Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 652: Changes in the main world (13)

The SUV circled the museum, attracting more and more zombies to join the long run. Looking at the increasing number of zombies in the rearview mirror, John couldn't help but wonder whether one SUV and two bottles of homemade Molotov cocktails could kill them all. There are so many of them, at least thousands, no, there should be tens of thousands. Although John had calculated the number of zombies based on the population density of the area beforehand, and two incendiary bombs should be enough to deal with it, there were too many uncertainties in its implementation. John began to summarize the implementation of the plan: "Currently, all the zombies near the museum have been attracted to me. Calculated based on population density, the number of zombies should be tens of thousands. They are probably chasing at a speed of more than 30 kilometers per hour. Me. Now I am going to use a tactic called 'roadblock' to eliminate them all. The core of this tactic is to create a roadblock or trap, and then lure all the zombies to pass there, so as to slow down the zombies or annihilate them. Wish me luck."

The SUV let out a deep roar and rushed straight towards the intersection. The zombies behind naturally did not dare to neglect, and they used all their strength to catch up with their hands and feet. When the SUV arrived at the intersection, the front of the vehicle first turned slightly to the left. John then pulled the handbrake suddenly, pulling the rear of the SUV to the right, and the entire vehicle began to coast to the left. John immediately turned the steering wheel to the right to prevent the SUV from spinning and allow the entire vehicle to coast. John said to himself: "The knowledge I learned when making racing games came in handy today." John's sharp turn came so fast and sharp that the zombies had no time to react, and because of the large number, the zombies in front of them were unable to make the sharp turn. But when it slowed down, the person behind it had no time to slow down and crashed into it. After the zombie in front was knocked down, it tripped the zombie behind. This caused a chain reaction and the zombies fell to the ground one after another. John saw all this in the rearview mirror. He reached out and picked up the homemade Molotov cocktail, with a victorious smile on his lips, and said, "Come on! You sons of bitches! Come on!" He opened the roof of the car. Lid, throw Molotov cocktail backwards. Two bottles of homemade Molotov cocktails landed in the middle of the road one after the other. John picked up the remote control of the modified model aircraft and started the lighter in the incendiary bomb. Two walls of fire suddenly appeared on the road, blocking the road. The zombie who fell to the ground got up and struggled forward to pass through the wall of fire, completely ignoring the red flames. This was simply a moth rushing to the flame to seek death. Almost no zombies could pass through the second wall of fire. Even if they could, they would have turned into a ball of fire and would fall down after running a few steps. This is John's tactic.

Seeing all the zombies being burned to black coals, seeing these monsters being annihilated, and seeing his own victory, John felt the taste of a true winner for the first time. John couldn't wait to record his first victory: "The tactics were implemented very smoothly, and all the zombies were eliminated. As long as we adopt appropriate tactics, coupled with courage, belief, and hope, we can win." The SUV was driving. When he arrived at the museum, John glanced at the only knife he could rely on, which was given to him by a friend of his. The blade of this knife is made of military material such as seven-chromium-seventeen-molybdenum, which is hard and light. This is also the reason why John brought it out in the first place. John picked up the meat cleaver, put on his backpack, got out of the car and slowly walked towards the door of the museum. The warm and safe fortress was right in front of him.

However, the light after the darkness is far from coming so soon. The darkness before dawn has just begun. John had been dazzled by the temporary victory at this time and relaxed his vigilance. Now he only thought about the supplies in the museum and forgot to confirm the safety of the surroundings first. He was just about to open the bright door of the museum when he suddenly heard rapid footsteps and howling behind him. John secretly screamed something bad. He turned around and saw a zombie rushing towards him across the extinguished wall of fire. How could something slip through the net? Is it because there are too many fallen zombies blocking the intersection, and the last one has to wait until the wall of fire is extinguished before it can get here? No matter what, the most important thing right now is to get into the museum quickly. John tried hard to push the door open, but found that the door did not move at all. The door is locked! John hammered the door hard and shouted loudly: "Open the door! I am a disaster survivor! Open the door! If you don't open the door, I will die!" No one answered in the museum. Could it be that the army was out on a rescue mission? Although there is still a meat cleaver in his hand, if bitten by a zombie, he will be completely transformed into a zombie within 24 hours. It’s over! It’s over this time!

John was heartbroken, dropped his backpack, and ran over with the consciousness of dying with the zombies. To kill zombies, you must destroy their heads or hearts. However, the zombie will not die immediately after being stabbed in the heart. In close combat, stabbing the heart will only give the zombie a chance to bite itself. Holding the knife tightly in his right hand, John rushed to the zombie, kicked the ground with his right foot and jumped up. At this time, he was less than 40 centimeters away from the zombie. He could even smell the stench from the zombie's mouth. John raised the knife with both hands and stabbed the zombie between the eyebrows. The zombie raised its pale hand of death to attack John's collarbone, opening its blood mouth filled with viruses and preparing to bite off John's carotid artery. Victory and defeat, life and death, are decided at this moment.

With a "click", the knife was deeply inserted into the zombie's forehead, and a green liquid came out of the wound with bursts of stench. Its pale hands hung down feebly. In this huge gamble of life and death, John won!

John's legs gave way and he fell to the ground. He raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at the hideous corpse in front of him, and said with trembling lips: "The plan... the plan had a little accident. But luckily this time Stay with me. If another zombie comes, I may not be so lucky."

John put his left hand on the ground, supported his body hard, and struggled to direct his trembling legs to stand up. He felt that his head was heavy, his whole body was dizzy, and his vision began to become blurry. Is this caused by fear? It does not seem. He couldn't explain this situation. Anyway, too many unexplainable things had happened now. The most important thing now was to hide in the museum as soon as possible. He slowly walked towards the museum door, hesitating as he walked to see a seriously ill old woman. While taking heavy steps, John said, "When I was designing stealth games, I hope it can come in handy today." John peered carefully into the keyhole, trying to recall the teachings of habitual thieves. The door's lock is a tumbler lock. The principle is to use multiple cylindrical parts of different heights (called pins) to lock the lock core. When the correct key is inserted, each marble will be pushed to the appropriate height, and the lock cylinder will be released, thus opening the lock. To open this lock, you need at least two paper clips.

Just when John thought of this, he suddenly had a feeling, an indescribable strange feeling. He turned around unconsciously, staring at a stationery shop opposite the museum with his wandering eyes. "Why am I like this? Why am I looking at the stationery store?" John couldn't help asking himself. He stared blankly at the stationery store, his fists gradually clenched, and his slightly bent legs seemed to be preparing for something. There was silence all around, like the calm before a storm. The silent wind, silent SUV, and silent streets are exactly the opposite of the hot scene just now.

A dog-like howling followed by rapid footsteps broke the silence. Then the closed door of the stationery store made a crashing sound of "Bang! Bang! Bang!" Then there was a sudden pause for about 1 second, and there was a sudden sound like a strong wind breaking a big tree. A big hole was knocked out of the door, and the debris was scattered on the ground. (To be continued.)

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