.

One is to conduct more in-depth research, and the other is to store it and save it for later.

“Last time I extracted the essence elements in the Hulk gene, and fused with vibranium elements and new energy elements through the cell ark reactor, thus completely transforming my cell structure.”

“But the Hulk’s genes are far from thoroughly studied! There are more treasures to dig in, such as the angrier the stronger, although the stronger my fighting intent, the greater the strength, but the strength is ultimately physical strength. ”

“Once my physical strength is strong to a certain extent, then my Chakra energy will seem a little chicken, if my Chakra amount can become larger and larger as my battle intent grows, then I want to perform a large-scale Early Fern Dance, the Bone Sea Realm, it can be very easy.”

“In addition, the huge Chakra can also exercise my spiritual power faster, so that my spiritual power, fused with Chakra, and then integrated into osteoclasts, osteoblasts, can grow and decompose bones outside the body at will!” You can also perform a trick similar to killing ashes together! ”

“So first of all, the first point, I will study (Wang Hao) in the Hulk genes, the key factor that strengthens according to emotions, and control it, when the time comes, not only my Chakra can also increase with the will to fight, help Banner control his emotions, it will be very easy and simple!” Kill two birds with one stone! ”

Chen Hui thought in his heart while researching.

Last time, he studied the all-round essence extraction in the Hulk’s genes, but he did not study it thoroughly, but because it was all-round, it was extremely difficult.

This time, he chose a special direction to conquer.

In this specific aspect, although the difficulty is still not small, because it is one-sided, it is slightly easier to study.

Coupled with the help of Dr. Banner and Professor Stern, for almost a month and a half, Chen Hui’s research finally achieved a key breakthrough. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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