New York City, Queens.

The city is always the most beautiful at night, neon lights are very bright, but there are always some corners that appear a little dim, and these dim places often breed a lot of crime.

On the avenue of the tenth block, two trucks were parked face to face, and two people, a total of four people, came out of each of them, gathered together, but their eyes looked around.

“How’s the goods?”

One of the white men with a scar on his face said.

“The goods are in the car, the old rule, while inspecting the goods, while inspecting the money!”

In front of the white man with Scar, a black man with a fleshy face said.


As the white man of Scar nodded, the four of them all took action, and the two got into the back of a truck, while the white man of Scar took out a silver box and opened it to the black man, revealing stacks of dollars inside.

“Boom! Whoops! ”

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the distance.


The white man with Scar slammed the box shut, looking warily into the distance, while the fleshy-faced black man frowned.

He picked up a flashlight and shone it into the distance, and the street was unobstructed, except for a sewer cover, but he found nothing unusual.

“Carlo, it is estimated that the cat stepped on the sewer cover, after all, these covers are a little loose, as long as you step on it, it will make a clattering sound.” The black man said.

“That’s what I said.”

The white man with Scar nodded, also picked up the flashlight and took a picture on the sewer cover, and after finding that it was indeed nothing, he was slightly relieved, and was about to turn his head, but suddenly, his body froze.

Because at this time he found that the sewer lid suddenly opened, followed closely by… A pair of blood-red eyes appeared from it!!

“What’s that!”

The white man of Scar was startled and shouted.

“Carlo, you are looking for death, so loud, what if you attract the police?”

The black man was startled by this sudden shout, and he was immediately annoyed, but he still followed the gaze of the white man with Scar, and this look suddenly froze.

At this moment, the lid of the sewer has been completely lifted, revealing a pair of blood-red eyes, and the owner of this blood-red eyes, a lizard-like monster, crawled out of the sewers, and when it saw them, it suddenly roared and pounced.


“Run away!!”

The two of them let out a terrible scream in unison, and they were about to flee in a hurry, but the speed of the lizard monster was too fast, and quickly grabbed them, and as soon as their claws moved, they snorted twice, and the two were pierced and completely died.

The two horseboys who inspected the goods on the car heard the scream, poked their heads out, just saw this bloody scene, and screamed when they boarded.

The two quickly got into the car and prepared to flee.

But as soon as I got into the car, suddenly a huge green claw directly grabbed the car door, directly dragged it, dragged it away, and then grabbed the person close to the door and pulled it down.

When the other person saw this, he was so frightened that his soul flew out.

Quickly kicked the accelerator, the truck roared, and fled the place like a crazy flight.

This night in New York is destined to be bloody.

After Dr. Lizard killed three people in a row, the smell of blood stimulated him, causing him to twitch violently up and down, followed by several bent and hideous bone spurs emerging from his back.


With a wild roar, Dr. Lizard’s eyes were blood-red, and he entered the sewer again, heading towards the commercial area with a strong human atmosphere.


In a Chinese restaurant on a commercial street in Queens, Chen Hui is having dinner with Gwen.

“Gwen, come, your favorite shredded fish!”

Chen Hui took a bite of food to Gwen, “After eating, let’s go watch the latest movie, I heard that the 3D special effects are very good, you will definitely like it.” ”

“No, I want to watch that “Beijing Meets Seattle”, I heard that it is a very touching love story.” Gwen Dao.

“Oh my God, Gwen, isn’t it too wasteful for you not to watch big movies in the cinema and go to see love stories.”

Chen Hui was suddenly speechless.


But at this moment, his ears moved suddenly, beyond the hearing of ordinary people, allowing him to hear sounds coming from a relatively distant place.

At this moment, the sound he heard was full of screams, screams, running for life, and the sound of many things being destroyed, and even from it came a roar like a beast, and he was suddenly stunned, what was going on? Could it be that Ultraman is going to fight the little monster?

And this stunned kung fu, the roar is getting closer and closer, and soon it is completely on the commercial street, looking out from the window of the restaurant, you can see a huge monster like a lizard is smashing things on the street, killing people indiscriminately, and everywhere it passes, it is a mess, and there are bloodstains and remains everywhere.

“This is…”

Chen Hui’s eyes widened sharply, “Lizardman! Dr. Connors?! ”

Gwen also heard a strange noise at this time, and noticed the existence of the lizard monster, and was immediately stunned, thinking that he was dreaming, but he saw the lizard monster killing, and the piercing scream made Gwen wake up immediately.

The people in the restaurant quickly left.

“Gwen, let’s go!”

Chen Hui took Gwen’s small hand and left immediately.

He never expected that the thing he was most worried about would happen, and it was actually tonight!

You must know that he only developed the gene liquid in the afternoon!

“Made, Dr. Connors, this unreliable fellow, at this time, he should have no reason to use the gene liquid so eagerly, how could it be… Well? ”

Chen Hui left with Gwen while observing Dr. Lizard’s movements.

Suddenly, his eyes moved, and he saw several hideous bone spurs protruding from Dr. Lizard’s back, which made him stunned, followed by a frown, this bone spur, according to his genetic formula, should not appear ah, how did it actually appear now?

Unless Dr. Connors moves his cell tissue sample!

But even so, it takes a lot of effort to integrate the gene code of the cell tissue sample into the drug solution, and it is impossible to complete it in a few hours, and it is not that he underestimates Dr. Connors, but without his help from Chen Hui, Dr. Connors cannot complete the development of the liquid at all.

“Could it be…”

Suddenly, Chen Hui seemed to remember something, picked up the tablet he carried with him, turned on the camera lens he placed in the laboratory, turned on the night vision mode, and followed the scene in the laboratory to appear in front of him.

The burst cage suddenly appeared in the picture, and the ground was a mess, full of broken bottles and cans.

“Sure enough!”

Seeing this, Chen Hui suddenly realized.

It must have been because the experimental guinea pig mutated, and by mistake, ate his cell gene sample, followed by a second mutation.

After mutating, it attacked Dr. Connors, eventually leading to Dr. Connors’ current appearance.


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